How are you navigating the change with “more frequent updates” from minecraft

Hey there! Fellow server owner here. How are you all navigating the changes in more frequent “drops” of minecraft updates? Our server is finding this to be very taxing considering these “more frequent drops” are adding content to chunk generation. As a survival server we encourage exploration, but our dilemma is that already explored chunks arent going to get the updates. Is anyone else having trouble figuring this all out? Any suggestions besides unloading chunks and reloading them?
9 Replies
Skullians7d ago
many servers will just expand the worldborder a little and tell players to go beyond some radius
or remove some chunks via mca selector
GitHub - Querz/mcaselector: A tool to select chunks from Minecraft ...
A tool to select chunks from Minecraft worlds for deletion or export. - Querz/mcaselector
However be sure whatever you plan to remove does not contain your player's hard work, after the removal, it can be regenerated again with the new contents
Snow Kit
Snow Kit6d ago
mcaselector lets you filter out chunks based on how long players have spent in the chunks!
Torrent6d ago
^ I usually do inhabited time < 5 minutes If you were in a chunk less than 5 minutes you weren’t doing anything important there
Litning116d ago
One thing I've done is immensely cut down the amount of plugins my server runs. It's good practice to minimise anyway but doing that will both reduce time sink of checking x amount of plugins so frequently and overall downtime waiting for the plugin authors to update their stuff I went from 110+ to 85 and even though they're still both huge numbers, getting rid of the biggest problem children plugins has cut down the wait time considerably
spenuchOP6d ago
definitely have done this in the past, we even adjusted our randomTP area, but you can only do it so often before you're in the 50k chunk area haha awesome, thank you tons really really cool! Great advice, we just started doing that too. Im assuming plugins are going to lag a bit with updates D::
Litning116d ago
yeah that's the main bottleneck we face

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