Should I be getting better performance?
Laptop Specs:
i5 8th gen
Radeon R7 M440
8GB RAM (All Allocated)
I have 130 mods loaded, embedium being my main performance mod. With fast settings and 16/16 render and simulation distance I get 15-30 fps. On a server which runs on Intel Pentium and 4GB RAM, with 29/29 render and simulation distance with 55-60 fps. Also please suggest a good shader pack that won't lower my fps.
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Requested by realspryzen#0
8GB is not enough
And allocating all of it is definitely not going to help
realistically, if you have 8GB of system memory, you should only allocate 4GB or maybe 5GB. Especially for modded
8gb ram is too little for a computer
Would upgrade to 16, it's the new norm