New Chunk Loading Lag

In my server loading new chunks takes quite a lot of time, but does not cause any tps lag. there is very little tps lag in general. i was wondering if anyone knows what could cause this. Does someone know details about new chunk loading that can help with this? I have three ideas for what it could be. 1, the storage of the aws instance I'm using only has 3000 IOPS. 2, because it is running on one core maybe the mod pack(create+) i am using is can use multiple cores and that is causing the lag. 3, the instance is using a ARM64 cpu architecture and maybe that is causing chunk loading to be suboptimal.
14 Replies
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Requested by emmettrm#0
Discount Milk
Discount Milk2y ago
That'll be part of your problem. But otherwise !chunky
Carl-bot2y ago
Plugin: Chunky
Chunky is a plugin that will load chunks in a defined radius into server memory, making it easier, and less performance impacting on your server when a player loads those chunks. If you've setup a worldborder, start with by typing /chunky worldborder . Otherwise, you can set a radius using /chunky radius #. Then run /chunky start. It is a good idea to let this run with no players online. If your server does crash, just start it back up and /chunky resume and it should pick back up where it left off. Once it tells you that the task is finished, you may remove the chunky plugin folder and the Chunky .jar from your server.
Admincraft Canned Responses
Discount Milk
Discount Milk2y ago
Pre-generate your chunks so your server doesn't have to make them later, just read them.
emmettrmOP2y ago
ok, that makes sense ty also why is aws bad?
Discount Milk
Discount Milk2y ago
In general, VPS's are overpriced and underperforming for Minecraft server/game server hosting purposes.
emmettrmOP2y ago
what is the better option?
use oracle VPS for free just make backups
Discount Milk
Discount Milk2y ago
Almost quite literally any host in #marketplace
emmettrmOP2y ago
ok, ima look into those. but also im still wondering what is the root of the chunks taking so long to load. like, what is limiting the loading of new chunks? is it IOPS or cpu?
Discount Milk
Discount Milk2y ago
Combination of Modded servers in general being hard to generate Vanilla Minecraft terrain generation is entirely single threaded VPSes are usually using low individal power/high core count CPUs
emmettrmOP2y ago
ok, makes sense thanks for all the help !solved
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