Is there a good plugin for letting players setting their teleportation pads or something?

I have a creative mode focused server, however we used to use command blocks, but I don't want that anymore because it's a security breach. I want a way of players setting their teleportation spots with pressure plates or buttons without using a command block with a /tp command on it. Any suggestions? Also, I know how to code, so if it's really necessary, I can code my own plugin.
15 Replies
Admincraft Meta
Admincraft Meta3mo ago
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Requested by pvini07br#0
! Tiny Helius
! Tiny Helius3mo ago
EssentialsX? It has homes.
MelonOof3mo ago
instead of buttons or plates, you could use npcs
The idea is to make them place a pressure plate and a home will be created there? Or do you want to have a pressure plate on the spawn so when they walk over it they will get teleported to their homes?
pvini07BROP3mo ago
okay, let me explain: some players want to build some structure that there might be a button or pressure plate that leads you to somewhere else, more specifically, to a coordinate. something like /tp @s 293 43 95. but without relying on command blocks for that and i'm not talking about homes or warp
MelonOof3mo ago
pvini07BROP3mo ago
Ok, now I understand Tbh, never heard of a plugin like that before, but seems simple at first glance
Venerable3mo ago
i've heard of something similar, but not as a plugin ender relay mod for fabric maybe draw some inspiration from there?
If you end up coding one urself, the teleporting seems just to store coordinates in a database (sqlite seems more than enough), and teleporting the player once PlayerInteractEvent triggers As for allowing the players to actually set-up their own destinations, maybe creating a command like /setwarp <button/plate> which gives them the item and finishes the interaction once the item has been placed
pvini07BROP3mo ago
hmm alright ah yeah, not only pressure plates or buttons, also signs maybe even interaction entities? huh, apparently there is a plugin for teleporting with signs. ah its only for warps
PlayerInteractEvent should cover pressure plates, buttons and signs, just get and check the material
pvini07BROP3mo ago
nvm i misread it this plugin works like this: you set two points with signs you right click on one of them and it teleports you
Cool, and src is available, you can fork or use it as a reference to do the same with buttons and p-plates

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