How to play sounds to wherever an npc or player is?

I have NPCs that play sound when you click them, using the playsound command. It works fine for NPCs who are stationary, as I know what the coordinates will be. But for NPCs that move around, how can I specify relative coordinates? I tried the ~ ~ ~ but that just plays the sound at the server spawn, which is far away from the npc.
6 Replies
Admincraft Meta
Admincraft Meta3mo ago
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Requested by nuttapillar#0
NuttapillarOP3mo ago
also, even though I'm using @p, it seems to be playing to the player who is closest to spawn, rather than who is closest to the npc
TinnyFusion3mo ago
Instead of using @ p couldn’t you use PAPI to target the actual player that is interacting with the NPC such as %player% (or whatever it is, can’t remember off the top of my head)?
NuttapillarOP3mo ago
hmm, well the citizens support told me to use a -p flag which seemed to fix this, but thank you, thats something i can keep in mind too
TinnyFusion3mo ago
Could you share an example of one of the commands you are using when an NPC is clicked?
NuttapillarOP3mo ago
commands: '0': command: playsound custom.karen1 voice @p ~ ~ ~ 100

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