Bulk creation of worldguard regions.
I've got a very complicated structure map, I wanna protect just the placed map blocks using worldedit regions - but don't wanna do region assignment manually, that will take hours.
- Is it possible to automatically create regions in a selection so that all air blocks are ignored, and regions are created in chunks of other blocks, so that all blocks are covered under at least one region.
- Instead of creating a new region for every non-air block, clumping together non-air blocks using some algoirthm, so I don't have thousands of regions as well.
- And all the individual regions are named like: regionname1, regionname2, regionname[...], regionname[n].
Are there any known plugins that can do this or something similar to this, or I have to code a plugin to get this functionality, or manually do regions for the build (covers a LOT of area).
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Requested by .sans_nom#0
This is the post, @WorstInAmerica