Multiverse bed respawning & teleporting to other worlds
So, I have a few issues here:
I'm running a Paper server with EssentialsX, Multiverse (Core, Inventories, NetherPortals, Portals) installed, along with a few others. I have multiple worlds (survival, creative, minigames) and one lobby world, for which I use the DeluxeHub plugin.
Whenever someone dies in the survival world, they respawn at the world spawn of the same world, even when they have their respawn point set by using a bed. I have already set Essentials' respawn handling priority to lowest and bed respawning is enabled in the Multiverse Core worlds.yml file.
When teleporting to another world, be it /mvtp, /tp or /lobby (DeluxeHub command), because I set use_optionals: [last_location] in the Multiverse-Inventories config file, the player will always spawn to where they last left off in the world, even when teleporting to another player. Teleporting to the right place only works when running the command twice or from the same world as the target is in. I don't want it to behave like that, is there a way to limit this to specific worlds (lobby and minigames)?
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Bro I am having the same problem
And same plugins
i've been through all the config files, online documentation and forums multiple times now and i really don't know what do do anymore
I'm trying to find a plugin that might fix it
I can't
Soo imma keep checking in on the to find an answer
multiverse has a command to set these
its respawnworld, and bedrespawn
World properties
The original Bukkit Multi-World Plugin! . Contribute to Multiverse/Multiverse-Core development by creating an account on GitHub.
set the worlds you want them to respawn... ie, if they die in the nether, set the nether respawn world to the overworld
then enable bedrespawn so they respawn at their bed
But what if they set spawn in a different world and die
u just tell it
where to respawn
and dont use last_location
Ok cool
Sorry I'm eating dinner give me a minute
this is as far as i can see set up correctly in my config files, setting this with multiverse commands doesn't change anything
Ok, so for world respawn, do they respond at world spawn of where they set there spawn
may i ask why and what to do instead?
last_location overrides tp and home and warps
so dont use it
it depends on how u tell it
they'll respawn at world spawn, unless u have bedrespawn on
if bedrespawn is on, they'll respawn at their bed
its all how u set it up
Ok, I have a bed in one of my worlds people are able to click. (hub)
And if I turn on bedrespawn the. They would spawn in the hub correct
if the hub is the respawn world
Ok ok
read the wiki
I'm understanding now
it tells u all this
I read it but I didn't understand 😂
last_location the only buggy one, cause of how essentials works
Ah ok
Imma look at it
i will too
(only want the world they die in to respawn in)
Please let me know if you find anything
yea pretty much.. in every single world, u need to tell multiverse what world they should respawn in
every world.
if u dont, they'll respawn in the same world
last_location isnt good for survival worlds, because the use of homes and tpa, also u dont want people going thru portals, and ending up the wrong spot
so just disable it
Ok cool
This is in the multiverse config
or u can use the command
i'd recommend using in game commands
or stopping ur server
then editing the config
That's how I do it
So, I have disabled last_location and it has partly resolved my second issue.
teleporting between worlds and running /lobby now seem to work as intended, although I will now always teleport to the world spawn of the world i am teleporting to when doing just that.
Bed respawning still doesn't work and I really have no clue why. The respawn world for the survival world is set to the same world and bed respawning is set to true in the MV config files, but I still respawn at the world spawn of the same world despite having set a respawn point with a bed.
\ok ok ok
i actually fixed this yesterday
what did you do?
a plugin called stayput
works perfectly
i will look into that, tyvm
this is the plugin i used
does it work for 1.20.1?
it hasnt needed an update
im using 1.20.1
thank you so much man
i fixed my problem
all i did was run the command /mvmset respawnworld Survival-World
thats the name of the world
do you have anything for like each world has its own invitory
ok after using that command, now i am only spawning in at world spawn
so hold up on stayput it was working but now its not\
already tried it, seems to do nothing
i found a fork though, that might work
use multiverse-inventories
this is the fork, i'll be trying it out now
SpigotMC - High Performance Minecraft
StayPut Remixed
it works
although bed respawning still does not
isnt it out dated
i have it working
dont use spigot downloads
? why
for any multiverse plugins
they are all giga outdated
well i used bukkit
well that too
one sec
ill get u updated links
Multiverse Inventories allows you to control who and what can cross world borders!
i have multiverse-inventories from bukkit and it works
does it work with lastest
yes but the bukkit one
if a player changes their username
cause it doesnt use the uuids
where would i get it from then
you'll want to use their github releases pages for all of the mv plugins
also update your core plugin too
the latest on the bukkit page is 4.3.1... uploaded on Sep 18, 2021.... like thats giga outdated
ok cool
thanks man
inventories works right
ok i updated them all
ok i just configed the groups for mv inv
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