Explore posts from serversAAdmincraft
•Created by Nuttapillar on 2/25/2025 in #questions
How to remove ranks/perm groups from everyone at once? (CMI/luckperms)
HIi, I'm using the CMI ranking system and luckperms. I recently added some ranks, some people ranked up.
But now I've redone the ranking system, and want to set everyone back to the first rank, so they automatically rank up to the correct rank.
how can I easily do this?
4 replies
•Created by Nuttapillar on 2/17/2025 in #questions
All players lost their homes/money/ranks/inventories, due to being recreated with new UUID.
Hi, I'm using CMI and Bungeecord, and have tried updating them today. For some reason all players have lost everything. I looked in the CMI database, and can see that the old data is there, but we have alll been treated like new players with new UUIDs etc. we've all been duplicated. Why would this happen and how can I fix this?
7 replies
•Created by Nuttapillar on 12/24/2024 in #questions
Excessive passive mob spawning in Purpur 1.21.3

16 replies
•Created by Nuttapillar on 12/17/2024 in #questions
Way too many animals spawning since 1.21.3 update
Hi, before when my server was on 1.21.1, many of our farms were simply not working, almost no mobs were spawning. Now that I've updated, mob spawning has gone crazy, without me changing the settings. Particularly mobs like chickens, sheep, pigs, cows, wolves, and foxes. The bukkit setting for animals is only on 8 I think, which is barely anything. Any ideas?
I'm using Purpur.
8 replies
•Created by Nuttapillar on 12/5/2024 in #questions
How to play sounds to wherever an npc or player is?
I have NPCs that play sound when you click them, using the playsound command. It works fine for NPCs who are stationary, as I know what the coordinates will be. But for NPCs that move around, how can I specify relative coordinates? I tried the ~ ~ ~ but that just plays the sound at the server spawn, which is far away from the npc.
7 replies
•Created by Nuttapillar on 10/6/2024 in #questions
Server crashes every few hours, but I have no idea what's causing it.
Hi, every few hours, the server randomly stops, and then starts back up again.
I've looked at the logs and there's usually nothing suspicious right at the end of the log before the crash.
Here's the log before the crash:
Here's the following startup log:
14 replies
•Created by Nuttapillar on 10/4/2024 in #questions
Mobs aren't spawning, farms not working.
Hi, on my server, some farms such as creeper, guardian, drowned, and enderman farms are barely spawning anything, and I can't work out why. I'll post my plugins, and the config files.
[17:45:59 INFO]: Paper Plugins: (1):
[17:45:59 INFO]: - BKCommonLib
[17:45:59 INFO]: Bukkit Plugins: (89):
[17:45:59 INFO]: - ajLeaderboards, ArcadeGames, AreaShop, BlueBorder, BlueBridgeCore, BlueBridgeGP, BlueBridgeWG, BlueMap, BlueMap-Essentials, BlueMapChatMarkers
[17:45:59 INFO]: BlueMapDeathMarkers, BlueMapFloodgate, BMMarker, BungeeGuard, BungeeTabListPlus, ChatFeelings, ChestShop, ChestShopNotifier, ChestSort, Citizens
[17:45:59 INFO]: CMILib, ConditionalEvents, ConsoleSpamFix, CoreProtect, DecentHolograms, Denizen, DiscordSRV, DtlPlayershops, dtlTradersPlus, EnderdragonManager
[17:45:59 INFO]: Essentials, EssentialsChat, EssentialsSpawn, FarmControl, FarmingUpgrade, FastAsyncWorldEdit, FilteredHoppers, floodgate, GPFlags, GPS
[17:45:59 INFO]: InvSeePlusPlus_Clear, InvSeePlusPlus_Give, InvUnload, JukeboxExtendedReborn, JustLootIt, LuckPerms, LWC, MiniMOTD, MyCommand, OpenInv
[17:45:59 INFO]: Sentinel, ShulkerPacks, SkinsRestorer, sleep-most, Tebex, TimeIsMoney, Train_Carts, TreeAssist, Trivia, Vault
[17:45:59 INFO]: VeinMiner, ViaBackwards, ViaVersion, ViewDistanceTweaks, Votifier, VotingPlugin, WorldEditSUI, WorldGuard, WorldGuardExtraFlags
30 replies
•Created by Nuttapillar on 8/6/2024 in #questions
Are water streams more efficient than hopper chains?
Some players have chains of hoppers, maybe 10-20 blocks long, and have composters above them to help performance.
So I wonder if a water stream would help performance. Keeping in mind some of them might need a simple redstone clock at the start to actually desposit the items into the stream.
17 replies
•Created by Nuttapillar on 8/1/2024 in #questions
How to get working trial chambers in an older world?
Hi, my server's world was initially created in 1.18. We've been wanting trial chambers, so I re-generated some areas using Worldedit, to generate the chambers.
However, we found that the spawners were inactive. If I used a spawn egg on them, I could make them active again, but they were only single use, instead of the 30min cooldown.
So then I tried using MCA selector to delete chunks. We went to the deleted areas to generate the trial chambers, and found that some spawners were inactive, others were active.
So still not much good. However we just noticed that on my creative mode server, which is also an older world with re-generated chunks, the trial chamber is working properly.
So I'm not sure what the trick is to make them all work as they should in vanilla. Any ideas?
16 replies
•Created by Nuttapillar on 7/1/2024 in #questions
Server is suddenly using a lot more disk space after 1.21 update.
Hi, my Pufferfish 1.20.4 server was using about 250gb of storage, and it was barely changing for ages. I updated to Paper 1.21, and now it's rapidly growing, and is now at 380gb. I haven't expanded the world, and it was already all loaded and the map rendered etc before the update.
4 replies
•Created by Nuttapillar on 6/30/2024 in #questions
Server suddenly has really bad TPS after 1.21 update.
Hi, I updated my server from Paper 1.20.4 to Paper 1.21, and the TPS went from almost always 20, to now sitting around 11.
It appears to be coming from entities, but I haven't increased the number of entities. So has it gotten less efficient?
Thanks in advance!
22 replies
TIPThe Iris Project
•Created by Nuttapillar on 6/29/2024 in #iris-issues
Game crashed, and now crashes whenever I try to rejoin
Hi, I'm running 1.21, and have the latest Iris. But My game is crashing, and I'm seeing references to Iris in the crash log.
7 replies
•Created by Nuttapillar on 9/1/2023 in #questions
How to stop mobs de-spawning?
Hi, I'm running a Purpur server, and use the Quests plugin to make quests. The issue is that, some quests involve the player fighting mobs. It will spawn mobs for them, and it requires the player to kill them.
The issue is that if the player dies, they return to their bed, the area unloads, and the mobs despawn. So when the player returns, they can nolonger complete the quest, as the mobs are gone. I have set the mobs to spawn with names, as I assumed name-tags make them perisstent. Is there a way to make the mobs remain? Or maybe keeping the chunks loaded until they complete the quest or the quest times out? Thanks!
7 replies
•Created by Nuttapillar on 8/19/2023 in #questions
How to reset the stronghold portals after players have used them?
I want to set up a system wherein, if a player places the ender eyes and goes to the end, the portal will reset shortly after, so new players that come along will have to also place the eyes instead of having it doen for them.
Anyone know how I could set this up?
3 replies
•Created by Nuttapillar on 8/1/2023 in #questions
Command for spawning a certain item in a chest?
I'm trying to make a quest, and I need to have a particular item show up in a chest that players will be required to grab. What is the command for this, if any exist? Thanks!
20 replies
•Created by Nuttapillar on 7/22/2023 in #questions
Why can't i place structure blocks?
Hi, why can't I place structure blocks on my server? I've placed and used them previously, but now they just disapepar immediately after I place them. I can still see an interact with structure blocks that I had used previously. Thanks!
11 replies