Created by Alvarete666 on 2/17/2025 in #questions
Everytime I change my name always has the the prefix???
No description
8 replies
Created by Alvarete666 on 2/14/2025 in #questions
Server resource pack continues to download even after removing it
I have a purple server where I had installed itemsadder, after having done so I needed to download a resourcepack to be able to access the server, now I have removed itemsadder and all its dependencies and configs, in addition to the resourcepacks. But it keeps asking me to download a resource pack Does anyone knows why or how to fix it?
15 replies
Created by Alvarete666 on 1/21/2025 in #questions
Trying to create a Database for a plugin call "FastLogin"
I've been trying to get a plugin working for a couple of days now, this plugin apparently needs a database to work (I have a Velocity proxy) but I haven't been able to create it or get it working.
43 replies
Created by Alvarete666 on 1/18/2025 in #questions
I can't delete a world created using a datapack (Purpur 1.21.4)
I have a purpur server where I have a world generated using a datapack, I have deleted the datapack from the folder and deleted the world, but every time I restart the world the folder the world reappears Plugins: advancedregionmarket-3.5.3.jar AnimatedScoreboard.jar Chunky-Bukkit-1.4.28.jar Citizens-2.0.37-b3692.jar CoreProtect-23.2-RC3.jar CustomCommands.jar EssentialsX-2.21.0-dev+154-667b0f7.jar EssentialsXChat-2.21.0-dev+154-667b0f7.jar EssentialsXSpawn-2.21.0-dev+154-667b0f7.jar FastAsyncWorldEdit-Bukkit-2.12.3.jar floodgate-spigot.jar GCore.jar Geyser-Spigot.jar LuckPerms-Bukkit-5.4.152.jar NoChatReports-2.3.0.jar SkinsRestorer.jar TAB v5.0.3.jar Vault.jar worldguard-bukkit-7.0.13-beta-2-dist.jar Steps to recreate: 1- Create a datapack that generates a world (For example an empty world) 2- Reboot and generate the world inside the server 3- Delete the datapack and the world folder and reboot again Now the world folder will be generated again even without the datapack inside Things that I tried: Completely delete the world folder Delete all worlds and folders
3 replies
Created by Alvarete666 on 1/17/2025 in #questions
Trying to find a plugin that allows me to vanish all players inside the server 1.21.4
The title
4 replies
Created by Alvarete666 on 1/17/2025 in #questions
Help spawning players in a custom dimension
What I want to do is actually what the title says, I want that when entering the server for the first time the players appear in a world that will serve as a "Lobby", this world is actually a dimension generated by a datapack and I have been trying to use MultiverseCore (I know it does not work with datapacks but it does detect the dimension as a separate world) and EssentialsX to put the server spawn in this dimension (Without success)
21 replies