Admincraft2y ago

Hiding underground players on a PL3X-Map?

Hello friends I come to you today with a simple question that is not so simple for me (lol). The question is: how do I hide players that are underground/in the dark from the PL3Xmap? Server is 40-60 people on at a time, and some people don't like being followed while mining underground. I have ran through my config.yml and I can't seem to find anything that will affect it. I may be looking in the wrong file or overlooking a line of code. Please let me know if you can help. Thank you all!
7 Replies
Admincraft Meta
Thanks for asking your question!
Make sure to provide as much helpful information as possible such as logs/what you tried and what your exact issue is
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Requested by rvnomar#0
QarthO2y ago
dont believe this is possible with the core pl3xmap. but this is definitely possible using the api and making a custom addon plugin
thetaxman2y ago
Is not crashing?
QarthO2y ago
what would crash?
thetaxman2y ago
the sever, a lot of people have memory issues with pl3xmap
QarthO2y ago
havent had any memory issues with pl3xmap the dev has made a very indepth explanation of the ram issues, and how to prevent it
rvOP2y ago
I understand, thank u

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