Curious if there are any decent VPS near Korea (or neighboring country)
P: about 42 players (no more yet) spread across 3 Minecraft servers, trying to stay on budget
L: Korea, Japan, maybe Singapore, other nearby are fine
E: Java Edition NeoForge
B: at most $50/mo, give or take
remember, VPS, since I already have a working Pterodactyl so I'm thinking of setting up a connected location to my main server in US
9 Replies
Bloom has vps’s in singapore iirc is their web
Not too bad for the cost
does Singapore also have individual minecraft servers too?
bloomhost aswell?
@Clyde by any chance got some suggestion from Japan? 95ms average seems a bit too high for my customers
or should I host another one using Oracle Cloud in Korea directly
i have no idea for japan ngl sorry
all good, thanks tho
korea has weird laws about how internet traffic gets paid for, which I believe has pushed a lot of DCs out of the country. Singapore is pretty easy to find VPSes in, but they're expensive. No clue about Japan tbh