Performance problems with oracle free tier
Hi everyone, currently i have a modded forge server with around 100 mods where i play with my friends (7-10 players in total).
I created an instance with 2 ocpu and 12 gb of ram, with -xmx11G for the server.
The thing is that, with 4 or more players the server starts lagging and eventually crash every 3 hours or so, when I check the oracle dashboard or in the console I use $ top command I can see than the cpu and ram usage are always to the max.
What should i do? create a new instace with more ram and ocpu?, I already have MemoryLeakFix and others mods to help improve the performance, but nothing have worked.
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Requested by gma666#0
why create a instance with that little
also dont give the entire os 1 gb of overhead -.-
u need more
i though that 12gb would be enough
well its free either way u might aswell have taken it all
but yeah just grab more ram and 4 ocpu
i tried with 8gb of ram for the server first and then i starting increasing the ram for the server little by little
Ok, i will set a new instance with everything maxed out then
How much ram for the server tho?
well atm ur giving linux and jvm overhead a single gig of ram
just give it the 24
u get
i mean, for the -xmx parameter
16 ig
if u have 24
I'll try it
another question
do i need to delete my current instance in order to create this other one instance with the max hardware?
Oci free tier won't realistically support 10 players on a server with 100 mods tbh
Even a maxed out free tier instance?
It's just a quad core arm chip that you get with the free tier
You gotta count the resources for Linux and pterodactyl
Whatever is left over is what the server has available to it
I see
idk but it might
I ran with over 200 players at once on a 1.8.8 network on oracle cloud free tier lol
just throw the whole 4 cores and 24gb into an instance
and start the server with like xms and xmx both on like 20gb
please dont
more than 12-16 and u go into too much memory territory causing more GC issues
tbh I don’t know what newer version minecraft servers require it was an assumption
no way above 12 causes GC issues
its normally above 16
any above what you need
you want the gc to pause for as little time as possible when it pauses (even if that means pausing more frequently)
and if you only need 3g of memory, allocating 12 will be kneecapping your performance for no reason
kneecapping might be a strong word, but you'd be degrading it at the very least.
did the thing, one instance with maximum ram and ocpus, and runs ultra smooth now