Random Hoppers Despawn?
Ive build a huge farm with some friends , but sometimes random hopper dissappear on the Whole world, why?
Is this a known issue of Paper?
[19:02:40 INFO]: Server Plugins (20):
[19:02:40 INFO]: Bukkit Plugins:
[19:02:40 INFO]: - Essentials, EssentialsChat, EssentialsSpawn, Honeypot, InvSeePlusPlus, InvSeePlusPlus_Clear, InvSeePlusPlus_Give, LibsDisguises, LuckPerms, Morphy
[19:02:40 INFO]: Multiverse-Core, Multiverse-Inventories, Multiverse-Portals, packetevents, PlaceholderAPI, ProtocolLib, Vault, WildLoaders, WorldEdit, WorldGuard
[19:02:40 INFO]: Multiverse-Core, Multiverse-Inventories, Multiverse-Portals, packetevents, PlaceholderAPI, ProtocolLib, Vault, WildLoaders, WorldEdit, WorldGuard
21 Replies
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Requested by gameruhd#0
are u sure no one isnt breaking them? try grabbing coreprotect
it even happens when it runs locally
everything is protected by WorldGuard
i removed WorldGuard now to see if that may be teh fault
WildLoaders, Honeypot, and Morphy are the only plugins that i have no clue what they do, so they mite cause issues
i doubt worldguard will cause this
i'd say just make sure ur server and all the plugins are on the correct/updated versions
WildLoaders = Placeable chunk loader
Morphy is to transform player into mobs
Honeypot= Blocks that ban you if you break them, to catch griefer
alr ill update everything
yeah i'd first off grab coreprotect, it'll log everything
theres also a tnt addon to track explosions, so anytime u see a new one of these missing hoppers you can see if it tracks it
was it a creeper? lightning? player? tnt minecraft? etc, it'll tell u how it was broken
hmm yeah i doubt its from explosions, they are all disabled
noticed that sometimes random cactus despawns from my farm
so yeah ill log all
okay im logging it now
i noticed that only redstone stuff despawns
the whole farm here lost all its redstone dust
it always takes hours to repair
is there something wrong with the starting command?
cd ~/PaperMC && java -server -Xms12G -Xmx12G -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:ParallelGCThreads=$(nproc) -jar server.jar nogui
Did u update everything? Does core protect not log in?
Where can i find the logs?
ive ran the server with it an hour so maybe something broke again and got logged
and yeah i updated everything
nothing outdated anymore
redstone maybe a block update failed and just deletef it
you on 1.21?
nope im on 1.20.6
Everything that moves dissapears
I dont get what could be the issue
could be the chunkloaders tbh
hmmm okay i removed them
do they cause the server to overload or is it a bug from the chunkloaders itself?
we have no clue, we dont use that plugin
we're all just making assumptions
Alr thanks for the help!
Ill close this now, and i hope its fixed haha
post closed!
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Requested by gameruhd#0