Plugin/Way to prevent the ingame day counter from progressing, when nobody is online.

Basically, i want the ingame f3 day counter to only progress when there are players online and just all the time when the server is running without going as far just shutting down the server when none is on. i don't really if it can be just done through a plugin, datapack or an ingame command, anything will do
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10 Replies
Admincraft Meta
Admincraft Meta7mo ago
Thanks for asking your question!
Make sure to provide as much helpful information as possible such as logs/what you tried and what your exact issue is
Make sure to mark solved when issue is solved!!!
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Requested by drishawastaken#0
QarthO7mo ago
i believe tick freeze stops the day counter ( a vanilla command) if you want to just do the day counter, you can disable the dodaylightcycle, everything else will still tick
QarthO7mo ago
Day/Night Freeze - Minecraft Plugin
Freezes the day/night cycle when nobody is online, keeping the day count accurate.
QarthO7mo ago
FreezeHibernate - Minecraft Plugin
Freezes/Hibernates the server when no players are online
QarthO7mo ago
pick which one u prefer
Cooleg7mo ago
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Cooleg7mo ago
mojang heard you drisha 🙏
QarthO7mo ago
i saw that! was literally bout to post it rn kind of a crazy update
DrishaOP7mo ago
okay that's CRAZY , wtf. the same day that i am looking for a good minecart enhancement plugin, server pause plugin, and a baby mobs plugin, mojang decides to post a snapshop with all that i've ever wanted lol

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