Admincraftā€¢2mo ago

Skript Question

function speak(p:player,m:text):
set {_w} to "&6&lšŸ† &f" if {wins::%{_p}'s uuid%} > 0, else ""
set {_pf} to hex("%{_p}'s prefix%%{_p}%%{_p}'s suffix%")
set {_t} to placeholder "%{_p}'s deluxetags_tag%"
{_p} has permission "{@Perm}.staffchat" or "{@Perm}.admin":
function speak(p:player,m:text):
set {_w} to "&6&lšŸ† &f" if {wins::%{_p}'s uuid%} > 0, else ""
set {_pf} to hex("%{_p}'s prefix%%{_p}%%{_p}'s suffix%")
set {_t} to placeholder "%{_p}'s deluxetags_tag%"
{_p} has permission "{@Perm}.staffchat" or "{@Perm}.admin":
How can I set {_t} to the players deluxe tags tag? I have Ersatz installed Skripts says line 4 is an error
7 Replies
Admincraft Meta
Admincraft Metaā€¢2mo ago
Thanks for asking your question!
Make sure to provide as much helpful information as possible such as logs/what you tried and what your exact issue is
Make sure to mark solved when issue is solved!!!
/close !close !solved !answered
Requested by cristaf#0
Casperā€¢2mo ago
Carl-botā€¢2mo ago
Caution with skript
Skript is a plugin for Spigot/Paper-based servers that allows users to create scripts without needing to understand Java. Its syntax is similar to pseudocode, so you can write simple commands like 'set attacker health to 20' without worrying about complex syntax. However, there are some drawbacks to using Skript. It can consume a lot of resources and negatively impact your TPS (ticks per second). The community often dislikes Skript because it has a lower barrier to entry than Java does, which sometimes leads to poorly written code that causes lag or bugs. Additionally, the syntax can be unintuitive, and the documentation is often inconsistent or hard to follow. For example, many users are unaware that Skript, by default, writes data to disk and retrieves it from there. This isn't the most efficient method, especially as you add more variables, which can affect other I/O operations. Ultimately, using Skript is up to you. It can be a handy tool for quickly fixing small bugs, adding temporary features while you work on a more permanent plugin, or creating a simple custom command. If you need help or support, check out the resources below or join the Discord server, where you're likely to get better assistance. Tutorials: - introduction - skriptlang docs - skripthub - Skript's discord
Admincraft Canned Responses
Loudbookā€¢2mo ago
Casperā€¢2mo ago
why are you so negative
Loudbookā€¢2mo ago
Snowzā€¢2mo ago
"%{_p}'s deluxetags_tag%" doesnt seem right set {_t} to %placeholder ""deluxetags_tag"" from {_p}% try this?

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