How to delete items on ground while server is off?

ATM8 server, friend destroyed a barrel and dropped 5000 items on the ground crashing the server. The server now crashes on restart. Where do i go in the NBT Explorer to delete the items? I know the cords where they were dropped.
20 Replies
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CtrlAltDelMe2y ago
You can do a /kill @e and do it on a radius If it's just lagging And not an instant crash
RetroGekoOP2y ago
The server won't start. It crashes on startup
CtrlAltDelMe2y ago
Just wanna say that for the future get this mod Other than that, I'm not sure how you can delete that This mod will auto delete big item stacks
RetroGekoOP2y ago
Yeah, i will download it once i fix the issue
CtrlAltDelMe2y ago
Be careful how you set it and warn your players to not break chests or they can get their stuff deleted lol (happened to me once because a player broke many chests) (and I had added a low value for auto deletion)
RetroGekoOP2y ago
The SophisticatedStorage mod does have the warning. But if you crouch mine it, it will break regardless. You can guess what happened lmao
CtrlAltDelMe2y ago
Heh in my panel I do daily backups If you do that you could take advantage of that Wait until other users answer to this issue, I bet there's a better way to fix this
RetroGekoOP2y ago
I host through Pebble. I have to pay $7 to restore the files.
CtrlAltDelMe2y ago
You might want to move to another hosting in the future btw At marketplace channel You can ask for hosting Budget plan of enviromc has 5 backup slots 1 database
RetroGekoOP2y ago
Working on Oracle Cloud server. Need to figure out how to get cursedforge modpacks to work on it. Thats a problem for another day.
CtrlAltDelMe2y ago
Unmetered storage and alrighty CPUs Oh yeah that's also cool
ProGamingDk2y ago
sftp and upload server pack of modpack then run the jar/ done (most of the time)
CtrlAltDelMe2y ago
I G2G to sleep.. good luck with the issue You have any idea if they can do something?
ProGamingDk2y ago
about his barrel issue?
CtrlAltDelMe2y ago
ProGamingDk2y ago
items on floor is a entity if they dont care about loosing the i tems delete the entity for that region or use nbtexplorer to only delete that chunk (will remove other entities in the chunk)
RetroGekoOP2y ago
I know the cords. How do i figure out what chunk it is in nbt?
sharkdudefin2y ago
That won't be the items then. A server will always never instantly crash just with items on startup.

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