Dh Error

[09:13:00 INFO]: LiamRay10 issued server command: /dh reload[09:13:...
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8 Replies
Admincraft Meta
Pastebin is blocked in some countries
Requested by liamray10#0
Admincraft Meta
Thanks for asking your question!
Make sure to provide as much helpful information as possible such as logs/what you tried and what your exact issue is
Make sure to mark solved when issue is solved!!!
/close !close !solved !answered
Requested by liamray10#0
Deleted User
Deleted User2y ago
an issue with your yaml file you probably messed up while manually editing the hologram
LiamRay10OP2y ago
1 sec location: world:24.466:-55.773:1.419 enabled: true display-range: 48 update-range: 48 update-interval: 20 facing: 0.0 down-origin: false pages: - lines: - content: '&e&l==&b&lDonation Leaderboard&e&l==' height: 0.3 - content: '&e&l#1.%ajlb_lb_vault_eco_balance_1_alltime_name% &7- %ajlb_lb_vault_eco_balance_1_alltime_value%' height: 0.3 - content: '&e&l#2.%ajlb_lb_vault_eco_balance_2_alltime_name% &7- %ajlb_lb_vault_eco_balance_2_alltime_value%' height: 0.3 - content: '&e&l#3.%ajlb_lb_vault_eco_balance_3_alltime_name% &7- %ajlb_lb_vault_eco_balance_3_alltime_value%' height: 0.3 - content: '&e&l#4.%ajlb_lb_vault_eco_balance_4_alltime_name% &7- %ajlb_lb_vault_eco_balance_4_alltime_value%' height: 0.3 - content: '&e&l#5.%ajlb_lb_vault_eco_balance_5_alltime_name% &7- %ajlb_lb_vault_eco_balance_5_alltime_value%' height: 0.3 actions: {}
Deleted User
Deleted User2y ago
we aren't checkers
ProGamingDk2y ago
YAMLlint - The YAML Validator
Validate, Verify and Reformat your YAML documents, optimized for Ruby on Rails
ProGamingDk2y ago
put in through here
LiamRay10OP2y ago

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