Admincraftโ€ข2mo ago

TPS Lag from entities or something else?

Is this from all the entities we have or from something else? https://spark.lucko.me/SOyuC8FJCN
spark is a performance profiler for Minecraft clients, servers, and proxies.
35 Replies
Tamzโ€ข2mo ago
what type of profiler is this
FaultyOPโ€ข2mo ago
Spark? What do you mean? It was run with /spark profiler start --thread *
Tamzโ€ข2mo ago
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Tamzโ€ข2mo ago
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Tamzโ€ข2mo ago
this is pretty cool ngl
FaultyOPโ€ข2mo ago
Oh yeah it's Spark. It's included with paper and purpur servers
Tamzโ€ข2mo ago
yeah ik spark spark isnt like that by default
Tamzโ€ข2mo ago
yes its modded vs plugin but still
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Tamzโ€ข2mo ago
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Tamzโ€ข2mo ago
yeah perhaps lower your render distance from 14 to like 10-9
Tamzโ€ข2mo ago
ah thats why ffs ๐Ÿ˜ญ
FaultyOPโ€ข2mo ago
I think people were mining a bunch in the nether and the netherrack drops were piling up. Could that be the cause?
For items sure, but there's still a huge amount of item frames and displays Also the report doesn't help much, the flag --thread is used to monitor other threads, the lag comes from the main thread which doesn't appear when using that flag afaik Use this instead: /spark profiler start --only-ticks-over 150 Still I'm pretty sure the entities are probably at fault
FaultyOPโ€ข2mo ago
Okay I'll do that next time the lag starts happening. Thanks! Not sure why spark is so weird and doesn't just show everything with one command lol
Probably will bloat the whole page For example, theads is used when you want to monitor some specific threads (in your case shows all because you used *), in that scenario you don't need the rest
FaultyOPโ€ข2mo ago
Okay here is the updated spark report with this command: https://spark.lucko.me/jiJsNehbzf
spark is a performance profiler for Minecraft clients, servers, and proxies.
Chibi Bot Admincraft
Chibi Bot Admincraftโ€ข2mo ago
๐Ÿ“‹ Spark profile attached:
FaultyOPโ€ข2mo ago
spark is a performance profiler for Minecraft clients, servers, and proxies.
Chibi Bot Admincraft
Chibi Bot Admincraftโ€ข2mo ago
๐Ÿ“‹ Spark profile attached:
FaultyOPโ€ข2mo ago
I just don't understand how some servers can host up to 50+ players just fine and our TPS tanks to 11-12 with 6 players on. If anyone has any insight I would def appreciate it. ๐Ÿ™
Snow Kit
Snow Kitโ€ข2mo ago
can you please make just a normal spark report with no flags
I asked them to do a spark report filtering ticks over 150 At least from the new report, seems like an io issue? I thought it might be entity lag In this report, did you pregenerated your world? Your host uses ssd or hdd? This one has entity lag, you have a huge amount of item frames I also believe having anti xray enabled in world-defauls (every world) is having a huge impact on performance, but Iโ€™m not sure, I donโ€™t use papers anti-xray
FaultyOPโ€ข2mo ago
Itโ€™s a pregenerated world, ssd. So you think itโ€™s the entities? Iโ€™ll take look into xray as well
Snow Kit
Snow Kitโ€ข2mo ago
and thatโ€™s not helpful when the median mspt is at 63 6 ticks being over 150ms over 7 minutes arenโ€™t the cause of his server averaging 13tsp
Makes sense Can you make a spark report without any flag like @Snow Kit mentioned? Just /spark profiler start
FaultyOPโ€ข2mo ago
Sure thing I'll update the next time it's lagging
FaultyOPโ€ข2mo ago
Well we're not lagging anymore. Here is the spark report: https://spark.lucko.me/PPydIhWbej
spark is a performance profiler for Minecraft clients, servers, and proxies.
Chibi Bot Admincraft
Chibi Bot Admincraftโ€ข2mo ago
๐Ÿ“‹ Spark profile attached:
FaultyOPโ€ข2mo ago
Basically same number of entites. I followed the Minecraft server optimization guide a bit more aggressively and tweaked some values. Solid 20TPS with 9-10 people on This one: https://github.com/YouHaveTrouble/minecraft-optimization
Glad you no longer have lag Let us know if it happens again Yh, thatโ€™s a good guide
Thereโ€™s also this one: https://paper-chan.moe/paper-optimization/
Paper Chan hideout
Paper chan's Little Guide to Minecraft Server Optimization!
The most complete Minecraft server optimization guide with everything you need to know about running a Paper Minecraft server plus Paper Chan!
FaultyOPโ€ข2mo ago
Thanks so much! Will take a look!
Snow Kit
Snow Kitโ€ข2mo ago
I will say, you have a bit of data packs causing lag. vanilla minecraft does have a command you can run to find out what datapack(s) are causing lag, but idk what it is off the top of my head there was a guide now but canโ€™t find it https://docs.bloom.host/datapacks/#disclaimer

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