Custom Texture Pack Distrivution
How do server owners handle distributing their custom texture packs once they get to a significant size? Do they continue making it available through the in-game download or do they allow players to download it themselves through alternate hosting?
Assuming it's the second way, how do owners then protect the .zip file from being opened or accessed and having their textures stolen?
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Requested by xyotictv#0
1, its impossible to protect it fully
2, no people use the ingame functions stil
the max size increases every few versions of mc
We essentially run into two issues. 1) Players join the server and realize they need to download a pack, then immediately leave. 2) We've allowed a few trusted players (with terrible PCs) to manually download the packs, and they've noticed better performance. We'd ideally like to make that more widely accessible if possible. The goal would be to upload the pack on an alternate hosting, but only if we can secure it.
Is there a way to put a lock on an archive?
it wouldnt work
the client needs to be able to read it.
which means a program would able to read it
not sure how them downloading the exact same pack would improve performance?
Hey man, it's a wild question to me too. But having it installed client side instead of connecting to it when joining the server seemed to help