Opinions on Nullcord

I currently use Velocity (ctd to be exact) and won’t be changing proxies. With that out of the way, a couple of years ago I met a guy who liked clowning on Nullcord, never explained why (I didn’t ask either tbh). Also was a Flamecord fan tho. So, what are your opinions on Nullcord as a product? Compared to similar bungee proxies. I found some people that recommend it and puzzled me because of that first impression from the guy I mentioned. So I got curious about what are the real opinions on it.
43 Replies
Upioti4d ago
I know the owner, pretty good detections, good software overall if you care about antibot, optimization does suck a bit more then xCord's though so i would maybe lean to xCord if i were to stay on bungee (Velocity + limbofilter still on top tho) Flamecord is a joke in terms of antibot, and everything overall, for example it has an issue where it wont read proxyproto properly and will drop the ips from your proxy provider, i pointed it out to the owner and said it wasnt possible to fix and ignored (Which isnt true as basically any other antibot proxy has compatibility with proxyprotocol)
I also heard the nullcord dev is very attentive when it comes to reporting issues, overall it gave me a good impression now that I revisited their store But tbh, I didn't like and still don't like the captcha part, but that probably can be easily disabled in the config, so I don't think it's someting for me to criticize Overall I also saw a solid product there, I'd probably try it at least if I were to use bungee
Upioti4d ago
It can be disabled, he is from the cracked latin-american community so bots are a big problem, he has a very advanced captcha which will probably not be bypassed anytime soon, because xCord's can be bypassed by some advanced tools
I'm also lat american actually 😅 This is probably not related to nullcord anymore, but interestingly enough, in our community bots are still a problem even for non-cracked servers, in small servers mcstorm could crash the server and lag everyone inside even if the bots couldn't actually join (this was from the year were I met that guy). At that point is more a ddos rather than a bot attack, but the hosting provider at the time refused to help because it wasn't a bot attack for them. The reason I don't like captchas is because, last year I run like 4-5 experimental (1month) servers in which I've been using an antibot (because of the reason above) and players that couldn't immediately join just left. And I know those were real players because later some of them came to ask on discord why they couldn't join and showed the screenshot with the very clear message "We're authorizing your connection, you can now join again to enter the server" :marketplace: ("join again" in gold and bold)
Upioti4d ago
Ah, yeah but those types of bots are more like DDoS attacks, for those you would hire a protection service instead of trying to get an antibot to handle them, though xCord has a better chance in that case. Hosting providers cannot stop them as they are real "legitimate" traffic, you need someone specialized in minecraft, or a cluster or antibot proxies with 10gbps networking (Expensive) People will be dumb, you can disable the captcha tho
Yh, only issue is that those services are paid monthly, I wouldn't plan on using those until I hold at least a medium-sized longterm server I usually take that tradeoff of just disabling that first join protection (captcha in case of nullcord, first time kick in case of my antibot), a bit less protected but at least players don't leave. Probably doesn't matter that much if the server is online-mode tho
Upioti4d ago
Well yeah, they have monthly recurring costs, just the same as if you wanted to take the attacks in your own. If server is online mode you can safely disable captchas and just keep on the more lower-network checks for bots Still id recommend a nice cpu and at least a 10Gbit/s uplink because otherwise those bots will take you down and also host somewhere that has good layer4 protection
The antibot I use has both layer7 and layer4 protection, requires a vps to run tho I have somewhat planned the type of architecture I'm gonna use, but definitely will use the best available once in production
Upioti4d ago
No antibot can provide layer4 protection, that is something you need big servers with beefy uplinks to do If you have a 1gbps uplink and get a 10gbps attack, theres nothing software can do
Maybe I just forgot the order of the layers But that antibot blocks using iptables
Upioti4d ago
Antibots advertise "layer4" protection which is nothing more then using iptables for some stuff
Upioti4d ago
iptables is not performant so a 500k-1m packet/s attack will kill a 5600X And it cannot dissapear traffic, so if the attack is bigger then your uplink, it will also kill the server
Yh, but by the time the server needs that level of protection, it'll probably be big enough to justify a purchase of one of the anti ddos services It's temporarily, until it grows enough (if it grows enough)
Upioti4d ago
Hmm not entirely true its mostly luck sending Layer4 ddos attacks is not complicated or expensive if you get someone mad at you they can take you down And unless you host somewhere with a decent level of protection even free programs can do so
Hmm, will have to plan for that then
Upioti4d ago
I assume you will host on miami?
I had considered that level of attacks are a bit more rare, so I just shrug that into the "accept risk" part of the matrix
Upioti4d ago
Not rare at all, in fact Layer7 is usually more rare, at least the actually powerful ones... specially more now that mcstorm died All it takes is "free booter" search on google for some kid to gather enough power to take down any famous non-protected hosting (RS, Vultr, Hetzner, etc) And for the famous protected ones (OVH, Cosmic, etc) they can do so with a $15-25/m one
Nope, I think my hosting provider was in ashburn iirc I don't plan on supporting lat players tho, the server will just be on english
Upioti4d ago
Ah thats a good choice miami is kinda fucked network wise Whos the hosting provider?
Upioti4d ago
Incredible performance, a low price tag and Carbon neutrality
Upioti4d ago
Upioti4d ago
gimme a sec They use "bonsai hosting ltd" as a server provider no clue who they are
Just confirmed, it's indeed in ashburn
Upioti4d ago
but they have GSL as an upstream Which should be enough to stop the free booter kids depends on their specific mitigation settings but it may actually require a $30-50/m program to take down so dont worry about it for now
So into the accept risk goes again One thing less to worry about
Upioti4d ago
Yeah When you become big enough to get taken down you surely have enough to hire a specialized service Surprisingly, script kiddies dont actually have money so $50/m for them is quite a lot
Yh, I'm also planning on having this as a hobby so I don't need to get an actual income from the network, I plan to reinvest everything back into the network and put whatever could be missing from my pocket, at long as it isn't that expensive ButI really need to save on monthly costs for the first months at least Yup, I'm somewhat aware of that I think mcstorm had a cheaper plan tho, fortunately was taken down from public internet, but it's probably still lingering somewhere Probably not accessible to most skids at that point
Upioti4d ago
Not really, i think only kickall keeps it as a private tool, only really goes for big servers Yeah Layer7 attacks shouldnt be an issue with xcord/velocity They would need like at least 100k C/s to cause any damage and frankly no script kiddie has enough proxies/servers to do that Biggest bot attack we've seen this year was less than 200k C/S
Wild The attacks I got were even smaller than that
Upioti4d ago
I would assume, as we are not a server but a provider lol
Interesting enough, it happened only the first time. After I got the antibot I didn't get any :marketplace: Yh, probably
Upioti4d ago
So like across a ton of servers from all sizes and communities the biggest attack didnt surpass 200k Most people will get bored instantly after seeing xCord/etc not worth their time specially if they had a cheap mcstorm plan
Probably related, I haven't stopped using the antibot since Even if those are experimental servers to me, the people playing there still like to play uninterrupted
Upioti4d ago
I take it back a customer just got hit with 300k+ C/s
Upioti4d ago
bot attack alone is 7gbps worth of traffic lol
No description
Error1104d ago
Me when not velocity 💤
ProGamingDk4d ago
Thats their parent company
I use velocity How much time it lasted?
Upioti4d ago
Hours ig But like intermitent

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