Explore posts from serversAAdmincraft
•Created by Nuttapillar on 2/25/2025 in #questions
How to remove ranks/perm groups from everyone at once? (CMI/luckperms)
when they rankup in cmi, they get added to the respective perm ranks in luckperms. so i need to work out how to remove those parent groups from everyone
4 replies
•Created by Nuttapillar on 2/17/2025 in #questions
All players lost their homes/money/ranks/inventories, due to being recreated with new UUID.
turns out it was from switching the mode to offline
7 replies
•Created by Nuttapillar on 2/17/2025 in #questions
All players lost their homes/money/ranks/inventories, due to being recreated with new UUID.
I'm not sure if this is a CMI issue or Bungeecord, or something else.
7 replies
•Created by Nuttapillar on 2/17/2025 in #questions
All players lost their homes/money/ranks/inventories, due to being recreated with new UUID.
7 replies
•Created by Nuttapillar on 2/17/2025 in #questions
All players lost their homes/money/ranks/inventories, due to being recreated with new UUID.
[08:56:21 INFO]: ℹ Server Plugins (73):
[08:56:21 INFO]: Paper Plugins (1):
[08:56:21 INFO]: - BKCommonLib
[08:56:21 INFO]: Bukkit Plugins (72):
[08:56:21 INFO]: - AdvancedHunt, ajLeaderboards, ArcadeGames, BlueBorder, BlueBridgeCore, BlueBridgeGP, BlueBridgeWG, BlueMap, BlueMapChatMarkers, BlueMapDeathMarkers
[08:56:21 INFO]: BlueMapFloodgate, BMMarker, BungeeGuard, ChestShop, Citizens, CMI, CMILib, ConditionalEvents, CoreProtect, CrazyAuctions
[08:56:21 INFO]: Denizen, DiscordSRV, DtlPlayershops, dtlTradersPlus, EnderdragonManager, FarmControl, FarmingUpgrade, FastAsyncWorldEdit, FilteredHoppers, floodgate
[08:56:21 INFO]: GPFlags, GPS, GPS-Quests, GravesX, GriefPrevention, HeadDatabase, ImageOnMap, Interactions, InvUnload, JustLootIt
[08:56:21 INFO]: LuckPerms, MiniMOTD, MyCommand, NBTAPI, PlaceholderAPI, Plan, PostOffice, ProtocolLib, ProxyChatBridge, Quests
[08:56:21 INFO]: QuestsBar, QuestsGUI, RotationalWrench, Sentinel, ShulkerPacks, SkinsRestorer, Tebex, Train_Carts, TreeAssist, Trivia
[08:56:21 INFO]: VanillaChallenges, Vault, VeinMiner, ViaBackwards, ViaVersion, ViewDistanceTweaks, VillagerMarket, Votifier, VotingPlugin, WorldEditSUI
[08:56:21 INFO]: WorldGuard, WorldGuardExtraFlags
7 replies
•Created by Nuttapillar on 12/24/2024 in #questions
Excessive passive mob spawning in Purpur 1.21.3
i dont think any of them are related to mob spawning though. except possibly farm control, but thats more about nerfing
16 replies
•Created by Nuttapillar on 12/24/2024 in #questions
Excessive passive mob spawning in Purpur 1.21.3
16 replies
•Created by Nuttapillar on 12/24/2024 in #questions
Excessive passive mob spawning in Purpur 1.21.3
Bukkit Plugins: (92):
[16:59:42 INFO]: - AdvancedHunt, ajLeaderboards, ArcadeGames, AreaShop, BlueBorder, BlueBridgeCore, BlueBridgeGP, BlueBridgeWG, BlueMap, BlueMap-Essentials
[16:59:42 INFO]: BlueMapChatMarkers, BlueMapDeathMarkers, BlueMapFloodgate, BMMarker, BungeeGuard, BungeeTabListPlus, ChatFeelings, ChestShop, ChestShopNotifier, ChestSort
[16:59:42 INFO]: Citizens, CMILib, ConditionalEvents, ConsoleSpamFix, CoreProtect, CrazyAuctions, DecentHolograms, Denizen, DiscordSRV, DtlPlayershops
[16:59:42 INFO]: dtlTradersPlus, EnderdragonManager, Essentials, EssentialsChat, EssentialsSpawn, FarmControl, FarmingUpgrade, FastAsyncWorldEdit, FilteredHoppers, floodgate
[16:59:42 INFO]: GPFlags, GPS, GPS-Quests, GravesX, GriefPrevention, GSit, HeadDatabase, HeadDrop, ImageOnMap, Interactions
[16:59:42 INFO]: InvSeePlusPlus, InvSeePlusPlus_Clear, InvSeePlusPlus_Give, InvUnload, JukeboxExtendedReborn, JustLootIt, LuckPerms, LWC, MiniMOTD, MyCommand
[16:59:42 INFO]: OpenInv, PlaceholderAPI, Plan, PostOffice, PowerCamera, ProtocolLib, ProxyChatBridge, Quests, QuestsBar, QuestsGUI
[16:59:42 INFO]: RotationalWrench, Sentinel, ShulkerPacks, SimplePortals, SkinsRestorer, sleep-most, Tebex, TimeIsMoney, Train_Carts, TreeAssist
[16:59:42 INFO]: Trivia, VanillaChallenges, Vault, VeinMiner, ViaBackwards, ViaVersion, ViewDistanceTweaks, Votifier, VotingPlugin, WorldEditSUI
[16:59:42 INFO]: WorldGuard, WorldGuardExtraFlags
16 replies
•Created by Nuttapillar on 12/24/2024 in #questions
Excessive passive mob spawning in Purpur 1.21.3
just before this spark profile, we did cull a bunch of the excessive mobs so the numbers look a bit more reasonable. the excessive mobs seem to reappear each real world day
16 replies
•Created by Nuttapillar on 12/24/2024 in #questions
Excessive passive mob spawning in Purpur 1.21.3
here it is:
16 replies
•Created by Nuttapillar on 12/24/2024 in #questions
Excessive passive mob spawning in Purpur 1.21.3
Thanks I'll try that after work
16 replies
•Created by Nuttapillar on 12/5/2024 in #questions
How to play sounds to wherever an npc or player is?
command: playsound custom.karen1 voice @p ~ ~ ~ 100
7 replies
•Created by Nuttapillar on 12/17/2024 in #questions
Way too many animals spawning since 1.21.3 update

8 replies
•Created by Nuttapillar on 12/17/2024 in #questions
Way too many animals spawning since 1.21.3 update
thanks, but im on 1.21.3 now, so im not sure if that's relevant. I had the opposite problem, a lack of animals, on 1.21.1
8 replies
•Created by Nuttapillar on 12/17/2024 in #questions
Way too many animals spawning since 1.21.3 update

8 replies
•Created by Nuttapillar on 12/5/2024 in #questions
How to play sounds to wherever an npc or player is?
hmm, well the citizens support told me to use a -p flag which seemed to fix this, but thank you, thats something i can keep in mind too
7 replies
•Created by Nuttapillar on 12/5/2024 in #questions
How to play sounds to wherever an npc or player is?
also, even though I'm using @p, it seems to be playing to the player who is closest to spawn, rather than who is closest to the npc
7 replies
•Created by Nuttapillar on 10/4/2024 in #questions
Mobs aren't spawning, farms not working.
nevermind lol, turns out that was a copy i made of the farm earlier in testing, located at a different monument.
30 replies
•Created by Nuttapillar on 10/4/2024 in #questions
Mobs aren't spawning, farms not working.
Randomly, the guardian farm has suddenly started working. But we have slime farms, creeper farms, raid farms, even my pillager farm simply not spawning anything, even with 0 light levels
30 replies
•Created by Nuttapillar on 10/4/2024 in #questions
Mobs aren't spawning, farms not working.
pretty sure i even tried changing the farmcontrol plugin settings so it wasnt active
30 replies