Using velocity for multiple "worlds"

Hey, I'm trying to setup velocity for the first time, and I'm hoping to get some help understanding the architecture a bit better. So, I have a VPS where I've setup velocity, and on my home server I have 3 MC servers, 1 Forge and 2 PaperMC servers, and the two machines have a network connection via my Tailscale Tailnet Ultimately my goal is to make it possible for my kids to connect to one of the PaperMC servers and my friends to the other PaperMC server (and if I could also use Velocity for the Forge server that would be pretty cool, but no big deal if that's more trouble than its worth) and ideally myself and my wife to move between the two servers as desired. So one picture in my head is to make a little lobby MC server with portals to the other servers then utilize whitelists/greylists to manage access to each individual server, or even if its just we have to run a command to flip between servers that's fine, but I'm not seeing a clear explanation of how to do that. Am I using the wrong tool for the job? or am I just hitting the wrong search terms?
17 Replies
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ProGamingDk8mo ago
Could use npcs from znpcsplus? To connect to different servers, on the hub server Forge can be done but its messy
PastaWhiplash (Ryan)
Yeah forge is more of a nice to have but realistically can be enitrely seperate Let me take a step back for a minute, how do players move between/select servers when you have velocity setup
ProGamingDk8mo ago
By default without plugins use /server (servername)
PastaWhiplash (Ryan)
oh that's easy enough How do most public velocity servers have their players move between servers? do players just use the /server command or something fancier?
Skullians8mo ago
you can use the command, or portals, or NPCs
PastaWhiplash (Ryan)
Looks like via the Advanced Portals bukkit plugin?
ProGamingDk8mo ago
Thats one option Or as said before npcs
PastaWhiplash (Ryan)
Sorry, I honestly have not messed with Bukkit or its forks/lookalikes since before bukkit was forked Then is that plugin installed on the individual MC servers or the velocity proxy?
ProGamingDk8mo ago
You would put it on the lobby
PastaWhiplash (Ryan)
ah in the lobby MC server. That makes sense
Torrent8mo ago
To pretty much clarify and narrow things down: 1. Velocity moves people between servers with /send, /server, etc 2. You can use an NPC plugin with the /server command to send people to backend servers (ZNPCsPlus is good, but even servers as big as Hypixel use Citizens but it's less performant) 3. Like stated forge is messy, you could try something like this but it's not really supported by any major platform and the support staff in papermc will probably laugh at you
Proxy Compatible Forge - Minecraft Mod
This mod brings modern forwarding and useful patches to Forge servers
PastaWhiplash (Ryan)
Thank you very much! are the velocity commands documented somewhere? either I'm blind or they aren't listed on their documentation site
Velocity Administration Guide | PaperMC Docs
Welcome to the Velocity administration guide! This guide includes information and tutorials
Torrent8mo ago
Torrent8mo ago
players have access to /server only without giving them permission for the other commands (which you shouldn't) Well glist isn't harmful either ig but it isn't given by default velocity is pretty easy to understand once you grasp the architecture of proxy -> lobby -> gamemodes
PastaWhiplash (Ryan)
Thank you! what should i use for managing permissions on my servers? Realistically I'll really only need Admins and not, but is it like olden days Bukkit where you use a permission manager plugin that hopefully other plugins support and write up a gigantic yaml file?
ProGamingDk8mo ago

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