How do I type the place holder for the Playerlist plugin? This is the plugin in question, if I wanted to make a placeholder to list all players with the permission "red" how would I go about doing that?
PlayerList expansion for PlaceholderAPI. Contribute to Tanguygab/PlayerList-PlaceholderAPI-Expansion development by creating an account on GitHub.
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Requested by hecticden#0
probably like that
I see, but where do I put this and what is the string for it?
Sorry I started a week ago
probably in your config for that plugin
It is for placeholder API
and you need to download PlaceholderAPI
Yeah did that
the placeholder is
Yeah I don't really understand how to change it, every time I enter it it doesn't work
list gives you the list, amount the amount of players in there and # is a placeholder for a number (to show the e.g. 10th player there)
for your example it would be %playerlist_yourgroup_list%
you can rename the group ofc by just changing the second line of my example
Btw I put the code in in the placeholder API config.yml file correct?

Here is what I had before in it
I'm using an online server provider and it goes like
playerlist should probably be lowercase
Plugins > PlaceholderAPI > Config.yml
Alright let me try

It still shows up as this for some reason
does the plugin you want to use it with support pAPI?
what plugin does that screenshot come from?
It comes from chest commands
And yes it supports pAPI
It works with other placeholders so it should work
So I suspect I put the code in the wrong config file
Or the code is wrong
It works

Thank you for the help
glad to hear that
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i tried
Shit sorry
post closed!
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Requested by hecticden#0