Admincraft9mo ago

C2ME on oracle server?

ive kinda noticed a minecraft server on oracle seems to kinda strugle in chunk generation, was wondering if anyone was any experience running C2ME on oracle and did it help or nah?
41 Replies
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Admincraft Meta9mo ago
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Skullians9mo ago
I've used c2me and it's alright. It's not stable. And you're right. Chunk gen is slow. Consider pregenning !chunky
Carl-bot9mo ago
Plugin: Chunky
Chunky is a plugin that will load chunks in a defined radius into server memory, making it easier, and less performance impacting on your server when a player loads those chunks. If you've setup a worldborder, start with by typing /chunky worldborder . Otherwise, you can set a radius using /chunky radius #. Then run /chunky start. It is a good idea to let this run with no players online. If your server does crash, just start it back up and /chunky resume and it should pick back up where it left off. Once it tells you that the task is finished, you may remove the chunky plugin folder and the Chunky .jar from your server.
Admincraft Canned Responses
Skullians9mo ago
(also a mod ^)
KainOP9mo ago
its not stable in a bad way or did you notice some really strange stuff with it?
QarthO9mo ago
there’ been reports of it corrupting chunk data, but very minimal. I think it’s ok to use, I’d just make sure ur taking backups
Skullians9mo ago
chunk gen is fine. it just causes crashes (sometimes) and random log spam
Skullians9mo ago
Noisium - Minecraft Mod
Optimises worldgen performance for a better gameplay experience.
KainOP9mo ago
hmm interesting i dont plan to use it on like a heavy modded server or anything its mostly vanilla
Skullians9mo ago
how much storage did you get? 50gb?
KainOP9mo ago
oh i have 200
Skullians9mo ago
nicee yeah i would pregen do like a 5-10k pregen it will take a long time (maybe 24+ hrs) but worth it
KainOP9mo ago
see a lot of people do suggest that but the reason i never done it is just never wanted to have unnecessary chunks created in the world haha but oh well its only like 1-3 people server for fun 😄
Skullians9mo ago
I would try out the mod I linked then, noisium As afaik it’s more stable than C2ME
KainOP9mo ago
i do have that as well to my testing its maybe slightly better but not by much 😄
Skullians9mo ago
honestly? If you haven’t seen any big performance impacts then it should be alright. If it’s getting on your nerves consider doing a pregen Doesn’t have to be a big pregen 3-5k for small playerbase
KainOP9mo ago
yes i see thanks will def consider that! Anything else i can do on oracle for more performance gain? like system wise?
QarthO9mo ago
Also unnecessary chunks pre-generated has zero impact on lag I see a lot of people confuse that, and think trimming a world and keeping it small keeps it less laggy When it actually does quite the opposite
KainOP9mo ago
should i get anything else for performance im missing?
No description
KainOP9mo ago
also i always seen trimming a world as decreasing the size of it but don't think it does anything for performance
QarthO9mo ago
Chunky to pregen Spark to debug
QarthO9mo ago
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QarthO9mo ago
Can look thru these and see if any of them appeal u
Skullians9mo ago
Honestly I think what you’ve got is fine. I’m assuming this is a friend SMP (presumably TMC-related from the mods) so having any mods like ServerCore that bring mechanics away from vanilla might not be ideal
KainOP9mo ago
correct id want it to remain as close to vanilla mechanics as possible is 10 render and sim distance too high??
Skullians9mo ago
I’d say 8 view and 6 sim or if you want a bit higher 10 view 8 sim, but you’re going to cause more lag the higher it is 10 view 10 sim is too much
KainOP9mo ago
can anything break like farms and stuff with too low sim/render distance?
Skullians9mo ago
just check that any farms you make are actually loaded within simulation distance (always go by sim and not view, as simulation distance is entity loading) if you’re making really complicated farms such as lazy looting you’ll have to do some testing carpet has viewDistance and simulationDistance rules that you can change if you wish to change them temporarily
KainOP9mo ago
yes i see, ig an example is if u wanna load fully a quad witch hut i think ur gonna need at least 10 sim right? cause i think thats the whole mob spawn/despawn sphere
Skullians9mo ago
mob despawn sphere is 128 blocks right? 128 radius*
KainOP9mo ago
Skullians9mo ago
128 / 16 = 8 so you’d need 8 sim if my math is correct (view / sim is in radius and so is the despawn sphere iirc)
KainOP9mo ago
yup ur right 8 sim is enough to load a quad hut thanks! is there any carpet optimizations i can enable? i only know of lagfreespawning
Skullians9mo ago
you can try fastRedstoneDust not sure but lagFreeSpawning is good
KainOP9mo ago
i feel like carpet has some optimization rules that a kinda redundant because lithium already has them like enabling optimizedTNT actually causes more lag 💀 by a big amount
Skullians9mo ago
yeahhh lagFreeSpawning is usually the only one you need You can try downloading Clumps for XP orbs not sure if it’s 1.20.6
KainOP9mo ago
actually im on 1.21 are aikar flags still the best?
Skullians9mo ago
yeah oh mb Clumps is 1.21 just checked
QarthO9mo ago
Well, you’d probably want to keep render/sim distance as close to vanilla as possible even if it effects performance, since it can massively change how mob farms and restore contraptions work
Skullians9mo ago
eh yeah depends what you’re building my server is on 8 view 6 sim and any farms I’ve run have been fine
QarthO9mo ago
it'll change mob rates, and then also minimize how big ur farms can be since now ur limited to 6 chunks radius. and any redstone machines that utilize the lazy loading mechanic might need to be modified for the difference in sim distance. which can be tweaked, but just makes more senese to keep to the vanilla defaults as thats what all the TMC youtubers use

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