Oraxen Directional Blocks

I simply can't place them. It also spams console
29 Replies
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Make sure to provide as much helpful information as possible such as logs/what you tried and what your exact issue is
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Requested by soul_9017#0
Discount Milk
Discount Milk2y ago
That's a helpful problem report that I'm sure a lot of people can help with.
SoulOP2y ago
I used the exact same config from the wiki with my own textures added This is my config @Señor Leche BAOBAB LOG mainBlock: displayname: Baobab_log material: PAPER Pack: generate_model: false model: wild/baobab_log custom_model_data: 411 Mechanics: noteblock: model: wild/baobab_log custom_variation: 500 directional: # Valid values are LOG, FURNACE and DROPPER directional_type: LOG # LOG y_block: logy x_block: logx z_block: logz hardness: 1 drop: minimal_type: WOOD best_tools: - AXE silktouch: false loots: - oraxen_item: mainBlock probability: 1.0 logy: excludeFromInventory: true # Makes inventory only contain base-block material: PAPER Pack: generate_model: false model: wild/baobab_log custom_model_data: 411 Mechanics: noteblock: custom_variation: 500 directional: parent_block: mainBlock # base block which will give drop logx: excludeFromInventory: true # Makes inventory only contain base-block material: PAPER Pack: generate_model: false model: wild/baobab_log Mechanics: noteblock: custom_variation: 502 directional: parent_block: mainBlock # base block which will give drop logz: excludeFromInventory: true # Makes inventory only contain base-block material: PAPER Pack: generate_model: false model: wild/baobab_log Mechanics: noteblock: custom_variation: 503 directional: parent_block: mainBlock # base block which will give drop
Lunaiskey2y ago
post logs
SoulOP2y ago
This is the error which I get when I place them:
Admincraft Meta
Please use a paste service instead!
Paste services are more mobile friendly and easier to read than just posting a log file
Requested by soul_9017#0
Lunaiskey2y ago
post the full latest.log not just the section
SoulOP2y ago
just posting it
SoulOP2y ago
this is my latest.log
Admincraft Meta
Please use a paste service instead!
Paste services are more mobile friendly and easier to read than just posting a log file
Requested by soul_9017#0
SoulOP2y ago
that's all of my latest.log if you want the .log.gz file, you can ask
Discount Milk
Discount Milk2y ago
Send it using https://mclo.gs/
mclo.gs - Paste, share & analyse your Minecraft logs
Easily paste your Minecraft logs to share and analyse them.
SoulOP2y ago
the bot did it
SoulOP2y ago
here are my plugins tho
No description
Discount Milk
Discount Milk2y ago
Bot doesn't always do the entire thing Idk why you argue instead of just doing it
Lunaiskey2y ago
can you use triple ` on top and bottom to make your thing a code block or just post the yml to paste.helpch.at
SoulOP2y ago
```mainBlock: displayname: Baobab_log material: PAPER Pack: generate_model: false model: wild/baobab_log custom_model_data: 411 Mechanics: noteblock: model: wild/baobab_log custom_variation: 500 directional: # Valid values are LOG, FURNACE and DROPPER directional_type: LOG # LOG y_block: logy x_block: logx z_block: logz hardness: 1 drop: minimal_type: WOOD best_tools: - AXE silktouch: false loots: - oraxen_item: mainBlock probability: 1.0 This doesn't include the parent block from the above example logy: excludeFromInventory: true # Makes inventory only contain base-block material: PAPER Pack: generate_model: false model: wild/baobab_log custom_model_data: 411 Mechanics: noteblock: custom_variation: 500 directional: parent_block: mainBlock # base block which will give drop logx: excludeFromInventory: true # Makes inventory only contain base-block material: PAPER Pack: generate_model: false model: wild/baobab_log Mechanics: noteblock: custom_variation: 502 directional: parent_block: mainBlock # base block which will give drop logz: excludeFromInventory: true # Makes inventory only contain base-block material: PAPER Pack: generate_model: false model: wild/baobab_log Mechanics: noteblock: custom_variation: 503 directional: parent_block: mainBlock # base block which will give drop
Lunaiskey2y ago
post it paste.helpch.at
Discount Milk
Discount Milk2y ago
You need to put the ``` on both sides...
Lunaiskey2y ago
post the entire latest.log to mclo.gs cus thats just not all of it and i wanna see if it complains when it loads the plugin
SoulOP2y ago
SoulOP2y ago
Paper 1.20.1 Server Log [#Ab3BVib]
555 lines | 1 error | 1 problem automatically detected
Lunaiskey2y ago
from a quick look at the documentation, other then your log x,y,z having the pack section which documentation doesnt have it and your mainblock loots not having curly braces it doesnt seem to have issues maybe contact oraxen devs for assistance or looking through their discord for anyone who had the same issue
SoulOP2y ago
ik but im not able to purchase oraxen atm so i dont get support (had to compile it)
Lunaiskey2y ago
i wouldve assumed that their discord showed showed the channels even if they are just read only
SoulOP2y ago
Cooleg2y ago
makes sense to me honestly
Lunaiskey2y ago
other then reporting it to them not much else to suggest if the yml is correct

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