someone please help
My server is going crazy basically and dont know why someone please tell me why my tps is keep crashing please
spark is a performance profiler for Minecraft clients, servers, and proxies.
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Requested by beullig07#0
Spark Profile Analysis
These are not magic values. Many of these settings have real consequences on your server's mechanics. See this guide for detailed information on the functionality of each setting.
❌ mobs.villager.spawn-iron-golem.radius
Increase this in purpur.yml.
Recommended: 5.
Requested by beullig07#0 • Page 2 of 2
oh god
God you're going to get like 6 people griping at you to disable swap even though you're on windows, be prepared
is it not good
to use swap memory
if 6 ppl are gonna tell me that then there must be a reason
Because they don't realize windows uses it different than Linux, and they don't realize that.
The issue is with your scoreboard plugin
what is it doing do you know?
Updating economy Placeholders
i see
Taking like 40% tick time
Best I can tell
im going to get rid of economy placeholder i guess?
placeholder expansion*
There's probably something you can do to make it faster
Or less impactful
I recommend reaching out to the stats plugin dev
i dont even think i see statsb anymore
do you know any scoreboard plugin?
i needed it for kill stats but i dont need it anymore
ajleaderboards with lp contexts disabled ig?
tbh skript and ur cpu in general aint good for ur performance either
ur also using sub 12gb aikar flags
oh if you dont mind. Can you configure me a jvm flag please? I have no idea what im doing with the flag
btw how did you find that cuz when im trying to do self diagnosis i just cant find anything
go to the plugins tab
and then find the plugin and keep going down the tree
First: select the time period with the most lag.
Next: go to plugins tab and look at what is taking the most time

Open up the + symbols, see what it's doing.
In this case it looks like your scoreboard plugin is making a lot of economy checks
i found the issues, its with LiteEco itself, everytime getBalance is called its doing a database call, it doesnt cache the player's balance in memory which is causing the lag cus database querys are slow
so the only real solution is to sebd in a report to the liteeco dev or to switch to another eco plugin
yea i thought it was liteeco too.. do you know how i would get to move player database to another eco
other then hoping that a different eco plugin has a converter from liteeco alot of pain/manual work/ coding a tool to convert them
or maybe i could use gpt-4..?
idk i'll deal with it ig