Starting a new community from scratch, looking for tips
what is the best method (from your experience as a server owner/dev) to start an active community and get players?
- i would like some tips
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Well the best method is to have a pre-existing community outside of Minecraft
Im looking for actual tips, if you want to respond with negative comments please ignore this thread and move on.
i have stated that im starting it from scratch on the post tittle
negative comments? he gave a good suggestion
:it is a good tip:
else just do tiktok, youtube shorts, vote sites
I wasn’t trying to be negative at all, what I’m trying to say is finding something people can bond over OUTSIDE of Minecraft is the best way when starting from scratch
vote sites for me
after I used like 6 vote sites I have gotten WAY more members
but if you know how the algorithm works, TikTok and YouTube is the way to go
tbh idk, my english aint that good and that kind of pissed me off