Tile Entities Losing Data Randomly
copying my post form r/admincraft...
I'm running a 1.21 Fabric server for about 10 players and seemingly randomly, beds, chests, and signs will disappear. You can still tell they're there if you look right at them. Beds will become visible again when you sleep in them. When signs reappear, they are blank. When this happens to a container, the contents are permanently lost. So, some of my players' entire storage rooms lose all their items. Hoppers used for item filtering lose their filter items. Droppers and dispensers lose all their items. Enderchests seem to not be affected by this glitch. I also know it isn't theft.
There are no exceptions or even warnings in the logs. There aren't even warnings in the console about it struggling to keep up.
I have started removing datapacks to see if any of them are causing this. Once I get through all of the datapacks, I'll move on to server-side mods.
I was wondering if any of you have experienced this and what the solution was. I've seen reports of similar issues with earlier versions, but nothing specific to version 1.21.
The server is setup very similarly to Hermitcraft's server with a few minor differences. I'm hoping one of you might spot something that could be causing this.
Current Datapacks:
- Cave Cleaner
- Custom Nether Portals
- Custom Roleplay Data
- Husks Drop Sand
- Miniblocks
- More Mob Heads
- Multiplayer Sleep
- Nether Portal Coords
- Player Head Drops
- Restart Redstone
- Silence Mobs
- Silk Touch Budding Amethyst
- Villager Death Messages
Current Server-side Mods:
- Appleskin
- Armor Poser
- Audio Player
- Bad packets
- Carpet
- Carpet extra
- Cloth Config
- Clumps
- Coord Finder
- Discord-MC-Chat
- Fabric-api
- FabricExporter
- Inhabitor
- Lithium
- Servux
- Shulker Box Tooltip
- ShulkerPlus
- Simple Voice Chat
- Simple Voice Chat Enhanced Groups
- Spark
- Status
- View Distance Fix
- Xaero's Minimap
- Xaero's Worldmap
20 Replies
Thanks for asking your question!
Make sure to provide as much helpful information as possible such as logs/what you tried and what your exact issue is
Make sure to mark solved when issue is solved!!!
Requested by publicintrovert#0
1.21 Paper server
No datapacks
No mods
We are SMP and this never happened before. After switch to 1.21 (clean install, wipe, new jars, new worlds), and change to authmereloaded plugin, players started to report item loss, their whole inventory and enderchests were reset and they were teleported to default world spawn.. around X=-60 Y=60 Z=30.
No logs in console, No plugins with commands to do that.
Only clue we have is, that it happens when people disconnect and connect later on, this is why I want to ask here, as authme is the thing that

Man, it's so good to read that I'm not alone in this. All the googling I did made me think it was only my server. I hope for both of us that this gets figured out.
weird that your are blocks, and our are inventories
I edited my message with few more informations
Oh! That's interesting. That makes me think this might be some sort of corruption. Yours being in the player data and mine being in the regions. For my server, it seems to happen when chunks are either loaded or unloaded (not sure which).
Also, the spawn chunks seem to be safe from this.
Binary search your plugins
Remove half of your non-essential (ie not things like PAPI or LuckPerm) plugins and see if the problem is fixed.
If it still persists, the cause is in the half still installed.
Continue to halve the remaining plugins until you've narrowed it down to a single plugin.
Congratulations, you found the culprit.

Admincraft Canned Responses
Almost definitely a plugin issue
Your issue sounds like an offline mode issue unrelated to Pub's
https://github.com/RelativityMC/C2ME-fabric/issues/343 Sounds similar to this
0.3 handles block entities incorrectly · Issue #343 · RelativityMC/...
Describe the bug Development 0.3 branch causing breakage of block entities by making them invisible and wiping items inside if they are containers. To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior: Cre...
But you don't have C2ME right?
No. But, this seems like exactly what is happening, down to it happening primarily in village chunks.
I am not running C2ME. I'm pretty certain my host only allocated a single virtual core. I'm wondering if running C2ME would solve this problem even though it wouldn't be able to run in multiple threads. Maybe I'll give it a try tomorrow night.
We both do not share any plugin
how are you so sure that it is offline mode issue,
Also its hard to remove half of the plugins when we need them as an SMP server, and we cannot even recreate the issue
That was not sent to you
1. I don't have to be, admincraft doesn't condone piracy and I don't help people using offline mode
2. Because it seems pretty clear that your player's playerdata is being wiped, which is probably an issue with your auth system thinking they're a new player or something similar. This is also why I'm certain your issues are different
does this still display when using velocity though?
it appears on my testserver even though its hooked to an online-mode proxy
I was able to get Xisuma to tell me what was wrong with Hermitcraft. It was actually the Inhabitor mod. I am going to update to the latest version in about an hour. I will mark this as solved when I confirm my issue is solved by this update.
@unnamed199cz You probably want to create your own post for your issue, since it's not related to mine.
Author of Authme confirmed my issue
Updating the Inhabited mod did indeed fix my issue.
post closed!
The post/thread has been closed!
Requested by publicintrovert#0