Vertically stacking large worlds into a single world.

I have 7 world saves of pregenerated terrain that are each 51200x51200 blocks. Build height is from 0 (min) to 255 (max), so 256 blocks. What I want to do is create a single world save that vertically stacks all those world saves on each other - using a datapack, the world height can accomodate this. I tried using MCA Selector to do this, but it seems that its import tool doesn't support y-offset values above 24 (which is 384 blocks). Does anyone know of another way to accomplish this? I would prefer a command-line tool, but any tool that can accomplish this AND work with worlds this large (reminder that EACH of those 7 worlds is up to 51200*51200*256) is what I need. Please note that I'm fully aware of the potential performance issues and all the other possible things that could go wrong with the end result if successful. Thank you in advance.
6 Replies
Arthurmeade125d ago
Maybe try using Amulet ( which is the best world-editor rn afaik
Cubicake5d ago
Why though? Feels a bit like it may be an xy problem
HTPOP4d ago
I've tried that tool and it struggles heavily with a world of this size. At least the GUI version of it, I'm not aware of a command line version I'm not sure what this means.
Cubicake4d ago Basically, why do you want to stack the worlds?
HTPOP4d ago
If you're familiar with CraftingAzeroth, that's what I'm trying to stack/merge. If not, then suffice to say it's a voxelized/converted world that was divided into 7 vertical slices, designed to be stacked in exactly the way I'm describing I'm just looking into ways to merge them into a single world now that it's possible to datapack Also, it's not an XY problem. It's an X problem, there is no Y.
Juloas2d ago
I don't know why there isnt any tool for large scale operations like this for Minecraft worlds, i mean.. i'm sure a lot of people came across this issue, in fact i did, it was a different problem but required the same kind of tool.. let me know if you find anything helpful :/

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