Hourly shared host
Is there any shared hosts with hourly rates instead of monthly pay? Just curious
29 Replies
Or even better a vps with desktop vcores
tfym desktop vcores
Desktop cpu threads
me when my laptop cpu threads
is that a thing
i don't think it is
where laptop cpu threads are different than my desktop cpu threads
what 😐
When I said true I was being sarcastic
i don't know what a desktop vcore is
I'm trying to say high performance single core cpus
okay okay
that makes sense
keep slaying
Any decent cloud service?
O I mean I've tried hetzners vps but it's single core sucks
Any examples
has 3ghz+ xeons
I'll give it a go
I have xeons from 12 years ago that can hit 4ghz but can barely run modern versions of minecraft. I don't understand how that's relevant...
their dedicated cpu plans have some pretty solid epycs
or you can go auction
and you have a hourly dedi
(9654 performs about the same as a i9-9900k)
o ok
dont they make u pay for full time though?
with auction
Sure, i miss worded, according to vultr their high frecuency line has "high single core performerance"
U want an hourly dedi? I mean if u can afford it either equinix metal, vultr bare metal, latitude.sh, etc
E-23XXGs reach like 5.2gjz
Very good performerance
We used them before migrating to 7000 series, still do in some locs
ah ill give shot
to be completely fair, unless you're trying to do a network of like 3 or more servers, you probably won't save that much money
hourly VPSs aren't cheap, especially not for the performance you loose going with those vs something from pebble
Id guess it's just to spin up and do some testing
Or an event which has thousands of players and lasts 4-8hrs
ghz means nothing by itself
ah alr might do that then mb