How to get information out of placeholders

I'm using a placeholder %craftingstore_donator_1% that for example outputs 'ohsogamer: 9.99: I would like just the name from this, so is there a way to split placeholders on the colon for example?
5 Replies
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Requested by ohsogamer#0
Discount Milk
Discount Milk2y ago
What are you using to display the placeholder? TAB?
Deleted User
Deleted User2y ago
probably a custom plugin? TAB plugin has this feature named Conditional Placeholders Other than that you're out of luck unless another expansion offers this
OhSoGamerOP2y ago
no, holograms I think another expansion will be able to do it.... just depends which one
Discount Milk
Discount Milk2y ago
GitHub - Kqliber/Expansion-ChangeOutput: Change outputs of a placeh...
Change outputs of a placeholder on certain conditions - GitHub - Kqliber/Expansion-ChangeOutput: Change outputs of a placeholder on certain conditions

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