Looking for coder to participate in project Minfecraft
Hello everyone! I am currently seeking for coders to participate in project Minfecraft.
< What's Minfecraft? >
Project Minfecraft is a new studio for making maps, mods and more. Currently i'm alone in this project, but everyone could help! Minfecraft is born in 2023, and since then i'm starting to develop some maps like Arcane.
< About Me >
I'm 16M and i'm Italian. Here's my story: back in 2016, i played Minecraft for my first time, from that moment, i always used to build contraptions and maps (sadly they're all gone) but i think i've been worthy to call myself a coder from 2020, when i discovered blockbench, mcreator and the world of mods. I created mods and models since and today i'm starting Minfecraft hoping to become famous one day. Who knows, maybe i could be famous with you!
< Some of my models >
Ganymede's Tears
Chinese Takeout Box
Star's Sword
Gruv - A magical creature
Rainbow Sword - Pride Month
< What am i seeking for? >
People who can code Javascript and custom elements
Command block experienced people
Redstone genes
Modelers and Geckolib animators in Blockbench
4 Replies
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Make sure to provide as much helpful information as possible such as logs/what you tried and what your exact issue is
Make sure to mark solved when issue is solved!!!
Requested by sonofefe#0
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Requested by sonofefe#0