Server is lagging when loading chunks This is spark report, we only have 2 players online and they are flying but the mstp has been jumping to above 10.
spark is a performance profiler for Minecraft clients, servers, and proxies.
13 Replies
Admincraft Meta
Admincraft Metaβ€’3mo ago
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Requested by tinyhelius#0
Skulliansβ€’3mo ago
have you pregenerated? the 5700g isn't the worst cpu but it isn't the best either 17mspt is generally fine, especially if you haven't pregenerated
! Tiny Helius
! Tiny HeliusOPβ€’3mo ago
I have I have been doing that the whole night
ProGamingDkβ€’3mo ago
that isnt a lot also leaf isnt a great thing to use tbh
! Tiny Helius
! Tiny HeliusOPβ€’3mo ago
isn't it bad for 2 players with pregen?
ProGamingDkβ€’3mo ago
the MAX including basically the start of the server has been 78 ms, and i meant pregen time
TheyCallMeSpyβ€’3mo ago
if soulmate exists, then it must connected all time
Skulliansβ€’3mo ago
How far did you pregenerate are you pregenerating while playing?
! Tiny Helius
! Tiny HeliusOPβ€’3mo ago
no to the world border and a bit after
I have the same cpu. 17 mspt is a bit high in my experience but that might just be due to less optimization on leaf compared to other server software or if you're running another service in the background. I'm not sure 9gb is necessary but you might have higher player numbers normally in which case it would make sense. Also I'd recommend setting minimum and maximum memory to the same otherwise java screws itself trying to return memory to the os
Your tps is 20 if your mspt doesn’t pass 50. 17 is more than fine
! Tiny Helius
! Tiny HeliusOPβ€’3mo ago
Ok so this is quite weird, with 31 players we didn't pass 13mstp even when they were all loading chunks which seems off to me but we had no lag what so ever and everything is fine. But everything is good now.

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