Attempted to load class net/minecraft/client/Minecraft for invalid dist DEDICATED_SERVER

I'm trying to run a modded server on Forge 1.18.2-40.2.18 (Java 21), but every time I try to start it, it crashes with "Attempted to load class net/minecraft/client/Minecraft for invalid dist DEDICATED_SERVER" I read that this can be due to clientside only mods being installed on the server, but I checked the modlist and I don't think any of them are clientside only? Here is the modlist: -Epic Knights -Medieval Siege Machines -Absent By Design -Alex's Mobs -Amplified Nether -Aquaculture -Aquamirae -Architectury -AutoRegLib -Awesome Dungeon End -Backpacked -Biomancy -Biometweaker -Bosses of Mass Destruction -Botania -Buddycards -Buddycards Expansions -Caelus -Canary -Ultimate Car Mod -Carryon -Chipped -Chunk Pregenerator -Citadel -Clockwork -Cloth Config -Collective -Comforts -Configured -Connectible Chains -Corpse -Cosmetic Armor Reworked -CraftTweaker -Create Enchantment Industry -Create Interactive -Create -Create Crafts and Addons -Create Big Cannons -Cristellib -Cucumber -Darker Depths -Dark Paintings -Decorative Blocks -Distant Horizons (serverside fork) -Enlightend -Eureka -FallingTree -Fantasy Furniture -Farmer's Delight -Feature NBT Deadlock Be Gone -Ferritecore -Fossils and Archeology -Epic Fight -Framed Blocks -Framework -Geckolib -Goblin traders -Hexerei -Ice and Fire -Immersive Aircraft -Immersive Melodies -Infernal Expansion -Infinity Buttons -Inspirations -Iron's Spells and Spellbooks -Item Blacklist -Jade -JEI -JustMail -Knight Quest -Konkrete -Kotlin -L_Ender's Cataclysm -Let's Forge Bronze and Iron -Let's Forge Pirates -Libraryferret -Lodestone -Malum -Mantle -Macaw's Doors -Macaw's Fences -Measurements -Modernfix -Modonomicon -More Hitboxes -Mushroom Quest -Obscure API -Occultism -Patchouli -Placeable Items -Player Animation Library -Polymorph -Quark -Refined Storage -Repurposed Structures -Selene -Shanty Discs -Simple Shops -Slice and Dice -SmartBrainLib -Sparse Structures -Steam'N'Rails -Storage Drawers -Supplementaries -Table Top Craft -Tectonic -TerraBlender -Terralith -The Bumblezone -Towns and Towers -Twilight Forest -Valkyrien Skies -Village Spawn Point -Walljump -Weapons of Miracles -Wild Backport -Xaero's Minimap -Xaero's Worldmap -Xercapaint -Yung's API -Yung's Better Mineshafts -Yung's Better Nether Fortresses -Yung's Cave Biomes
2 Replies
qvaras3w ago
xaeros mods are client side unsure if thats the issue though
Tamz3w ago
they can be used on the server you don’t need distant horizons on the server. Ever. item blacklist might be client only player animation stuff is Client only most of the time

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