Host backup
What's the best way to back up my entire host dedi? Any existing solutions out there?
41 Replies
And how often do I store backups + how long do I keep old backups for? I'm looking at using hetzner S3 atm
hetzner s3 doesnt really have any redeemable qualities
expensive, less regions/nodes, etc
traffic costs
comparatively yes
it's 5.99 a month, much cheaper than R2/AWS
I will rarely have egress traffic
backblaze, idrive s3
ingress is free
its also eu only, a beta product imo
and with less track record
you did compare it to the most expensive options and with less features etc
Yea it being new is quite scary, that's my biggest issue with it
like cloudflare r2 having edge caching
didn't know that, that's cool
dont you also have US nodes
We will in the future
well wont you
our second node will be US, first is EU
fair enough,
for that wouldnt you want a bucket for US then
which you cant with hetzner
Alright I'll look into backblaze
How do I backup the dedi to backblaze though? Is there some tool to do this
I believe you can try snapshotting
okay so basically
restic + backblaze sounds good?
Restic handles incremental and deduplication and all that
Virtfusion disaster recovery
also dont use backblaze, you can get stuff 3x cheaper from bulkvm and running minio/garage
jeez 3x cheaper waasn't a joke
I will look into it, these prices are great. thank you
i recommend using garage instead of minio, it offers replication on multiple servers and it supports clusters
Do you have pelican/pterodactyl? or how are you running the server?
ptero with a backend infront of it, we will be moving to custom for full release
i have it made but itβs missing certain features
and i need to ensure its 100% safe, maybe even safer than ptero
seems fancy, iβll check it out
"ptero with a backend infront of it"
What do you mean by that?
a backend isnt in front of something
The user never actually uses pterodactyl. They use our custom panel and our custom backend.
Our custom backend talks with the pterodactyl API and further manages the server from there
Carbon frontend -> Carbon backend -> pterodactyl API
Acronis and/or Veeam community
if you want full metal dr backups
How much should I actually backup?
I was thinking 1 backup every 6 hours. 3 of those persist for 24 hours, 1 of them persists for 3 days
that seems like a lot. The users can also create their own backups
You only need to back up enough to restore the node, providing you make sure it's well documented your users are responsible for their own data backup policies
daily with 7 day data persistence
or 1 backup ever 6 hours and 1 persists for 24 hours and then 7 day rentention
okay thank you
would NOT use bulkvm just as a fyi
you arent allowed to use more than 25% of your allocated cpu for more than a hour (so like cant use more than a single thread of your 4 you paid for, for more than a hour on the highest plan)
and if you do
they can terminate your entire vps, meaning all your backups
also doesnt seem like its registered
π guess not then
backblaze look cool
requires modification of the s3 backup part of wings
backblaze does weird things that break with ptero
so for now I settled on b2 for backups of the dedi + dbs
and hetzner S3 for user backups
thank you all
I hope the close commands aren't meant to work