[45 mins +] Fabric's Minecraft server downloading extremely slow

Hi everyone, I'm have a Fabric Minecraft server and currently for some reason it's downloading extremely slow (30 mins + just to download assests). Im wondering if anyone can help me solve this?: + Part of the install script I'm using for Fabric: echo -e "${CY}Preparing Fabric installer for Minecraft server's installation${NC}\n" echo -e "${LG}Getting Fabric server installer${NC}\n" curl -OJ https://meta.fabricmc.net/v2/versions/loader/$MC_VERSION/$LOADER_VERSION/$INSTALLER_VERSION/server/jar echo -e "${LG}Renaming fabric-server-mc.$MC_VERSION-loader.$LOADER_VERSION-launcher.$INSTALLER_VERSION.jar >> $SERVER_JARFILE${NC}\n" mv fabric-server-mc.$MC_VERSION-loader.$LOADER_VERSION-launcher.$INSTALLER_VERSION.jar $SERVER_JARFILE + The jar command (I'm using Fabric's new method which only check for missing files and download the Minecraft server when you run it): java -Xms5296M -Xmx5296M -XX:+UseZGC -XX:+ZGenerational -jar fabric-server.jar I'm using Pterodactyl Panel btw. Thanks for the help.
9 Replies
Admincraft Meta
Admincraft Meta9mo ago
Thanks for asking your question!
Make sure to provide as much helpful information as possible such as logs/what you tried and what your exact issue is
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Requested by librepo#0
librepoOP9mo ago
What I mean by it downloading slow(it's just stuck at this screen for 30 mins +)
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DogeConomy9mo ago
oops ignore what I said (you already have a panel) long day for me lol
librepoOP9mo ago
lol no problem
librepoOP9mo ago
oh and eventually it returns this:
No description
librepoOP9mo ago
Lildirt9mo ago
I imagine you have a networking problem. I'm grasping at straws here, but if you've been triggering the download a lot by repeated testing then they might have rate-limited you. the exception is a socket timeout, basically saying the network connection stalled out for too long and died. so no data was being transferred for long enough to hit the timeout. maybe you have really bad Internet?
librepoOP9mo ago
my internet is fine, about 120 mbps hmm, yeah I did test the server a lot so may be that is the case if that so, is there anyway to resolve the rate limit?
Eternal9mo ago
waiting or change IP

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