I can't delete a world created using a datapack (Purpur 1.21.4)

I have a purpur server where I have a world generated using a datapack, I have deleted the datapack from the folder and deleted the world, but every time I restart the world the folder the world reappears Plugins: advancedregionmarket-3.5.3.jar AnimatedScoreboard.jar Chunky-Bukkit-1.4.28.jar Citizens-2.0.37-b3692.jar CoreProtect-23.2-RC3.jar CustomCommands.jar EssentialsX-2.21.0-dev+154-667b0f7.jar EssentialsXChat-2.21.0-dev+154-667b0f7.jar EssentialsXSpawn-2.21.0-dev+154-667b0f7.jar FastAsyncWorldEdit-Bukkit-2.12.3.jar floodgate-spigot.jar GCore.jar Geyser-Spigot.jar LuckPerms-Bukkit-5.4.152.jar NoChatReports-2.3.0.jar SkinsRestorer.jar TAB v5.0.3.jar Vault.jar worldguard-bukkit-7.0.13-beta-2-dist.jar Steps to recreate: 1- Create a datapack that generates a world (For example an empty world) 2- Reboot and generate the world inside the server 3- Delete the datapack and the world folder and reboot again Now the world folder will be generated again even without the datapack inside Things that I tried: Completely delete the world folder Delete all worlds and folders
1 Reply
Jay2mo ago
You might need to edit the level.dat of the world and manually remove the datapack and world.

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