Created by Spryzen on 12/15/2024 in #questions
Should I be getting better performance?
Laptop Specs: i5 8th gen Radeon R7 M440 8GB RAM (All Allocated) I have 130 mods loaded, embedium being my main performance mod. With fast settings and 16/16 render and simulation distance I get 15-30 fps. On a server which runs on Intel Pentium and 4GB RAM, with 29/29 render and simulation distance with 55-60 fps. Also please suggest a good shader pack that won't lower my fps.
7 replies
Created by Spryzen on 12/15/2024 in #questions
How to allocate more ram to chunky?
After like 2%-5%, it crashes my game. I assume this might be because of not having enough ram allocated. I copied the world and try to do it in single player with the radius 5000 still same. My specs are i5 8th gen and 8GB ram. Also, I have the game itself's ram allocated to 8GB.
5 replies