Counts all mined blocks
Hi, is it possible to set up a scoreboard on singleplayer that counts all the blocks dug up?
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Requested by grzess.#0
Any reason you don't want to just refer to the Statistics screen for this?
you can just use those as a scoreboard with the criterion
I need it to display all the time during gameplay for the episode per channel
gimme a sec i'll throw together a command for that
Yes but it works for individual blocks and I need it for all of them
/scoreboard add blocks_mined minecraft:mined "Blocks Mined"
should workit's only individual blocks if you specify it that way. e.g.,
would show dirt. but just using minecraft.mined
should yield the total.Does not work on 1.20.1
are you trying it in creative?
it does not work in creative, only survival
Also not working
ah scratch the part in the "" i was just tryna be fancy lmfao
Which part?
there is no such argument as add as 1
the part in the
sthe first argument is only objectives or players
What's the full command you used
/scoreboard add blocks_mined minecraft:mined Blocks Mined
/scoreboard add blocks_mined minecraft:mined "Blocks Mined"
fuck its
/scoreboard objectives add blocks_mined minecraft:mined
my bad
it's been a while since i used scoreboardsI think they had to remove it
from a developer perspective that sounds unlikely
/scoreboard objectives add blocks_mined minecraft:mined.*
maybe, just a wild guess/scoreboard objectives add blocks_mined minecraft.mined:minecraft.acacia_button
This is how it should look correct for the acacia button block.
Does not work in any case after the . or : adding *.
well then you are out of luck with that
Unfortunately haha
if you give me an hour i can whip you up a plugin that does that, should not be hard
1.20.1 you said?
I can write plugins, just wanted to avoid making a server and let myself have a simple singleplayer
I very much appreciate the offer
really not possible that way sadly