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All posts for Satisfactory Modding
Universal Destroyer
Satisfactory Mod Manager
Pipe Network
Tricks to allow MPSync network access?
Covered Conveyor Belts, game crashes after loading a save.
Mega Oil Pump Mod
Solar Tractor Ignoring Traffic Lights
Mod manager is giving failed to resolve lockfile: failed parsing lockfile: unexpected end of JSON in
The Great Audio Bug
Game crashes when loaded up after 5 mins or so
AutoLink Railway Blueprint Crash
Universal Machines Idling Themselves
Digital Storage Crashing
Webview 2 runtime
[Linux] how do i make satisfactory mod manager locate the satisfactory installation?
Error logging in: [GraphQL] user is logged in.
Real Arachnophobia or Difficulty Tuner? to get rid of spiders
How to determine if a mod is multiplayer safe?
Satisfactory Mod Manager
How can i change instal direction?
Install Mod Server!!.
Problems with Spiral Stairs
Game hangs up after 30-50 minutes
idk if this is with the mods but the conveyor lift dossent work with lift holes
some resets mod crashes game after /resetfactory
AllPolesHaveLights doesn't seem to have any effect.
@th3fanbus tape mods - volume control & spatial sound doesn't work?
Help Resetting Admin Password
Здравствуйте ,Вот такая ошибка , помогите решить
I'm In experimental but I'm not according to steam?
I am working on downgrading the game to Satisfactory Update 8 to play SF+. I think I am close, but
Crash While placing Digital Storage buildings
SMM wont open
Server Hosting-Website compatible with the SMM
Lost MODS after "C" died.
failed to resolve lockfile: could not resolve mods: ... efficiency checker mod
Need help with Linux Server Mods
Problem with changing the place where mods are installed
Struggling to load
failed to resolve lock file v1.0.0 comp
problem when friend tries to join my server
Unable to open SMM; mods not loading
my battery died and now my mod loader doesn't work.
Struggling to join own server
Help with crashes pls and thank you.
Installing mods on MacOS.
Resource Roulette - Support for wells?
structural solutions - where is the "ss concrete/metal material" used?
Doggo Loot Collector
crash on launch
Blueprints dont print Correctly when I print them on a specific world.
Crash dumb
satisfactory+ error
missing a mod
Unlock all alternate recipes mod by andre aquila not working
hosting unlimited dedicated server no connection to mod manager
Something went wrong
server insta crash (experimental)
Insta Crash when playing,
failed to validate installation: failed reading FactoryGame.exe: failed to list path:...
Mirror blueprint along specific axis?
Bio gens do not work period
Issues linking my server to Mod Manager
SMOD file to UPLUGIN file
Game Crash on Startup - Plugin Failed to Load because Module could not be found...
game wont start
Somethings wrong with mod install
Old modded save, check what mods were installed
game says plugin error everytime i load it up
How to downgrade to 0.8?
Fix Stack Sizes
can't install smm on linux, edge webview doesn't install within proton container
Crashing every few minues
How to paint Paintable Power Lines?
Help locating mod
could not read save mod metadata for server
FileSystemLibrary not found
Overflow Valve doesn't work on game start
Bug Report: "Spectator Mode" mod, Cannot move forward backward.
In PAK Utility Mod, why does hitting water from above or below seem to cancel !noclip?
Dedicated Server can't be managed on Satisfactory Mod Manager
Modular Stations slight mismatch between L and R train stations
Structural Solutions door sounds?
Industrial EvolutionIndustrial Evolution
Hypertunnels 1st Person Hyperloop doesn't work on dedicated servers
need help setting up my nitrado dedicated server with mods...
Powergrids fusing together?
Linux mod manager?
My game crashes when loading a save after uninstalling a mod
SFTP on bisect
Flex splines - Longer Belts issue
Invisible objects
Magic splitter feature request
Cartograph not updating Railways automatically
Game crashing while joining MP Lobby
Infinite zoop scaling resources
any mod for copying/pasting buildings?
ResourceNodesManager Mining % and Hotkey
Dedicated server segfault after installing mods
HexFactory with Mods that add resources
Mod Commission?
Micro Manager Update?
mpsync not working
"No Satisfactory Installs Found" using Bottles
Factory Props Zoop / Randomization
Upload/overflow priority dimensional storages mod
how to change what mods enabled ?
super chainsaw mod wont appear
uevr wrist menu rotation issue
Impossible d'utiliser le mods PerfectCircleand
Pak Utility Flight Speed not working
The game crashes when starting
Power Checker: CTD in Blueprint Designer
DigitalStorage ADSCraftingServer causes crash
Mods not loading
Linked Machines not filling all machines equally
Modular Stations at max volume while loading
Crash in Long Reach when looking at drop pod coming back
failed to resolve lockfile
How to find linear motion catwalk elevator
Mods that disable node restrictions.
Remove Alternate Recipes after using "Unlock All Alternate Recipes"
Sticky Resource Markers
Im pretty sure I have a steam cmd server dowloaded and running but smm wont pick it up why
The Mod Manager is not working and refuses to even boot up
Can't Install Visual Studio 2022?
Lumin works in only some places
Are there any mods that just turn off glass reflections?
Just Fly Redux stopped working
Can’t install most up to date SML, believe it’s because I don’t have U8 and 1.0 at the same time.
How do I learn to mod?
MP Bugs?
Cannot play crossplay
Any drone mod?
mpsync isnt working i want my friends to play when im not on
Installing mods
SMART! 1.0
"Miner status on map" and map markers breaking
Crash on Startup
Searching for Mod to Fix Fluid Output
Best mods to use
Satisfactory plus
I just unlocked nitric acid but I'm not seeing it listed in recipes for the chemical reactor.
Perfect Circle server incompatibility???
i got crash
Help with CO2
Possible Bug for "Modular Load Balancer"
SMM Doesn't Like Downpatching
Help with stats mod by Andre Aquila
satisfactory keeps crashing when my friends try to connect to a server with mods
Double placement, Cable choices plus
Game Crash Unsure of Cause
new to satisfactory
Fluid depot downloader
Crashing 5 mn after loading my save
Advanced logistics corrupting BP
Looking to edit recipes
Intermittent Crashes related to Blueprints
downloading old version isn't working
Im using the Digital Storage mod and want to increase the wireless tower range
digital storage crash
Cartograph Mod | X3-Roads not showing up on map
Mod manager isn't working probably can't find game
SMM stuck in full screen on wrong monitor [Linux Mint 22]
Updating mods and crashed
Modding Server buy
Zoop blueprints
fluid extras mod not loading in for satisfasctory+
Cant get some mods started
need help
Beam length reset with SML 3.9.1
ficsit farming dont output
renaming items
Crash with steam proton
Game keeps on crashing, but especially on start up
Help navigating mod manager
SMM Не видит репозиторий Satisfactory.
Satisfactory+ Issue?
Universal Swatch Slots
Is there a mod similar to cartograph that doesnt lag out the game as much?
Blade Runner Ultimate | Something is wrong... Hypertubes
I finished the farming milestones, but one is stuck on my to do list. How can I clear it?
updating mods on dedicated server
Is there a mod to automate slugs?
cheaper crafting recipe
BAM Alternative? MK Machine Upgrades & Belts
Still getting RBO error with Fix Reliable Buffer Overflow installed
Machines from BEMR (Belt and Miner Renewed) not working with recipe.
mod to get better performance?
Need help getting more inventory slots
Creating blueprint of existing building
Curve Mod - Unable to toggle the curve angle adjustment using any key + scroll wheel.
Cartograph possible bug/crash
Mod manager installed on a drive thats not even plugged in anymore
Cartograph latest version crash
universal machine
Game crashes involving blueprints
Multiplayer Issues
Update Notifier: Notifying for Mod Already Updated [Factory_Prop_Mod]
"connection to host has been lost"
how do i get rid of big rocks on caterium ore
Latest Cartograph broke | Check image
mod start error
Refined power: pressure conversion?
What mod is this and why doesn't it work? It just clumps everything into a small area and it broken
pioneer skin mods?
I can't select installation
BAM Lead Items bad PNG?
Install mod manager without Edge
no installs found on linux
failed reading
Explorer with turrets
I have “No Z fighting” but I still have Z fighting
Ficsit-cli doesn't even let me run it.
Connect to dedicated server with sftp with certificates?
FexPan on Dedicated Ubuntu Server?
bam renewed fp
Cannot join other players; connection to host has been lost.
Random Crash: Warning: Remove failed, cannot remove null from inventory
Why I cannot join my satisfactory moded world?
Why my freind cannot join my satisfactory moded world?
Game crashes when i try to join my friend's save
inf slide mod/crafting bench mod
Modloader crashes the game
Extra Millestones or FPC_dependency hidding the shortcut menu + Another bug found
Extra Millestones or FPC-dependency hidding the shortcut menu.
tried to join mp but stops on the loading screen
Save modifying
Something is wrong with my game.
Cartograph Bug Report
i need help with mods (answered)
cant enable sml
Simple Underground - elevator bug
Crash because Graphic
how to stack buildings inside eachother?
Is there a mod for more stamp markers?
why cant i join
smm can´t install mods/server no working
Autolink crashes dedicated server
Efficiency Checker Mod Mk5 Belt Throughput Bug showing 480 items/min
Refined power | Invisible Power Lines
Help with mods
keep crashing and game freezes for half a second when placeing
Several mods causing crashes
Linux SMM can't connect to
grappling hook
Cartograph - Satisfactory #NotWorking
smm is not connecting to my server
error opening mod manager
Miners not visible in game after installing mod "Miner Status on MAP"
infinite zoop numbers not correct?
Build Menu Organiser ― Missing Items
How to have vanilla inventory size after using a mod?
no satisfactory installs found
Cartograph - Satisfactory version mismatch
route 66 help
Mpsync issue
Factory Props blender bug
factory props team contact question
Game Isn't recognising new profiles
Just curious are there any mods that can make the game world unstable?
New to Modding Satisfactory (Ind. Evolution)
Bug Mod manager
When ever i attempt to play with statisfactory plus i get an error
[Taj's Graphic Overhaul] Which setting affects these screen-space frame lines appearing onscreen?
My game is crashing even without mods
Troubles importing mod profile
Can't update mods
Waste Shielding crash
i installed it
Potential bug? Lag after mod update - grappling hook.
Mods in pterodactyl docker environment
Server Crash | Reliably Repeatable
No encuentra archivos de instalación de satisfactory
smm error
tractor generator bug
No "Extra Milestones" after "Vilsol Fun Website"?
Cartograph Mod | Slowly disappearing with every building I place
Help using the cartograpgh mod
whay does it say this
Rename everything mod by Andre Aquila.
Sftp acces not even recognizing my bisect server
Cannot join friend with mods on
Can't open a Modded save file in the Satisfactory Save editor
Help needed with a mod
Need a help on multiplayer
Progressive Blueprinters mod
need help installing mods to a dedicated server
sftp connection failed
What is some mods you recommend for 2 player dedicated servers?
Blueprints are broken (FIXED)
Constant crash when trying to join friend, whom I've played with several times with same mods
invalid Satisfactoryinstalls
Help on resource mod
Extra Milestones mod - Please enable splitter filtering for Nickel & Titanium Ores
I can't get SMM to load/update mods.
Factory props Crashing Linux dedicated server and stopping server too exit code 1
Connection loss, too many items?
Road mods
Mod list | Compatibility Help | New To Modding
game crashes when mods are turned on
Satisfactory Network Mod
Structural Solutions - LoD on Glass Dome parts is concrete, not glass
Key Bind for Blueprint Menu not working on dedicated servers?
Big Storage Tank - Port Alignment
Installing Efficiency Checker Mod on a server
pak utility mod command ! give DS Drive (gas 240m3) wont work
debug info
Cartography Mod not functioning.
Editing mods?
plugin load fail?
ficsit cli just exits
Collectible and Enemy Spawner - how do they work?
Problem with difficulty tuner mod by sifvert
Game sometimes crashing from opening train UI's
Mod problems dedicated serv
train error 404
No instal mods on my server
unable to play modded multiplayer on a new world
Use ModManager on mac
Mod Manager error
Super Chainsaw mod appears to cause a race condition on startup
Could someone clarify what User/Password is on setup?
UEVR on Linux: Game doesn't start
Huge Storage
Dedicated servers with mod settings > 120
Removed some mods, server now crashing on startup.
Does SMART still work or not?
Automated doggos looting
Recommended minor vanilla-friendly mods?
dont search game mod loader
1 invalid Satisfactory installs found
Continuous space elevator not unlocking after failed delivery
production stats
i don't know why it's appened ? Can you help me ?
Efficiency Check Activation
UEVR crashes, most of time from opening the inventory
Can't place long splines with Flex Splines
MPsync errors
Problem or proposal for Infinite Splines
cant install mods
Greyed out buttons
bug with better radar
Color question
My Satisfactory isn't detecting the Modloader
Are there any performance-enhancing mods?
Map and mods
yo i need help with this, the manager guid me to put this here
Any and all mods crash my game. What am I missing?
Specific amount splitting
DI Transportation mod bug?
(Multiplayer) friend joins insta disconnect
Cannot install mods (has circle with slash)
mods wont turn on
Epic install doesn't show mods (Steam install does) and Pipeline Mk.3+ will not install correctly
I think I messed up but asking to be sure before starting a lot of work.
Can't find game files
Possible Bug with Efficiency Checker and Industrial Evolution
SMM Crashes Randomly from Time to Time
Help i cant oppen satisfactory
1.0.0-pr7 is forbidden, version solving failed
Help Needed: Issue with Satisfactory Dedicated Server and Mods (DynamicInventorySlot)
RandomOreLocations : No SAM on the map after multiple rerolls
Game keeps crashing at random intervals.
Game crash on start up with SML file error
modify a mod
Infinite Nudge, Zoop and Spline crashes the game at launch
Model View Viewmodel: Source was evaluated to be invalid at initialization.
Anybody have a link to a Taj's graphical overhaul video? I'm interested to see a comparison video.
server crash after startup
1 Hz Stutter/Stall
i cant use the mod manager and idk why please help
Legs Textures UV Error/Not Working
Will using just Quality of Life (QOL) mods break my game upon Satisfactory updates
Question about adding mods
How to see my current mod list and edit it
How do I tell if a mod works with the latest version of Satisfactory
Mods incompatible on cross-play - any ideas why?
Pause Button mod help
Crash 10 minutes after game load
Most performant item teleportation?
mod BAM belt issues
I can't find what mod is activating The Level 10. Any help?. I just finish the level 9.
Mod manager crash
Find a mod
Mods unable to be updated?
KeyBind for Blueprint Menu problem
Update for X10/x100 sink points mod for FICSMAS items?
I keep getting this error when editting mods i also i keep tring to load a save and it crashes
Were do the mods save
Pak utility mod echoes back my chat commands
I cant do anything
Game crashes when I try to build small Billboard
Pipeline rate
Game crashes when i go to a specific Area
The "Install" button on the mods page isn't working.
Back to production line storage doesn’t like it if you increase storage capacity
I have a cracked version of satisfactory and the mod manager cant find my game installation
vanilla green houe not working
Connection lost whenever trying to join a friend
Infinite Spline crashing game on selecting... signs
Its not letting me downloadmods
Random crashes with no particular action or timeframe
Game crashing after Ficsmas Update
cant install mods using website install button with smm
where do i find the needed info to add dedicated server?
SMM Installation not found on macOS using Wineskin
Problem with Quick Save Hotkey F5
SML Version 3.9.0 Issue - Server
Mod objects use world grid by default
smm satisfactory not found
Game Crash While Joining Server
Ficsit Farming - How do I get the Mycelia to farm up?
Covered Conveyor Belts mod trouble
Alpakit fail to pack mod
Cannot Alpakit anything.
how can I select game installation folder manually ??
SMM opens offscreen
Persistent Paintables not copying customization of Painted Beams
Fluid Teleporter Not Working
Is universal destroyer multiplayer compatible?
Decoration & More Decorations by Andre Aquila don't seem to be working with Multiplayer?
Structural Solutions Broken In Multiplayer
How do i fix this
Installed mods don´t get recognized by the Server
Fluid Teleporter Not Working
Can't use multiplayer with mods
discord integration
Save without mod, error message
Still getting Network Error
Logistical Hubs Issue
Satis+ Multiplayer possible
Does having multiple MLB groups cause lag?
Game crashing when using the Ficsit Farming
Mod Loader Version 3.9.0 issues
How do these Custom Lists work? (if at all)
SMM keeps crashing when I attempt to open it
No HOR with Better Alternate Recipes
problem with opening the mod launcher
Longer Beams + Infinite Nudge interactions
Blender 3d model machines
Cable Choices Plus Skyhook Power Pole Model Twisted
Foundations under Railways (FUG) Bug since last upddate.
Mods not usabe ingame
Dimensional Depot Downloader not getting items
using infinite nudge. i am able to decrease scale but not increase.
Foundations Under Railways Configurable Z-Offset?
Mod manager not opening
Crash to dextop.
mod manager giving me weird message
smm cant connect to but no internet issue on my end
Is down, or is it a problem on my end?
Inconsistent game freezes/crashes when interacting with digital storage network poles/cables.
DI Transportation won't install due to version confusion (I think)
Error managing mods via SFTP
Possible problem with the mod: belt and miner (FP renewed)
Resource Roulette crashing to desktop when loading save
MP World Crashing While Joining
Fluid Teleporter
Mods installed on server but not working in game
My brother wants to play with me and he has cracked Satisfactory
need help getting any mods to work once more
been trying to get satisfactory plus working but pipes aren't working.
Game crashed want to parse bug report
Infinite loading to join a session
Drone mod doesn't work
Issues installing mods/connecting to server
move pickable, how do i select an item to move?
Build Gun Utilities Crash when over 50 dismantle actors is turned on
looking For Mod Name
Power Checker - can't get started
Failed to load plugin
mod loader will not start
CRS help
Not sure if mod problem but i get huge log files due to LogParticles, LogPower and more
spawning creatures/structures/sloops/spheres?
Fluid Teleporter - Breaks Blueprints
dedicated server crashing
Fatal Error Window
Cannot load into a multiplayer session
Issues with AccessTransformer.ini. Cannot access protected member declared in class
Refined R&D API keeps getting loaded on mod list
Can't use 1 world on 2 steam accounts
Does anyone know how to fix the loading Bar to actually finish?
Your connection to the host has been lost
Laser Cables not changing color
failed to install
Error after start
Vanilla Foundations Disappear if Painted with More Swatches?
Sif Teleporter
Universal Swatch Slots - No Swatches Appearing
game makes me fly when i am not flying
Glass fluid buffers vanished with today's update
Using SML with game not install in default directory
Mod does not support one of....
Game jumps back to Main Menu when trying to join a dedicated server and crashes with SML exception
Issue with Metal Structures in Structural Solutions Mod on Dedicated Server
Foundations Under Railways
Andre Aquila - Thanks for Fixing the I in 3D Text
guys is there anywhere in the save file to remove the logs that there where mods in your save game ?
Problem with connecting to dedicated server after modding
Industrial Evolution Version Solving Failed
the game crashes instantly after the load screen.
Is there a way to run mods on a dedicated server?
SnapON bug.
New Stackoverflow CTD as of this morning's Updates
not sure why it keeps crashing
Issues with CCTV Monitoring Cameras
Custom HUD hide equipment not working
Suggestion: Add MAM to "Auto Download Progress Items"
Mkplus Mod no sounds?
Update of Smart
The Dismantler (Andre Aquila)
Different Install Location
Structural Solutions Mod
My game always crashes when loading into any save with only All fluid are Gasses Mod
Mod idea: NO REFUNDS
di more glass - randomly? swapping front/back of walls
Auto Upload to Dimensional Depot sometimes deletes items
getting error when friend connects
what dose this mean
[Curve Builder] Making parallel curved foundation
crashed creating a world with every advance setting enabled
Dimensional Depot Downloader removing UI elements after 3 min game time
my game keeps crashing
The game is crashing
Difficulty Tuner and Real cost
a problem with mod update notifier
SMM crash while installing a new mod
SMM issue
Structural Solutions Mod
installation file not founed
Mod / Modpack advice?
My friend can no longer join my game
Game loads then crashes after a short time.
Fred please help, my game crashed when trying to load a blueprint hologram
Hi new to modding. need help with the train station mod
Build Gun Utilities Terrain Object Remover not working.
Failed to remove old mods
Trouble with blueprint designer
Resource Roulette - modded nodes bug
crashing grabbing bows from monstrous storage container
TFIT: CTD while trying to pickup an item in FICSMAS Calendar
Ficsit-cam is forbidden?
Infinite Storage Container: how to learn amount of numeric inventory?
AB_FluidExtras mod not found but it says its downloaded? Trying to play Satisfactory Plus
Beaver's Ficsmas Booster - Activating and Un-customizing
Update Mods to Linux Server
Friend can't connect to world.
Build Menu Organiser - CL: Creating new Categories/Subcategory
Beavers Ficsmas Booster - Icicle crashes game
Game crash since today. Caused by 4 different mods that didnt get an update since yesterday
Does refined power have a limit to how many wind generators you can place
Crashing Consistently when building
Refined power mod causing instant crash to menu when connecting to dedicated server
Pressure Modulator CRASH
SMM closes when updating/installing mods
Just Fly Redux
Quantum Encoder bug when used with Linear Overclock
Mod milestones reset when loading world to multiplayer server but is fine in singleplayer
Error downloading mods
just fly redux, Update (dec.04.2024) slow flight speed
Structual Solutions Multiplayer Incompatibility
pak utility mod
Efficiency Checker Mod says error on the screen after freezing gameplay for 10 seconds
Discord Game Activity not working on Linux
Hoper mod crash
Mirrored Buildings - "Mirrored Refinery" not actually mirrored?
Invalid insatlation
Dependency Install (KPrivateCodeLib) doesn't work
belt and miner issue
ficsit-cli unattended mods update
Belt and Miner (BAM) crashes the game
Game keeps slowing down to less than 10FPS randomly
Structural Solutions causing multiplayer to crash and not join
miner mk 2 having enormous high mining speed after going back in the game
Struggling to find mod that is crashing game on launch
Crash when trying to use a Blueprint.
Structural Solutions: patterns on concrete are emissive by default
Cant Join Multiplayer Session
no clipping mod
Somersloop Finder command building the mod's computer
Cable Choices Plus seems to break a number of objects
Can only build curves going right with "Curve Builder" and keybinds dont seem to do anything (1.0)
missing string table entry error as well.
mixed errors not allowing connection to server
Trying to figure out a crash
[UNSOLVED] Splitters and mergers disappear at random
My friend is unable to join my world.
Please add ficsmas gifts to "Auto Get Loot and Dropped Items"
missing string table entry error
FICSMAS Gifts Not Falling
Cable Choices mod crashes FICMAS update
Mods wont load
Taj's Graphical Overhaul
<Missing String Table Entry>
SMR debug info
Mod manager wont work with cracked version?
failed to resolve lockfile
Splitter and merger meshes disappeared
Game Crash After ive updated mods
Game crash on launch
Game crash every time I try and open the game
Checking with Fred to see what is happening.
Male Character Model?
Structural Solutions
Error downloading Satisfactory mod manager
Game Crash by starting
how do I know if I have mods enabled?
Unique Turbine crashes the game when placed or when a save is loaded with it already built pre patch
Cant Connect to our multiplayer Session
am have system crashes loading
GPU Crash - Asking Fred for help
Crashing on loading screen
GPU or Mods? Crash
Intermittent Crashing
Unreliable Buffer Overflow
DI Power Indicators mod still crashing after mod update
Friend Unable to join local Server
refined power causes error after update
the mod manager cannot connect to the server
Crash on startup when using Refined Power, Ficsit Farming, Cable Choices Plus and Ficsit Networks
Broken Save - Breadcrumbs 'RHIThreads'
Whenever I try to open the mod manager is says that it "Failed to initialize"
How to disable/delete the mods i have, also idk where i can see a list of current mods
Server crash with Ficsit Remote Monitoring
Game (silent) crashing after loading a save
Factory Statistics by SifVerT question
New Crash, not sure if its a mod or not.
Game crashing after menu screen
Can't Join DedicatedServer with ModularLoad Balncer Update
I still cannot even login to my server
my game crashes after menu screen
crash on game load.
game keep on crashing when trying to load in a game, only green mods
Crashes when I pick up hard drive
Crashing On Loading Save
Circuitry - Logic gates and More: crashes game -
Crashing game on loading save (all red/yellow) disabled
Universal Swatch Slots - crash
Using Blueprints with Modular Load Balancers crashes game.
Bug startup game
Game crashing loading into server.
Belt and Miner (BAM) Mk8 constructor crashes game
"Dimensional Upload Priority" will not work in Blueprint Builder
Smart Wireless Lighting Mod Crash
Game Crash on startup
A mod changed the Turbofuel recipe to produce 0.75 per minute
after loading a save (not the game) or creating a new save the game crashes
Hypertoob Additions mod crashes game
Mods expected fixing time?
my games keeps crashing when i want to go ingame
crash launch game
crash launch game
able to play a pretty empty save, decided to launch the save i really wanted... and kaboom
How would I download and use a mod?
SM2: keybind or command to mass enable maintenance?
Problem with Fluid Awesome Sink Redux
Have disabled DI Lights, Refined Power and More Swatch Slots and still cant get on server
Missing Plugin
Random FPS drops/performance issues.
mpsync doesn't allow me to join the game when another friend of the host is already hosting
random game crash
game crashing before the game loads Issues
Game Crash (Wepon Upgrades) Mod
mods making game crash on load
Counter Limiter crash after
game crashing
More Swatch Slots causing my save to not load
Storage on belt crash after
Crashing after update using mods
Access is denied
machines are stuck at 0%, cant move slider
Game Crashing
Cable Choice Plus mod doesn't allow game to load
Refined power broken
Di power indicators broken
Loading Save crashes after v1.0.1.0 Update
Game crash after last update both on loading save or launching a new game
Floor Hole Ceiling Logistics craches games
Issues with efficiency checker mod.
"AB_CableMod" broken after patch
Silent crash with Fluid Extras when loading an existing save (new save loads fine)
game crash after uptade
Segmentation fault on dedicated Server after Update
Can't use Dimensional Downloader in a Blueprint
Efficiency Checker Mod causes all machines' clock speeds to drop and max out 1%
Trying figure out what causing the game to crash
Game crashes when loading Save after Update
Cant Start Satis with some Mods
help with mods
Inventory Filters mod not working
can someone find out what the problem is when i join my friend?
Extra Milestones: NO Titanium and Nickle nodes
My deticated server keeps losing connection
Not seeing the new modded stuctures from structural solutions mod
🔧 Issue with save file after Satisfactory and Mod Manager update – need help! 🔧
Di more glass
Pipe mk3 and mk4
Game client crash when save a blueprint (no mod)
[Request] Rotate Fluid Extras Parts
Seemingly random crashes
"Search it" mod: a request to enable it for Dimensional Depo side window
Mod details
Items from Refined Power Cannot Be Accessed in Dimensional Downloader
Is there a mod that saves object scale (and orientation) when you sample and in blueprints?
Mods broke multiplayer
Belt and Miner Mod Remove
Failed Parsing Lockfile
Fluid Downloader/Uploader
Crashing to desktop on save game load
Refined Power Update
Any mods to allow player clipping through terrain?
SMM fails to install mods now
Assertion failed: mInventoryStacks.Num() > 0
New SMM Issues.
refined power mod prevents the game from starting
Search-it - v1.0 compatible ?
Modmanager Problems
Problem installing mod with SMM.
Simple conveyor
Infinite Nudge
I accidently left mods on when getting on my dedicated server which has no mods, the mods worked???
Andres Magic Machines Mod/Infinite Power Generator Wont install.
Pressure Modulator Compatibility
peux pas installer des mods?
SMM error when launching
Magic fluid splitter sends fluid to fluid teleporter inputs
Hornslet Rail
How do you upload images using the poster mod?
Simple item teleporter no loner on app
DI Transportation Trains just randomly get stuck
Crashing when attempting to join MP
Satisfactory plus for 1.0
its not working
Today resolved this on switch my profile
Curve Mod duplicating number of required resources [bug]
Can I run mods on UbuntuServer in CLI mode?
FPC more milestone items have no sign icon.
SMM not able to download/install mods
I usually don't have problems modding, but I can't figure this one out.
Flex Splines by Andre Aquila config options.
Playermodel missing?
SMM Lockfile Issue
failed creating lockfile directory: mkdir C:\Program Files\Epic Games\Satisfactory\FactoryGame\Mods:
Industrial Evolution: Multiplication of the display for liquids per minute
a vary large amount of lag whenever i reopen the game after i close my computer
Crashing every time I use commands from SML
SMM Issues.
Can't find mod
Resource node randomizer + Belts and miner (faster progress)
Universal Machines Losing Program
Modular Reactor - Cooling / Steam issue
Plugin SML failed to load because module SML could not be found
Merge Blueprints ?
I Can't Create Blueprint
Industrial Evolution not counting somersloops
Game crashing on startup using mods all of a sudden.
How to get started with mods?
The Memory Leak returns
Joining MP crashes game (modded)
Circuitry Logic Gates & More
Extra Milestones Unobtainable Milestone Requirement
infinite load screen when joining game
mod manager unable to do anything
Trying to enabled Mods on dedicated server results in "version solving failed"
Issue with the Liquify Solidify mod from Andre Aquila
mod manager help
Personal Drone (Defender) ignoring enemies
I want to uninstall some mods from dedicated server. Cannot uninstall any.
Auto and Free Power Shards mod Problem.
Settings Copier Mod by MacrioHuser
Issue installing Archipelago mod by jarno_0280
Install Mods On Server? Error Message
i cant open the mod manager
How to find which mods you have installed
i cant create blueprints
Large train signal?
Train Power Station
Efficiency Checker corrupts blueprints !
Universal Machine mod cannot launch anything
access denied
Continuous space Elevator - Phase bugs after uninstall
Circuitry with BP
Fluid Sink and more Mod - Overflow Valves Working Sporadically
Universal Swatch Slots - Color Group not loading
Smelters 'forget' producing Bio-/Charcoal after quitting
failed to resolve lockfile
Resource Roulette - Buildable Resource Nodes conflict
Bug report with CurveBuilder by last_nomai_
Ficsit-Cam crashes trying to edit
Universal Machines Crashing
Production speed low on all machines
Server crashing upon loading different savegame (started solo, but switched to IP mode)
Game crashes when opening, with or without mods
probleme with Curve Builder 1.0.4
Have to reinstall SMM every time or it crashes
Small Refinery stuck on Hub screen
Can't find DI Transportation mod content in game
Can't connect to dedicated server
bam belt and miner update
Smart! version solving failed
Mass Upgrade through MLB
Storage Teleporter Map Issue
"File Does not Exist" Dedicated
Cannot load into friend's server when downloading Enhanced Conveyors
I'm having issues with the SMM
Performance of Digital Storage
Mod-Manager simply doesnt open, no matter what I try
Save Game crashing on load when underground belts send items to Mirrored Blender
Cant join my server
Progressive Blueprinter and Megaprinter mods not working?
Game not found
Ficsit Farming Crash
How can I adjust mod settings on a dedicated server?
Weird annoying overclock thingie?
The Dismantler - Mod not 'seeing' platforms/walls/windows/railings
Industrial Evolution Help research tree
Hello, is it possible to reduce the brightness in the structural mod files solution?
Industrial Evolution / Heavy Fluid Overhaul / Enhanced Conveyors
Decorations // More Decorations do not work on Dedicated Server
factory game
Crash when using Zoop and Infinate Zoop mod errors when updating.
Mass Upgrade: unable to upgrade factory due to inventory limit
Mass Upgrade: not counting "Throughput Counter" as a junction
Industrial Evolution when installed on server gives error on connect
Cannot play multiplayer with Enhanced Conveyors
All mods are giving me a "Plugin failed to load because module could not be found error"
No Mini Fluid Sink
Adjustable splitter operational help
Curve Builder is a game-changer... literally.
Mods are not installing & occasionally crash SML
MPSync Steam Friend not seeing Save
(Industrial Evolution) Resource Well Extractor MK2/Pressurizer MK2 Bugs
I cant start satisfactory cause of sml
Quick help with conveyor buffers: Circuitry mod
Random crash seemingly from building a blueprint
Mod for Power Tower
how to downoald right versions of mods?
Infinite nudge - seems increase scale is not working after latest game patch
i have random crash with construction
Large Glass Silo Empty on dedicated server
Need help removing Simple Conveyor
Refined Power: Micro Reactor not taking Deanorium Reactor Core. Will take other cores/rods.
power control room mod
pressure modulator
Settings copier isn't copying sign layout
Structural Solutions Expansion Pack Crash
Help finding mod
No Fuel for Road Vehicles not work
finding a mod
Digital Storage Number
Structural Solutions not showing up in game.
Friend keeps crashing as he joins
Multiplayer crash - FGInventoryComponent - Inventory need to be initialized before use 0
satisfactory server update: error 0x206
Friend crashes when playing with me when joining or after a while.
Help finding a mod
my game keeps crashing idk why it was fine last night.
The Satisfactory installations were not found
Locomotive Interiors: Interior LOD does not match loco
connect to modded server
help me!!! The mods do not work for me when loading the game, does anyone know why this happens?
SCIM unknown building
Unlimited Dimensional Depot Problem
No Fluids Mod - Allow changing the fluids it refills with?
How to use overflow valve
modular load balancer not load balancing
cracked satisfactory cant add mods im not rich to buy org so please anyone help ??
SMM installed and mods loaded, but when I play no special items show up in my build menu
Mod manager not loading
Tree and rock placement mod
Belt and Miner Mod; Randomly Stops Crafting
"No fuel for road vehicles", after uninstalling it, vehicles still require no fuel
Mass Upgrade mod doesnt let me insert material into the Hub Milestone window
Farming Node Underwater
i cant use 2 mods at a time it keeps crashing and idk how to see my mods
Mod manager not downloading mods, starts fine and then comes to 0.00b/s
i have too many milestones and there not loading
my freind tryed installing my export and her game is crashing when trying to louch
Satisfactory Network Mod problem mit einem Pushbutton Modul
help me
Build Menu Organiser
Early All Map Radar. Causing the game fps drop in game.
Nog's Cheats - ShowDebug PipeProbing shows empty graphs
Structural Solutions - small emissive beam - Same but non emissive?
Satisfactory crashing before loading main menu
Which mods stop that our server will work
Somerloop finder bug?
Random resource node : Multiplayer
Could not read save mod metadata
can't download this mods
mod activation: permission denied
Game crash (installation of railway platform)
Emissive Pipeline - makes hard corners and wired stating point
Milestones not able to complete (put in ressources into milestone while shuttle has landed)
Mod off but on
Issue when running dedicated server with mods
Random crash
Infinite spline
Curve Builder 1.0.4 CTD
Repeat crash happening a few minutes into save.
[Structural Solutions] Concrete/Metal Stairs request
My game doesnt let me start up because of a modul missing
game crashes when i wanna build trains
Where is the config files of "persistent paintables" mod to enable the automatic pipe painting?
Adding mods broke server
'no satisfactory installs found' what do i do?
Game not found
[solved - no bug][structural solution 1.1.38] concrete parts have metal finish
Cache location change does not persist
automatic biofuel processor
Getting the Following Error Message when Trying to Run the game with Mods Turned off
Protogen color slider issue
Belt and Miner(BAM) constructor input issue
Possible Issue With Unlimited Dim Depot
Awesome Points x100 crashing instantly
Crashes due to AFGConveyorChainActor::Factory_Tick()
Mod Manager Problem
DI transportation
Crash keeps hapening when friend tries to join.
chainsaw fuel
Mk2 infinite containers
Dimensional Depot Downloader Does Not Recognize All Items Uploaded
is this a mod?
Unexpected crash after mod deletion
Can i install mods without sml??
no satisfactory installs found
Usefull Liquid biofuel doesn't unlock a recipe to make biofuel
Crash Report - Pirate Satisfaction
Ortho Map
Crashes after Factory Props mod update.
Magic Machines will not dismantle
Simple Item Teleport Mod: Does it have a limit?
New Phases or Milestones won't show or unlock with mod (I think its Structual Solutions or Road Tool
Friend keeps crashing when trying to play modded together
Big Storage Tank Milestone
Upgrade vanilla buildings with mkplus via vanilla upgrade method
Hyper Booster Not Allowing Milestone Resource Adding.
Refined Power mod Turbine mk 1
Failed to get platform: failed to validate installation: did not find game executable
Settings Copier - Incorrect tool scaling/position
DI More Lights
Intermittent crashes
Compatibility Omni World and Refined Power working together
Found the cause of the freeze/lock up
bam belt and miner update
cant play satifactory cuz of writting bug
Circuitry causes crashes
Loss of control
Issue starting modded server
Fiscit Remote Monitoring / Grafana bugs
Simple Item Teleporter Bug v2.1.5
Decorative Rocket Trusters - wow ... a bit too bright IMHO
Structural Solutions Multiplayer Problems
I want play satisfactory on dedi server. Can anyone tell me a hosting?
Simple item teleporter Version 2.1.4 Laggy
Grafana dashboard / FRM mod
Structural Solutions Mod Multiplayer problems
Easy cheat mod crashes friends game after a while
Infinite Zoop not working right as client
Flex belt Brightness
cannot install SMM on WinArm system
Daisy chain every thing crashing game
mConfig is INVALID
Mods and Blueprints Issue
How can I get a list of mods in a save?
utterly lost about game version
Magic Fluid Question?
debug ongoing
Persistent Paintable does not sample foundations colors when picking using MMB
ZipStrips blueprint save bug - Huge lag 0-1FPS
Problem with Progressive Milestone Mod - Added Machines
Crash, I don't understand why.
Dimensional Depot Downloader: Download if storage above X
double freight car leads to infinite docking which cant be cancelled!?!
dedicated server issue
Crashing when connecting with non dedicated server
power control room
Fluid Extra v1.0.8
Cannot move after building a blueprint
Game crashes when i try to mod it
TFIT mod update required please
Mam enhancer mod update please.
trouble with the mod manager
Random Crash out of nowhere.
What does this mean? when i launch the game i get this message.
Cannot connect a belt to magic receiver while creating a BP
Recipe Copier not pasting Fuel Generator settings
my game crashes when i go to the power category in the build menu
make sense of crash error
Not sure if a mod crash.
Mod Manager Errors
Why keep PDBs?
I don't have my installation of Satisfactory in the normal location.
Infinite Zoop causes crash to desktop upon attempting to zoop.
This project requires the 'SML' plugin. Install it and try again
Crashes at auto saves
Resource Node Randomizer crash on use
Vertical Splitters and Mergers potential bug
Crash to desktop on launch
Transport Items Between Saves
Packing Expansion 1.0 incompatibility
Game crashes while I have the Circuitry mod active
How identify a Mod that causes a crash? - Game Crash MMBM
When installing mods to Dedicated server SMM closes within a second while installing the mod.
FPS go down and crash
EasyCheat disables my ability to adjust FOV
Anyone seen this before?
Bug using SMM?
CurveBuilder: Testing New Linux Support (Found a weird issue)
Mods Failing to Download
Crash after latest patch, no popups at all when launching with mods disabled
server crash
Blueprint zooper is so needed
Problem with UE
Efficiency Checker Mod Murdering Performance
crashing still happening
Game crashes with and without mods since update
Inifinite Zoop Crashing
Depot List Swapper changes aren't saving
Tried Installing Curve Builder, got an error.
Getting an error message for "SS Mod" ver 1.1.31
Recipe Randomizer 2.0.11 (Andre Aquila): Bauxite milestone breaks existing recipes
In Digital Storage, is there a connection for droneports? I see a Train Station one... :hmm:
Using just fly redux, I've noticed that my keyboard inputs are much less responsive.
Curve Builder Suggestion
no mods working in the game
Infinite Zoop crashing
More Swatch Slots Broken
Move Dropped Item - How does it work ?
Dimensional Depot Downloader: It's good, but I need a way to limit the output
Issue getting Dedicated server running with mods.
Disabling 'simpel conveyor' crashes during loading save
Help mods
Cannot install Community railway set (blueprints)
Something went wrong UPDATING ANY MOD
unreal engine
structural Solutions - Crash to desktop
game crashing on hosted session
Flex Splines does not work?
I've been having this issue off and on for a week or so.
dedcated server cant read metadata mod error
Please tell me what this means?
Dedicated server
Peer to peer Hosting not working
Instant crash upon load despite disabling all the known damaged/broken mods
Keep playing a moded save without mods
Is it possible to change the ratios for redefined power.
Clearing save file from mods
SMM broke
In Digital Storage how do you assign a task to a Crafting Server in a server rack?
Issue on 1.005 with Efficiency Checker Mod
Error when trying to open mod manager
Can't submit the mods in the HUD
Throughput Counter/Limiter Showing 0s (Not marked as broken)
dedicated server update
How to find which mod is causing problems?
[READ ME FIRST] (Being Resolved as mods update) - Patch Released 2024-11-04 broke some mods.
Game crashing on load
Infinite Nudge Crash with Today's Update
Operating system error
Game Client crashes when trying to build
Satisfactory fails to launch after recent auto-update.
dedicated Server not starting with Mod Fluid Extras
i just updated the game and Infinite Zoom crashes the game
Blueprints CRASH !!!! since 1.0
[Infinit Zoop] Scrolling = Crash
[More Swatch Slot] bug at startup
debug info
Resource Node Randomizer conflicts with Ficsit Farming
Caching delay in Ficsit Remote Monitoring
Digital Storage
better alernate recipe missing recipe
Refined power modular reactor
Dedicated server crashing upon joining
Achievements disabled
Help with Simple Underground Mod
Digital Storage
Question about the 'Smart' mod
Server crashing - possible Infinite zoop mod problem
[Flex Splines] Can't change from Straight back to Default
speedy feets need to be updated
[Efficiency Checker] Displays incorrect conveyor throughput
Refined Power v4.0.14
Mods in hostet Multiplayer Player cant join.
Underground Belts throughput
Crash via SMM but not via Steam
Search Mods
More features to hubs
Ask Ficsit Fred
i need help to find where Satisfactory is
Linux Server
Heavy Fluid Overhaul - RP/FF compatibility
Keybind a CHAT COMMAND looses saved binds
The game crashes again
Ortho Minimap Big Map
connect to server using ssh key
Double Layer walls help
Invalid icon set for schematic.
Game Crashing
More Players
AI Packagers + Resized Stacks = Eaten Containers
Crashing within a couple minutes of playing
Inventory tick crash debugger triggered
Logistical Hubs
Does Magic Splitter support supplying portals with singularity cells?
[Cheap Dimensional Downloader], [Fiscit Farming] Jar of Bog Dirt, Jar of Peet Dirt unlisted.
Efficiency Checker - does not take in consideration belt splitters
how to move cache directory
No installation of satisfactory found
Flex Splines Help
Satisfactory Crash
X3-Roads Highway-Fence Clearance / Identical Buildable
simple teleporter: item loss
Magic fluid splitter question
Mod compatibility issues?
underground belts glitchy on dedicated Server
Daisy Chain Smart Input Factory old building costs
ContentLib Segmentation Fault on Linux Dedicated Server
Latest Infinite Zoop update introduced a crash
Powered Conveyor Belts mod bug
Player config mod bug.
Super (Alternate) Recipes
can't open mod manager
Unhandled Exception: EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION reading address 0x0000000000000008
power checker doesn't register refined power dams & solar
SML on Server
SS Concrete > Glowing Patterns
/commands on chat isn’t working on the dedicated server—any ideas why?
recipe maker not working with converter
Quick question
Hey guys need help with server mods
cant install refinedpower in ficsitcli
Need help reading crashlog #Multiplayer #Modded
PSA: Refined Power's Patreon wall milestone
dismantler won't dismantle foundations
The game keeps crashing.
unable to progress Extra Milestones
Ficsit-cli to add Refined Power to a dedicated server.
problem with satisfactory mod manager
okay odd game freezes and locks up
Crash when scrolling in vertical Build mode
Refined Power breaks Fluid teleporter mod.....
Prevent Magic Splitter to send machine in blueprint
cant use the modloader
Return to Production - Aquila
is there a mod that removes head lift completely?
Checking on status of a particular mod
Frequent crashing, started after installing infinite nudge, but persists with mods disabled
No Reason Crashes
Magic splitter generators doesn't work properly (not for all)
Problems with Gateway Extensions since last update
Fluid Teleporter - CL : names sync issues on dedi Srv
Vertical Logistics Merger/splitter low and high MIGHT be broken
Mod manager blocked by Avira Antivirus
Nature foundations from Factory Props mod too shiny
[Curve Builder 1.0.1] Regarding multiplayer
Can't connect mod-manager to locally installed dedicated server
DI More Lights
No Satisfactory installs found
Vehicle Cam - glare in window (Train)
Awesome Sink Storage adding unused items
Cheap Dimensional Downloader Resource Duplication
this is my debug info
game not not detected by the manager
Server Crash Issues Following Mod Installations - BisectHosting Dedicated Server
Train Station Master not showing cars or speed
[Vertical Logistics] Copy/Paste do not work in Programmable splitter
Cable Choice Plus snaps to cable
Halfling Door Wall by Rawdacted
[Load balancer] Disconnect when placing any balancers
Update failed?
Stats Mod
Issues with train stations not loading/unloading docked train
Where a mods supposed to go
Drop-out issues with "Fast Air Personal Transport" Mod
Can I use mods that are marked as broken?
Strange crash/hang when loading into a save
One Click Buildings: Menu for selecting foundation / wall type is black text on dark gray background
Reverse factory (demanufacture mod) just pass through
I don't understand what's going on.There don't seem to be any updates today. No game, no launcher,
Flex Spline Type
[Better Alternative Recipes] Solid and Liquid Output Multiplier slider not applying
anytime i try to install a mod, i get this error
Andre Aquila's Flex Splines' Power Lines don't load properly after a certain length
Modded items not showing in game but in mod menu
Cable Choices Plus 1.0.7 Crash
MLB, 1.12.0 can't do 90 turns
Game refuses to load with 500 Stacks mod
Stack resizer settings not saving
Weird, yet awesome looking, Curved Builder interactions with Infinte Nudge
Structural Solutions - Can't subject milestone parts
Mk2 Nuklear Power Plant from B.A.M renewed does not work
"The runtime failed to install correctly. Please try again."
Curve Builder, can't run when any build hologram is selected.
DI Transportation MOD Stuck in PATH signals
CurveBuilder fast run/fly stops working while building
Auto loot and Personal Bot / Defender
I can't point to version 1.0 of Satisfactory as the current version of ModManager and it doesn't rec
Can't install any new mods, debug say is forbidden
Small Awesome Sink, Incorrect Power Usage / Broken Standby Button
Nuclear rebalance recipe not applied
Infinite Spline full game freeze.
Mods supported with MP
Power Checker seems to reset overclock to 100% on pause/resume
How do i give a friend access to MPsync cloud save?
Double Item In The Stats
Mods and Server
Mod manager won't install Top Down View if Satisfactory Dedicated Server is installed via Steam
help with installing mods
Unhandled Exception: EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION reading address 0x00000000000 crash happens randomly
How to replace flex splines rails with normal rails?
Vanilla rendering issue (Shader compilation failures are Fatal.)
How can I add mods to a Logic Servers dedicated server?
"Could not read save mod metadata. Mod compatibility check was skipped."
Anti Radiation Box for Transport needs a change
Troubleshooting Andre Aquila mods (2 mods total)
Underground Belts
Mods install but cant unlock in hub
Assertion failed crash
easy alt messup
updated flex splines and now it seems as though something weird is happening with tubes
Mod Manager UI is confusing
[More Swatches] - some paint swatches overwrite Metallic textures
"Transit Station" Mod is Broken
Seeking Clarification about Mod Manager / Mod Updates
Can't select installation
Installed some mods and it crashes.. :(
installing mods mid playthrough
BAM: Renewed Issue
Unlimited miners mod: surface is too uneven / an identical buildable is already built here errors
SMM is very instable
game keeps crashing on loading save
Skin it- train skins
How to use mods on a multiplayer server with your friends?
Infinite spline long belt bug
Modular Load Balancers lots of lag on server
Mods for monitoring production output?
plugingame crash
mod "Smart"
Keybind chat command not persistent, need to redo bindings every save load
Import SMM2 profile into SMM3
Unable to install mods
i need help
Game suddenly not able to launch
when i join my dedicated server just says connection has been lost
HELP: Colony Mod issue
Wrong version when installing mod on server?
Stackable machines
Game Crash
I use BisectHosting with mods, and when i start it imeaditly shuts down.
mod manager to install to right drive it doesn't let me pick a drive
when satis+?
"invalide instalation found"
Speedometer suggestions and a bug
Speedometer on dedicated servers
Grid Ruler Dedicated Server
Trying to install mods on a host-unlimited Server
Speedometer in photomode's no ui
Mods not downloading
MPSync Error - Unavailable at this time due to hack
Question about RePan - Oil Recipe?
some mods
Remove Empty Dimensional Stacks buggy in multiplayer
mod manager crashes
Install Mode on a Dedicated Server
Performance issue with Simple Item Teleporter
Pride Helmet renders in first-person, blocks looking up
Magic Splitter
Unable to close popup on mod manager.
Unable to close popup on mod manager
Do updates make custom mod objects disappear?
smm cant find game file
SMM crashes after updating mods
Produktion Stats 1.0.18
Game crash pointing to Loud balancers...
when your setting up a server what path is it looking for is it the factory games directory?
manually setup installation path
Automatic Instant Smelters
help with error message for ficsit network
Game Freeze with Flex Splines
SMM v3.0.3 issues
getting random crashes
Difficulty Tuner Bugs
Smm not starting
Storage Stats Room Color
cannot remove mods
Need help to modding on my google cloud server
Personal drone mod working for friend but not working for me
Message when Opening the game about ModUpdateNotifier
Drone Ride issue when opening the Map
portable miner collector
Version mismatch installing Easy Recipes due to outdated mods
mass upgrade jumping across train stations
Error on Server Install
SMM not working after pc shutting off while updating a mod.
Digby Tool copy/paste filter
mods not loading
Stackable power poles
Settings copier doesn’t copy somersloop into machine
upgradable machines numbers changing
having a problem with crashes
Fluid Awsome Sink issues
Recipe Maker - Game Lockup.
Issues with Progressive BluePrinter
Personal Logistic Drones gone from SMM
pressure modulator
SMM does not start
MPSync not syncing between Players
MAMA Skin/Big Walls/foundation mod
Satisfactory Mod Manager won't install
Problem with Factory Statistics mod
Cable choices wrong sticking point
pterodactyl install
Need help to Install Mods on my Server
Dimensional Depot Downloader: [Suggestion] Empty Buffer on Output change
Crash Site Beacons missing map options
Lots of Linked Machines cause drop performance
Server-Only mods/Dedicated server join for a friend via GFN
PortableMinerCollector no power
Compact Machines Bug?
rideable drone bug
Network Error - Mod related(?)
Installing mods to a Dedicated Server
Megaprinter is copying things outside of blueprint designer
Compact Machines - Fuel Generators not taking Ionized Fuel
Hold E to Radial Menu - Conflict?
UEVR mod: can't rotate any construction
circuitry - crash if no internet connection; SMM can't disable/enable mods when offline
Large Industrial Fan causes game to crash
crash after opening a early dimensional depot
my mods "uninstalled/dissapeared" and cant install them back
SMM detecting old version (i think??)
Got my modded server started but cant join with the saved mod list
Ficsit assembler
No Satisfactory install found
power duplicators cant conenct to more power dupers
Trying to setup mods for a BitSec dedicated server
Infinite nudge lower bound rotation [bugish]
Difficulty Tuner by SifVerT
collectibles indicator bug
[bug?] [SnapOn] [SirDigby]
Looking for the mod pre-1.0 just want the name of it...
Hi problem with mod update
Error in the Mod Manager
[Structural Solutions] Autodoor Modular cannot be placed
Container Screens mod crashes multiplayer.
Alternate Recipes by Andre Aquila
unable to intall app
Production Stats by Andre Aquila
SMM Crashes on start-up
all mineable mod unable to place miners on resource nodes
Logistical hubs broken
Machines mysteriously turn back on again when building another machine.
Something went wrong message while using the SMM.
Completely locked out from Game Installations after 5 seconds
Help with Network mod
I cannot start unlocking the node in the MAM Tree - Vanilla Green House
Crashing on startup
Auto-Updating dedi server mods via CLI
MPSync not working for me
Compact Machines - Fuel-Powered Generator x16
Wrong Flag for Germany
Circuitry Billboard Custom Images
Error on installing mods
Random conveyor-related crash when trying to build things(?)
sml issues using "default" profile
[Modular Load Balancers] Save on a blueprint?
Linked Machines sometimes do not work until reload
Server mod sync
Linux (Pop!_OS) - SMM cannot find install directory (Epic via PortProton)
mods work in single player but on my dedicated server, only a few work.
Dimensional Depot Downloader
Failed to add installation
collectibles indicator
3D Text crash
SMM Fails on Start after Fresh Install: "Failed to load settings"
Setting up Dedicated server mods
Simple Priority Merger mod not working on dedicated server
Blueprint Zooper diagonal zoop
Mods for dedicated servers
'No Build Animation' not working on foundations
Blueprints freezes for minutes Help
belt and miner fast progress
How to build mod manager from source for arch linux?
SMM Update v3.0.3 Updates then Updates again on restart
Game keeps crashing while traveling
Server restart when i use Mass-Upgrade
[Modular Load Balancers] crashing the game
A mod that belts have no costs
Build Gun Utilities (updated one) cant dismantle world objects despite enabling feature in main menu
Fluid Extras immediately crashes local MP
Question next update
Problem with Share Research mod.
Does Balanced Mid-Game Portal replace old recipe?
any help here please
My Mod Manager shows a blank window when I open it. Can anyone help me?
MPSync not working
since i installed mods my graphics do this scary stuff (see video)
infinite nudge keybinding bugs
White screen when loading
Structural Solutions Concrete and blueprints
[Bug Report][Mass Upgrade] upgraded/downgraded belts in Blueprints are not automatically included
Fluid Extras client crash at connection to dedicated Server
How does Poster Mod work?
I don't see Settings Copier (tier 0,1,2,3 fully researched).
SMM Doesn't seem to display/open
stack Resizer bug ? not sure
Lost Connection to Host when trying to play with a friend
Always Daytime by Andre Aquila Causing Game Crash
Trying to install the Networking mod to my dedicated server using the Mod manager error?
Help Installing Ficsit-Networks
Is it possible to edit the costs of the Start With All Conveyor Belts mod?
SMM saying my game is open/still not closed, but it isn't
Infinite Nudge Vertical Not Working?
SMM stopped launching after the update.
Skin It - Laser Power Cable Skin: Not working.
SMM not opening.
how to use this mod?
Failed to install mod with multibyte chars in filenames
mInventoryStacks crash
Buddy loses connection sometimes due to slightly unstable network connection - now his game crashes
Continuous Space Elevator - Dedicated Server
sml not working
not enough space when i have more than enough space can someone help???
whenever i wanna download a mod it works but when i boot up the game it says there is a error
No Power Line Management breaking blueprints (fuel gen specifically)
debug from contentlib
100x Coal Generator not working
Unhandled Exception: EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION reading address 0x00000
i installed this mod and uninstalled afterwards but it stayed?
Rideable Drones Bug
Equipment MK2 ammo in the ticket shop.
Stackable machines bug
smm refuses to open after I close it
area actions
Do mods disable achievement in 1.0?
Can't close error message if too many mods are missing
connect server
Somersloop Finder Mod - Multiplayer Issue
Crash after Start
Crash caused by hooking issue
Magic Machine custom
mod manager not working
problem with mod infinite zoop need HELP
How to place down lizard doggo with the "Doggo Transportation" mod
Game Crash on startup
Upgradeable Machines - Upgrading switches on (all?!) powered off buildings.
SMM not loading/Possible spacegamedev mod update checker offline issue
YouMod - CL: Vanilla recipes ManualManufacturingMultiplier always equal to ManufacturingDuration
SMM is not loading and is gray
Steam Updating
Cant install mods
Mods disabling achievements?
[Structural Solutions] Autodoor Modular shutter height is loaded incorrectly
Is there a way to increase the ReliableBufferOverflow?(Server Side)
MPSync bugs and crashes
Build Gun Utilities Issues (Unable to dismantle moved foundation and crash)
SifVerT - Difficulty Tuner
Your connection to the host has been lost
Launcher in Fullscreen, doesn't give access to top nor bottom
why is my game updating every time i want to start it
What can I do to solve this?
easy cheat mod
SMM don't work (1 invalid Satisfactory installs found)
missing modules? wont start up
Progressive Trains & Drones?
Something is wrong
InstantCraftBench v1.0.6, CL#372858, Win10 - instant crafting affects the HUB bench too
Mod manager dont open
Something went wrong
Game crashing dont know why
Unable to join new multiplayer game w/ identical mods.
game not loading
Game not loading
TierOverflowLib v1.0.0 (10/19/2024) game CL#372858, Win10 - crashes on savegame load/new game start
Crashing after clicking play
[Cable Choices Plus] Heavy Power Lines on Power Tower are invisible at certain angles
The game crashes after installing mods
Mod Manager Launching into a Blank Screen
big white boxes
(Bug) [Central Storage mod] First consumed item is being annihilated
What even happened here?
Using compressed recipes along non-compressed
Vertial+Zoop for foundations
Discord Rich Presence
Installed mods not working
mod manager bug after updating mods
do my friends need to install the mod to join me
how do i know if a mod will be updated
Game keeps crashing 2 mins after launch
Mod Manager Won't Launch
Just Fly Redux - Keybinding
Mod not working in Multiplayer
Faster Dismantle - Animation out of sync
I can't launch the game with mods
The DISMANTLER - Not removing Foundations, Walls and Fences
Blueprint Zooper no cost
LF Connected display signs mod
Playing without incompatible mods
I am getting an error when trying to mount the path to my Server.
(1.0 server) milestone unlockable
Efficiency Checker Mod - pipe bug
Water Pools Plus v1.0.6
Zooper Blurprint Mod didn't work
Crashing due to hypertubes
no se me encuentra el archivo del juego
smm is just kinda refusing to open
[Bug Report][Mass Upgrade] Consistent crash when clicking a specific belt with the upgrade tool
Help Using YouMod-CL
Failed to initialize ficsit-cli
Idk what this is?
Where is my linked machines output going?
Generators with more Pipes doesn't seem to work
Space Market 2 working on Servers?
Soft Clearance For Everything does not seem to be working
VanillaGreenHouse Mod not unlocking in M.A.M.
Pak Utility Mod (looking for alternative for fast flying)
Auto Upload to Dimensional Storage
Error downloading mod
Mods not letting the game launch.
Is Structural Solutions Dedicated Server Compatible?
Cant Download launcher
moved game to a new drive and now smm is broken
Alternate power mod
Underground Belt kinda loosing the connection
Custom Hud: cant use dismantle/build widget.
SMM not downloading any mods.
Modular Load Balancers crashing the game
Can't build in line with other buildings anymore.
Simple Item Teleporter Replicated Array issue
plz help I want to die because i dont have smart.....
structural solution and base game textures
cant install the smm
new smm upload
Can't add dedicated server
[pure nodes] mod is not giving pure outputs
Satisfactory mod manager issu
Track Props and Small Stations
The SMM cannot find corretct path to the game
Mod Server connection lost
DI Fluid AutoFlush doesn’t work on dedicated servers
I cant run mods
Ghost Construction Bug
All Modded Milestones Gone
Blueprint lags and acting weird
Simple Item Teleporter Frequency Issues
How to install mods in Proton
Micro Manger
FluidTeleporter is crashing my game, local and dedicated
game dont open
[GeoThermal Generator Mk+] MAM tree is in French despite language is set to English
invalid character "P" when loading profile
Wall Pipe Supports Mod
getting negative numbers with efficiency checker
Cant use mod manager
Mods not loading
Better Frequency Control for Simple Item Teleporter
help ,User profiles do not work.
mods on dedicated with SMM?
unable to give items to the hub on a modded dedicated server
failed to get platform
wonders showing n/a as one of building steps
inventory disappeared
SMM detecting wrong version
Graphical overhaul
Mod Manager filter
SFTP dedicated server failed to connect
im trying to play multiplayer with a friend but everytime i try to join it says this we have all the
Faster Manual Crafting Redux: Dedicated Server
Mass Upgrade Crashes Launch
GTXGaming supports Satisfactory Mod Manager and mods
Crash at launch on SirDigby mods
Simple item teleporter
Persistent Printables does not paint pipes...
Crash after start ( files not found )
Upgradeable Machines percentages not matching with mod description.
Mod Manager is not running
Crashing On Load - Vanilla Green House
Stats, TrainTable, Remote factory doesn't work on dedicated server
Outgoing reliable buffer overflow
FasterManualCraftingRedux Dedi Server Error/Crash
"Your connection to the host has been lost" when my friend is joining my session
Linux mod uninstall not working
Resource node creator
I can't see anything in the FRM web panel ( Ficsit Remote M. )
crash after update 1.x
SMM won't open after crash.
Enhanced Conveyors keeps resetting to vanilla speed
version solving failed
I cant join my friend
Crashing while using a mod
Manufacturing speed module By Andre Aquila
help downgrading to 0.9 to play sf+
Inventory need to be initialized before use 0
Aquila Industries. Item Teleporter
Cant get mods on 1.0 to work.
Just installed Mod Manager for the first time, doesn't open on launch.
Change install location
mod manager crashes gamestart
mod manager crashes upon mod install
Unknown crash - multiplayer joining
Digby tool UI /broken
Weird positioning
Is 'No Build Animation' actually working for dedicated servers?
satisfactory установлена но mod manager не видит
[Fluid Extras] Pipeline balancer, math question
Dimensional Depot upload in inv is reseting what i tried to upload
No satisfactory installs found
my satisfactory mod manager does not open up at all
Unable to add materials to milestones on dedicated server
why the smart mod don't work
Some mod not updating (constantly downloads older version and re-prompt update)
Simple Underground elevator help
Mass Upgrade in Creative Mode
Can't use mod in Mod Manager
Mod manager keeps getting wrong directory?
[bug?] [Ghost Construction] Input/Output Indicators Low
SMM Hangs on launch
how do I fix this problem with my taskbar?
Help using multi spliter/merger Aquila industrial
Infinate Zoop Broken
SMM Crash on update
game not launching instant unreal engine crash
issue with folders
Production Plus causes crashes on load
Show Enemy Health not working on spitters
installer not install, any idea?
Installed Mods not saved
No satisfactory installs found
No help just suggestion
Recipe Maker - CL Issue
Upgradeable Machines includes machine storage in upgrade cost
SMM error
SML Website error
"Cannot connect to a modded server on a vanilla game client" after updating dedicated server today
Space Block and S.A.M Ore
Any recommendations for a working 1.0 replacement for Area Actions.
failed to resolve lockfile: could not resolve mods: failed resolving profile dependencies: failed...
why can i not use smm
Almost unlimited Miners on Nodes
No clearance mod doesn't work on train stations
Invalid install trying to play U8
Unable to add my server to the mod manager.
Pipe Emulator MK3 + MK4 aka HalfVolumeFluids no longer working after patch v1.0.0.4 - Build 372858
smm being weird
My Mod Manager instantly closes when trying to open it
Loaders mod: unloader connects to loader
Linear Motion
Mirrored Building Mod
Universal Machines not Keeping Program
Fluid Teleporter Mod
Gpu crashes and won't let me disable mods
Errors with installing the new update
How to add mods to Docker container Dedicated Server?
Linked Machines not using all machines in line
Loader/Unloader mod Romote1 error
no satisfactory installs found
Unable to download mods via SMM
SMM on Linux (Steam Deck)
Mass Upgrade Tool Not Working
[Readme!] Some mods broken by v1.0.0.4 - Build 372858 on 2024-10-15
[BugReport]Structural Solutions 1.1.38 Dedicated server - reliable buffer overflow on joining
5.3.2-372858+++FactoryGame+rel-main-1.0.0 1009 3Project file not found: /AMP/satisfactory/1690800/F
[bug report] EfficiencyCheckerMod
mass upgrade mod bug
Underground Belts - Storage
Game directory not found
Where to report when mod is crashing?
Cant install SMM3, Used SMM2 , however uninstall is failing due to missing drive.
So, because installing All Poles with Indicator Light (AllPolesHaveLights) ">=0.0.0" and All Poles w
Error loading SMM
ModManager-Setup Failed to Install
[bug?] [Track Props and Small Stations, Andre Aquila of course]
2 People using Manager for server?
pls fixed infinite zoop
hlep debug log failed
help ican t add mods
casual player looking for help with the new mod manager.
[SP] [One Click Buildings Square/Round] 1.0.10
Missing Plugin DI Transportation
DISMANTLER - New bug / issue.
[Mass Upgrade] [Co-op] Connected players instantly crash with the tool in their hand.
What's the default delivery rates for the Continuous Space Elevator mod by Andre Aquila?
error when opening smm
Stack sizer bug?
ContentLib Modding - mManufacturingSpeed and mExtractCycleTime not working?
Need help figuring out what the issue is.
NTM Mod Structure error
Mods not showing up in game.
Advanced HUD
Save file making the game crash
Dimensional depot downloader not working
Unattended mod update on dedicated server, how?
Mod Manager issues with swapping between Remote game and Steam local game
Structual solutions help
Game crash for a mod that aint in the mod folder
been getting this for every mod I install this is just one of the plugins that wont work
Fluid extras crashing with pipeline cap cross (possibly others)
are there any mods for making stackable conveyor pole default instead of simple conveyor pole
Container Screens and more Config Not Accessible if moved too far into the Container
Difficulty Tuner
Mod Fluid Extras wont work
How can i delete mods from just some servers
KeyBind for Blueprint Menu works only while button is pressed (held)
Bug/Issue: Ctrl+Z Mod does not remove Pipe Indicators.
Continuous Space Elevator crash when building from hotbar
Mods not working on dedicated server
how do i change where sml thinks the exe is
Need help with contentlib json mod
Structural Solutions color Swatch bug
Unable to Reinstall Mod Manager Due to SMM2 Uninstallation Error
Omni World Tier 0 Crash
Using Satisfactory Music in YouTube Videos
mod KBlueprintDesignPlus breaks in 1.0
FicZIP Manufacturing
bug in mod loader not given de right mods too show
Installation issue.
Packing Expansion x10 addon coal gen visual issue
SMM | Not Launching | Crash Fix Build Not Working
How to use mods with gportal server
Infinite Nudge
Failed to validate installation: did not find game executable
How can I change the anchor/alignment of the newest SMM?
[Better Alternate Recipes] Milestone completion is not grayed out
Plugin 'EfficiencyCheckerMod' failed to load because module
Can mods unrelated to trains mess up with train signalling ?
Is Andre gonna update the instant research cl mod? Or the simple codex mod? Not complaining at all!J
Getting a weird error. Not sure if its client side or server side or due to mods or not.
10x awesome points mod DNA capsules
SMM not opening
I am having problems with Daisy Chain Smart Input Factory by Feyko.
unable to add my server to server manager
No satisfactory installs found
SMM Ver. 3 "failed to resolve lockfile" error on startup.
Multi crash
help with loading a profile a friend gave me (solved)
Harder Phases 10x Multiplication Bug
I had to install of satisfactory from steam I deleted one in this happened
Using Mods On A Server?
Dedicated Server Hosting Companies with Mod Support
Track Props and Small Stations Clearance Issue
Working ?
Possible Bug in SMM (Minor)
Keybind a Chat Command by Andre Aquila crashes game in MP
Can't not open SMM3 in vps. (Dedicated Servers)
Underground Belts - Not allowed?
SML Crashing Server on Linux (Docker) Instance
Asset Toolkit doesn't work with Steam version of the game ?
Problem With SMM
Fluid Extras - A.I. Fluid Packer - recipe disappears on game load
Is there currently any timelapse mod I can use on a Linux dedicated server?
Mod manager dont start
Issue after removing and reinstalling mods
platform error
Buying stuff in awesome shop causes server crash
extra milestones nodes not showing up on dedicated server
Icannot instal smm
Linux Installation of SMM not Working
Mod Manager wont Start
How to remove Example mod from base game when trying to play?
Missing a bunch of plugins
X3 Roads - Decals not showing up
SMM Cant find the executable
[Bug Report] Jetpack keeps resetting to Biofuel preferred as preferred fuel
[Bug?] Advanced HUD Lag
[GeoThermal Generator Mk+] MAM tree for mod does not unlock if Caterium tree already finished
EquipmentMk2 - Turbo Ammo Mk.2 Missing (Solved, produce in Assembler)
[BugReport]Harder Phases 10x (Dedicated server windows)
Stack Resizer Mod Not Combining Stacks Properly
Start with All Conveyor Belts by Andre Aquila missing Mk.6 lift
"reliable buffer overlow" presumably caused by mp compatible mod
Failed to resolve lockfile
DI more lights
using belts and miner renewed , a single ore gets stuck on belt and stops everything
"No EntryWidgetClass specified on this List"-Message when opening "Server Manager" Task
Small Awesome Sink breaks game in blueprints
fov stuck. it doesn't change when I start the game with mods
Unable to Start Mod Manager
Mod manager
Stack resizer error
Compact Machines Compressed recipes?
Game Fails to Launch
Stack resizer error
Updating mods process
Satisfactory not working error
[Bug Report][Fluid Extras] The latest update breaks the Server Manager
satisfactory crash
Phantom mods?
smm error
Bug for ThirdPersonView by DellAquila
Belt And Miner Renewed - Missing patterns
Error Logs
I have the magic splitter in a dedicated one and it works horrible for me
Certain modded content disappeared from a Dedicated Server after a server restart to add more mods
Faster manual crafting redux doesn't load properly
Dimensional Depot Downloader by Andre Aquila doesn`t work
The mode doesn't work
i cant connect
Unlimited-Host Server experience
Typo in Zip Strips Mod
Is there a way how I can analyze my log files ?
'Daisy Chain Smart Input' locks all power poles to 4 inputs
Extra Milestones - Infinity - 5 - can't finish, no material?!
SMM: Server Compatibility
Unable to install mods satisfactory mod manager
[Mass Upgrade] Milestone completion is not grayed out.
SMM for 1.0 keeps crashing and does anyone know how to get fullscreen
Mod Manager wont open after initial launch
Fluid Awesome Sink Bug
Frequent CTD
Mod Manager Wont Open
Structural Solutions Concrete F-Holes (An identical buildable is already build there)
Parameter is Incorrect
failed to resolve lock file
Cant connect Third-Party Server to SMM
Dimensional Depot Downloader and Unlimited Dimension Depot are conflicting
Compact Machine Milestone Wont Launch
Mod Errors when I try to pull out a belt
No matter what mod i try to install i get this error code
issue downloading Dimensional Depot Downloaders for 1.0
Arduino display
Moving SMM to another window closes program.
compact machines x10 production rates probably bugged out?
I am have an issue with deleting the plants i put down in the decoration mod by Aquila
Daisy Chain Smart Factory bug with Bioburner
Fail to validate Installation
Every time I try to download any mod I get this error message
I cant get mods on to my server
is ficsit down?
how do I make mods
Game crashes after being launched, even if only SML is installed
No clearance mod installed, but still getting clearance error
Plant and harvest mod not working/ doesn't visually show plant
Some mods seems to have issues
[Configurable Machinery] Biomass Generators belts won't connect, Graphical wiring glitch.
can I run mods without the mod manager
Super Chainsaw - game freezes
Road Network, Railway Set - Error
KeyBind for Blueprint Menu is not working in multiplayer unmodded host. Is this expected behaviour?
Mods do not run on server
SMM internal sql migration failed
Failed to resolve lockfile...
One Click Build Mod Will Not Persist After Save
are all mods SS or no, for example is a instant craft work for other people?
I cannot find anywhere about good hosting sites that support mods
Easy Cheat unlock all research is completing all milestones as well
Using mods
cant find old mods?
Faster Hard Drive Research mod update please
Deep Mining belt is stuck
SMM Lists wrong location for Satisfactory twice, and doesn't list the actual one (Steam)(Linux)
Friend's game crashes when joining my game
Need help recollecting my previously used mods
Game crashing on startup because ModUpdaterFailed to load
Resource Node Creator
Game Crashing on Launch with Remove All Annoyances or Factory Props By SpaceGameDev
Wrong Version Error
Depot Uploader with Output - fewer inventory slots?
i think its vroken
Compact Machines Packagers x10 bugging
Stack Resizer: Dedicated Server
What does this mod do?
the mod choudnt update and it said to create a log and send it inhere
CRN 1.05 not really working in 1.0
hi! my friend has started having issues with crashes when we updated our mods
DI More Glass & Walls Mod Bugs
compact machines reporting error
Special Containers Z-fighting
Gportal mod installation errors
Content Lib could not be found
Unlimited Autosaves only saves once when starting the game
friend gets instantally disconnected after joining me
Andre Aquila please update this mod.
How can I translate mod into Chinese?
SMM crashes unexpectedly.
sml cant be found
When i join a friend my game crashes
SMM3 No satisfactory installs found
Packing extension X10
can anyone help me out, im not sure why it keeps saying failed to validate
Hostunlimited Mods
Another Counter
my friend disconnects immideatly after joining my world
Error when attempting to update Structural Solutions
Fail to enable or disable mod
mod manager debug error
Build infinitely long conveyor belts and foundations
SMM3 cant find Installation on Linux
Another Counter Texture problem
Items from Mods not added mid Game
Could not reach
Just need a little help
Server crash upon placing "Doggo" decoration from "More Decorations" mod
im having trouble with this
My friend tries to join my server and crashes when he tries to
how to use Move Dropped Item v1.1.0
mod manager on arch
SML problem
Game crashed after i turned fuse back on
help pls
DL transportation
Dimensional Depot Downloader and iron ore issue
Train Station Master on Dedicated Servers
Skip 'FactoryGameEGS.exe' validation
what is this
Remote Factory Friend Unable to teleport
SMM2 wont install
Internet Error but i have internet connection
Awesome Points x100 disables Alien DNA points gain
Consistent Crashing in Peer to Peer Multiplayer with a friend after SMM Update.
"Extra Milestones"
'LookWeb' error: SMM not working
How do I remove an Unknown game installation from the mod manager?
Dimensional Depot Downloader and Dedicated Server 1.0
ModManager error
multiplayer mod compatability?
play for 33 minutes on my game just randomly crashed and now won't even launch
Mod manager installs but does not open
Small Refinery clearance issue
Which installation do i Use
stack re sizer mod help
Trying to use mods on Dedicated server, but failed...
SMM just wont at all...
SMM not wanting to download
unable to initialize ficsit-cli error when opening the mod manager.
friend cant join mod lobby, but works solo
SMM blanks out?
road tool, no texture and other bugs
Something went wrong every time I install a mod
Hard crash when using Compact Machines
smmm2 unmarshall error
Compact Machines crashes/freezes Satisfactory on world load on version 1.5.3 (wine/proton)
Country Flags
mod manager failed to validate?
Crashing when loading into friend's game.
Can't Read Incompatibility in SMM
Crash upon going over power capacity
[Simple Conveyor Belts] Milestone shows uncompleted when completed.
Issue with Almost Unlimited Miners on Node Mod
Issue with Covered Conveyor Belts mod?
Just a quick question
x101 instead of x1 With some mods
Milestones error
1 invalid Satisfactory install found
Real arachno mode
Road Tool
[Bug Report][Better Alternate Recipes] - Incorrect versioning
Floor is lava floor plane vanishing on save/load?
[Bug Report][Remove Empty Dimensional Stacks] Dimensional Depot consumes the wrong resource
Structural Solutions Bug
Mod Manager can't reach (LINUX)
compact machines
[Mass Upgrade][Dedicated Server][Crash Report] Selecting the Mass Upgrade Tool instantly crashes you
can't install mods on server
Crash derezzing Extreme Water Pump...
Map Marker Air Drop
Missing all non-hatcher enemies!
Mod Manager is not launching my game
webview2 loop. app wont launch but it is installed.
error folder doesn't exist
Simple Item Teleporter
BAM - Game Crash
Cant figure out how No clearance works
Configurable machinery
server not loading
Unable to download SMM3 the download link keeps trying to download SMM2 and keeps failing to do so.
Can not load Profil
CCTV mod - camera upside down and not loading
Connection to host lost
Cant launch smm
No satisfactory installs found
Server problem
Issue with contentlib folder
Has anyone had luck connecting SMM to a BisectedHosting server? I have infinite loading when I try.
"2 installs found"
I have an error when launching satisfactory mod manager
Hub doesn't accept any resources after enabling mods
Duplicators invisible
Daisy Chain Smart Input Factory does not seem to work in multiplayer.
Discord Rich Presence marked compatible but refuses to install 2.0.0 claiming 'forbidden'
SML failed to load
Mod Manager fails to start
Message pops up if I want to start Satisfactory with the SMM
Field of View Error
Failed to uninstall SMM2??
Unable to uninstall Upside Down Foundation
Crash on placing Depot Uploader with Output by Andre Aquila
hey bin deutscher und kann nur deutsch
Ficsit-Cam mod on dedicated server
SMM cant find satisfactory
minimize/expand mod causes SMM to crash
Resource Node Creator
Dedicated server
Broken SMM windows 10
Simple Priority Merger issues
Just encountered a bug
Resource Node Creator
what does Production Stats display?
Server mod manager wont load server
SMM can't find the factorygame.exe
cctv mod - I get stuck and can't get out when I 'enter' a camera view
Something went wrong
no Milestone closeup on server
Container Screens and More
Mods loaded but not working.
Server host compatible with mods
Base Magic Machine doesn't have the two new fuel types in any form (packaged or liquid)
MOD setup to unsupported server.
Is anyone having this bug? "mInventoryStacks.Num() > 0"
SMM cant uninstall SM2 because it was installed on a drive no longer in the pc.
Can't open SMM again after the Update
Troubles when trying to connect to DS
Double Freight Car Mod Recipe use removed item.
Multiplayer compat with Upgradeable Machines
Failed to load setting
SML installation cannot be found
After in-app update the app starts with showing source
failed to resolve lockfile
mod on server
(Compact Machines) Crash with Manufacturer x4 + Iodine-infused filters
cannot connect to host
Belt and Miner
Cannot connect to modded server
Why did I get this message and what does it mean?
Crash Error 'FileSytemLibrary' Could not be Found
Marcio Common Lib Issues
[LINUX] "Failed to access" only in the mod manager, works fine through browser
Problem with SMM 3.0.0 to find the installed game.
Items from "Structural Solutions" and "More Glass and Walls" not showing in build menu
Sml Failed
Am I allowed to create a hidden mod out of another mods source code that hasn't been published yet?
Launch crash, what i can do ?
Cache location change results in wrong directory being measured for space
mods appear on website but not on launcher?
SMM detect wrong version, cannot download latest mods
Installing Mods From Sources Other than Ficsit
Installer Failing
The game crashes when you enter your save, but only when SMM has the 'Mods Off' option activated
can someone check this i keep getting an error
Launch crash?
Mod Install Blocked. WindowsServer required?
SMM just looks like a white background with text
install fail
3.0.0 still appears to require webkitgtk4.0
Some SMM request
Unknown mod
Installer not directable?
Mod Manager Keeps Crashing Because of WebView2 Fixed (Update WebView2 to Version 129)
Satisfactory Mod Manager blocked by Windows 10
help please
Edit Recipes
"1 Satisfactory install was found, but it points to a folder that doesn't exist." error message
HOW to downgrade to update 8.0 on Epic games
mod manager says there is 2 satisfactory
2 satisfactory installs were found
not sure how to fix this
Problem with the Satisfactory Mod Manager
Problem with mods folder.
Having trouble starting update 8 since today
Weird error!!!
2 satisfactory found and mod issue
Hello someone's can help me?
Removing blueprint proxys from megaprint
Can I set the path to install the satisfactory myself?
How to turn off mod manager to play base 1.0
While designing in blueprint designer in the game, the game crashed and gave this error.
I have problems with "FG_DiscordRP" and "DiscordUE4"
AB_FluidExtras failed to load as blah blah could not be found.
1 invalied Satisactory install found seems
Discord Rich Presence
I don't have FactoryGame/Mods.
Getting a weird error with a little tiny file destination and i still cant find out how to fix it
Getting a weird ERROR
My mods will not find folder
2 Satisfactory installs were found, but all of them point to folders that don't exist.
Is there a file somewhere with all recipes (item, inputs, outputs) in json or csv or so?
How to clip generators or buildings in general closely into each other
Can you still do manual modding with mods that are already updated to 1.0?
I can't install mods
Mod Manager Error
Can't use mods even after downgrading?
it says i have two satisfactory installs but i dont
crash after removing mods+plugins in 1.0
Is there some manual way of modding I am missing because mods for 1.0 are already out.
Does anyone know when will the mods work?
can someone please help me
SMM launch error
help downgrading to update 8
Satisfactory crash
Freeze Auto-save and lose save following game crash
not 1.0
Mod manager Error
Satisfactory 8 keeps reverting
Can't open mod manager or turn off mods.
two paths found?
the error
Error code
how do i fix this
Trying to run SMM with Epic Games Experimental version of the game and getting the SML error
Can't start SMM
unable to find game install
How get I get this messages
Game crash
try to open this game in steam but can't
ERROR 404#
How to use mods in Satisfactory
"2 Satisfactory installs were found"
How do I install satisfactory plus ?
Need help opening the mods app
plis help
this is making me mad
"Shader compilation error" starting up 1.0
My modman won't let me deactivate my mods
Need help for remove erreror for Satisactory Mod Factory
can someone please helop me play mods i have satisfactory 8 and i dont understand how to downgrade
starting and gives error
Im Offline and can´t play Multiplayer?
Are all mods getting updated at once or is it per mod dev
Can't launch satisfactory
after installation, smm displays an error message
I’m having an issue with my path, even though it exists.
Installing an updated mod without Satisfactory Mod Manager
1 invalid satisfactory?
2 Installs where found??
what do i have to do?
Cant download mods on Update 8
How to change the mod installation path
help with error
does anyone know a rough/general idea when the mod loader will be fixed
Micro Manage
Mods in 1.0 ?
Is there any update on progress fixing the launch error?
steam keeps updating satisfactory after downgrading
Game won't start? (請問為什麼無法啟動?)
Can't open the game, can't turn off mods
Launching U8 through SMM
Erro mod maneger all user execution
Satisfactory mod manager not finding my game folder
Two version of the game
anyone know how to download or get a later version with epic.....
How do i fix my satisfactory
Mods still show as "broken" in SMM even when downgraded to U8
An install issue
Using Update 8 Blueprints in 1.0
SMR - 2 Installs
what does this error message mean and how do I fix it?
Manual Mod Installation?
Mods 1.0
Getting more inventory space to build big blueprints
Cant run SMM
U8 mod manager error
Extracting blueprints from Community Railway Set mod
2 satisfactory folders
Downgraded but still get error
SMM 2 satisfactory problem
SMM error
there is a way to get back before 1.0 to installe mods ?
mod manager lists 2 copies of S. installed. 1 'normal', 1 forced to lower case
Plugin 'BlueprintZooper' failed top load because module 'BlueprintZooper' could not be found.
how i can make a server with mods?
When is the mods going to work in 1.0?
SMM Help
Does anyone know how to fix this? I have only 1 Satisfactory installed.
2 Satisfactory installs
Help getting SMM Working while using Update 8 (NOT 1.0)
Cant open Mod editor, i reinstalled a game
ErrorCannot read properties of undefined (reading 'installLocation')Seems wrong? Generate debug in
SMM does not find my Steam 0.8.3 install only my 1.0 Epic
Help.. Mod Manager
install folder doesnt exist
Need help in vanilla game.
my game won't work (also im running it on epic games)
Using Ficsit Fred - Crashing on Closing the Game to Desktop
Location of save games for downgraded version.
Error Install
Uninstalling mods
Is there a way to manual set game install location because it said I had no install
visual bug fix?
Unable to play SMM at all
Steam Keeps Forcing Updates
Invalid Satisfactory install found
как исправить
Can i still play with mods?
How to get rid of modded warning in 1.0?
2 installs
2 Satisfactory files found
Help installing mods Update 8
Satisfactory File not found
aproximate precentage of mod update completion
I can't start the Mod Manger
Linux Satisfactory Mod Manager Problem
Can't disable mods
Error SMM
Error help, how install to mod?
Error after downgrading using instructions on website.
when will modding be introduced to 1.0
Accessing rendered scenes
full new vanilla installation: says have 2 paths, but i dont have it
how do i fix this
ses normale
Github Projects Page unviewable responses
Trying to extract power shard model
How do i fix this?
Got this and following directions
Can't use SMM at all
How can ı fix this error
trying to install U8 on SteamOS (Degrade)
what is this exe?
Crash problem when delete 1 item.
Can't install mod using ficsit cli (no tui)
Issue when loading up mod manager
2 saves
Is there a way to use console cheats (mainly FLY) without mods?
factoryGameSteam.exe missing on downgrade
mod manager file issues
"Access Denied" when downgrading
Game crashes
Can you play a vanilla world after you add mods?
EndeavourOS mod manager won't detect game installation
how to fix
2 installs found
TUTORIAL: how to downgrade to update 8 (assuming you want to still do mods) WORKS FOR STEAM ONLY.
When 1.0 mods? ;c
mod maneger installing error 2 missing files
Beta version MM
Hello, I have an error in the mod manager launcher.
Downgrading game on Epic Games version
Crash upon closing using ficsit fred
Game cant be started due to missing mods
Issue with SMM (Two games detected)
Satisfactory located but the folder doesn't exist?
How to fix that error?
says 2 games are downloded
2 Satisfactory installs were found
2 instalations?
dont have mod folder...
Error Message
Shader compilation failures are Fatal
How can I fix this issue
How can I fix this issue
Help with modding please
Live SCIM Interactive Map connected to the game
i did what it said lol
I cant launch my game.
trying to install mods and satisfactory keeps updating
help i have 2 satisfactory steam and epic
Im gonna ask here because i cant get help on the official server
The app told me to send this file here
2 Satisfactory installs were found, but all of them point to folders that don't exist.
SMM 3.0.0-beta.2.1 Issue
SMM error
Glitched Tools in 1.0 after the use of mods
I checked the 1.0 guide and deleted the mod folder, but I still have the error message.
how do I solve an error message that says I have multiple installs of the game when I only have one
Satisfactory install was found, but it points to a folder that doesn't exist.
Not able to disable mods after new update
The game doesn't start. I tried using the FICSIT-Fred step by step solution but nothing its working.
Mod thingy doesent work
Used cheats once (NoCost) - EasyCheat and no cant disable them
just started and i got an error
When will the mod manager for version 1.0 be available?
Hey i cant start the game what can i do i delete the mods
Turn off NoPower/NoCost in 1.0 save
Having issues with the loading of the mod manager
2 Satisfactory installs were found, but all of them point to folders that don't exist.
I cant disable mods
'Access Denied' when downgrading
playing with mods plz help
Satisfactory mod manager not finding install location
Problems on launch
Satisfactory Constantly Crashing
How to stop the creation of new characters in an existing save?
mod manager see two installs
1.0 Released and it wont even load SMM
Ghost Files not letting me launch
[Vanilla-BUG] Consistent Crashing on New or Continued Games on 1.0 Update.
Help i just want to use mods
The SMM found 2 directories and one of them actually leads somewhere but it doesn't think that
pathway not right?
Looking for Build 273254 Manifest ID
Launching issues
Fresh install but i get an error message while launching the game.
Please help me.
Satisfactory folder don't exist
Unable to downgrade (always attempts to update)
language change
weird Error
1 install was found but points to a folder that doesn't exist
SMM Error:
1.0 Mods
any idea where the mercer sphere dialogue is located?
This project requires the 'JF2_Temp' plugin, which has a missing dependency on the 'SML' plugin.
Opening Tool Error
SMM crashing in 1.0
how do you down grade on EPIC 1.0 to 0.8
please help
mod help
I can't launch satisfactory in 1.0
What heck mean!?
2 satisfactory installs found
Cant uninstall mod manager
new install
Can't run satisfactory
Cant lauch Satisfactory
Help please :D
Mod launcher detecting two satisfactory files not in the right place
Do You Have An Estimate On When Mods Will Be Updated
SMM not allowing mod disabling
I'm getting this error message
Aftereffects of mods persisting in 1.0 save file
cant uninstall broken mods
anyone can help me with this error on entering game from epic games
2satisfactory installs error
help pls i cant turn off the mods
I'm trying to start SMM and I get this message
Im trying to reinstall SMM and I get this message
i just turned on mod manager but is this bc of 1.0 or what?
Is there any way to play satisfactory with mods maybe on an older verison of the game?
U8 save crashes 1.0 in FGCircuitSubsystem.cpp
1 Satisfactory install was found, but it points to a folder that doesn't exist.
plugin not found
This is a strange error I've got in SMM after updating to 1.0
Im having installation and launch problems.
I'm trying to use the mod on 0.8 until it gets updated.
How do i fix this
2 Satisfactory installs were found, but all of them point to folders that don't exist.
Power shard
Missing files
The installed version of the NVIDIA graphics driver has known issues in D3D12
Has anyone figured out how to use old version of game?
I cant open the game
path bug
Having trouble getting the mod manager to recognize my file location?
Satisfactory 1.0 cannot load update 8 save with mods uninstalled
Invalid Satisfactory install Found
smm won't let me uninstall mods so I can play 1.0
Satisfactory Mod Manager Error
how do i fix this
Anyone got a way of getting 3rd person mod into 1.0 - my partner can only play 3rd
I don't have a Mods folder in FactoryGame install path. "Points to a folder that doesn't exist" err
Bug report
so i have a problem
1 Satisfactory install was found, but it points to a folder that doesn't exist.
Will mods disable achievements?
Reverted to Update 8, it runs fine, but SMM wont manage mods for it?
I have an Idea
i need help with this please
Mod loaders busted
2 Satisfactory installs were found, but all of them point to folders that don't exist.
I can't change the language
yo can anyone help with this
Can someone tell me how to fix it?
Help me fix my save file
Detecting 2 instalations not solved
Mod Development ENV
i need help
Having issue with the mod loader
contentlib not found orsmt
Error2 Satisfactory installs were found, but all of them point to folders that don't exist.
i keep getting this error
New version of SMM ?
help please!
Mods folder deleted. Where is this plugin trying to load from?
Help pls
2 Satisfactory installs were found, but all of them point to folders that don't exist.
Can't Seem to open mod manager, and it sayd to put debug file here..
issues with smm
Mod manager
Cannot uninstall??
Error Message
Which SMM will be ready for 1.0 at first?
I Have problem with crashing satisfactory
how do i fix this?
Plugin issue
revert 1.0 recipe and resource node placement changes?
how do i fix this?
so I can't even turn mods off with this error, any ideas?
Help With SMM Error
Graphics driver out of date
invalid satisfactory install found
Cant launch the mod menu properly and cant launch the game
Issue Persists After Following Troubleshooting Steps
question(s) regarding the downgrade of Satisfactory
can not turn mods off and game wont open due to mods
running into some issues trying to play vanilla satisfactory after attempting to de-mod it
This is how you run Satisfactory (on windows)
Mod or Game Crash
Satisfactory install was found, but it points to a folder that doesn't exist.
aproxametly when is smm updated
how can i remove my mods
What should I do?
is my save file corrupted
1 Satisfactory install was found, but it points to a folder that doesn't exist.
SMM U8 Rollback Progress
it says it's in a file that doesn't exist despite the fact it does
FactoryGame Crash Log
Mod manager won't work
help im trying to launch the mod app so i can turn off mods but i keep getting this error?
Game crashing on launch (Solved)
How do I fix this?
How to replace modded buildings in savefiles with vanilla versions?
Error2 Satisfactory installs were found, but all of them point to folders that don't exist.
The interface language does not switch.
2 Satisfactory installs were found, but all of them point to folders that don't exist.
SMM doesn't working
SMM doesnt work
1 Satisfactory install was found, but it points to a folder that doesn't exist."D:\SteamLibrary\st
plugin error
Satisfactory install was found, but it points to a folder that doesn't exist.
SMM is not work
SML plugin error
What is your guesstimate as to about when SMM will be ready for 1.0?
2 Satisfactory installs were found, but all of them point to folders that don't exist.
1 invalid Satisfactory install found
Multiple Errors :(
Mod Manager Cant Find Game
can turn off mod
mod manager cant find satisfactory
satisfactory plugin conentlib failed to load
Blueprint Issue
1 Invalid Satisfactory Install found
Opening SMM gives this error
2 Installs
launch error
As stated below the following error comes up with the new UPDATE 1
SatisFactory Plus stack size issue
Error2 Satisfactory installs were found, but all of them point to folders that don't exist.
how do i disable or fix so i can launch
help de game wil niet lader als ik met mij savel game wil speel krijg ik de ero
error mod manager
I can't get into satisfactory because of THIS BS! And SML is broken so it always crashes
my mod loader will not let me use it at all bc of the new updatei would like some help pls
Pathway problem.
Game not launching getting error
game wont launch even with clean install
how do i fix this?
Running the mod manager on linux problems
I problably cancel the server of mod manager app
Plugin missing how do I find the plug in and remove so I can play again
Can't disable mod manager
after deleting mod folder game crashes
satisfactory mod manager error
satisfactory error after update
How can I downgrade to Version 8?
[READ BEFORE POSTING] Having issues with SMM or launching Satisfactory since 1.0?
Mod help
How to launch the game without updating?
Error2 Satisfactory installs were found, but all of them point to folders that don't exist.
i got an error message
No "Mods" Folder to delete
Trying to join my friend who is on epic games and I'm on steam
Plugin 'FicsitFarming' failed to load because module 'FicsitFarming' could not be found.
Mod manager help
please explain how to play old game version for dummies
Error message doesn't go away
the button to turn off mods not working
problem with disabalbing modes
Problem with mod manager
how to turn mods off?
It just said that
I can't launch SMM
how to i remove this
Hello, how to remove the text "CL#365306" top left of the screen ?
Invalid satisfactory install Found
i was trying to play basic satisfactory
New to modding, in general will QOL mods work if added mid game? Or should I hold off on 1.0 for now
trying to disable mods
Plugin "FileSystemLibrary" failed to load
does anyone know why they haven't made old versions available through betas?
Cant start satis even without mods because a mod couldnt be found what do i do?
Mod manger error install
Crash during loading Save File in 1.0
mod manager cant find satisfactory folder, which clearly exists
Error - 2 Installs were found - Shows same paths but 1 in lower case
1.0 Not Loading cannot turn off mods??
What do i do to fix the error.
What should i do
Trying to disable mods
How to NOT update.
Infinite Loading Screen When Joining a Host
Free Foundations causing crash
Continuous Space Elevator crashes when middle clicking a locked construction
What mod adds moving buildings after construction?
SatisfactoryModManager v3.0.0-beta.4 - Not correctly loading profiles.
Error starting Satisfactory Mod Manager
What happened to I-beam rails in Structural Solutions?
No mods loading into game
Help with Refined Power
Error message when trying to download anything
Third Person View scanning
SMM Won't Launch Game
the game does not start without mods
Please help
Can't delete the old profile.
Testing mark as solution in new thread
Testing Fred responses in Answer Overflow
Testing Answer Overflow connection
Configuring answer overflow
nevermind it can be a click to add, it lets you upload any file type from there
ocr test
Test fred #2
Test triggering Fred auto response with forum initial post contents
Crash on garbage collection of WidgetInteraction Component
Exit code 6 MSB3073
how do i make my first mod
Loading level on game startup
Importing assets from FAB
Crash when re-load
How to replace a font?
Is it possible to hide AWESOME Shop schematic after purchasing it?
Wwise installer instructions in the documentation could use some clarification
How to define building's collision hitbox?
Error while dumping game assets
Unable to save Name based Session Settings
looking for Mod Successor for "Feldartillerie"
Inserting new research nodes into basegame MAM trees? (ContentLib?)
How to apply the primary/secondary colors to the meshes?
Same category
Error when packaging: Graph is linked to external private obect
How to CDO edit a complex data type?
Can't open ExampleLevel Map
GUI Help
Error while compiling FactoryGame
SCS hooked component on PlayerState no longer saving correctly
Weaponry Mod
Wall Set Steel Corner
Modding animations for train stations
How to do config for per-player server-honored options
Mod Configuration Not Appearing in UI
C++ hook attach code in Mod Module not running
Help needed getting started with modding with C++
C++ Content folder not showing up
Implications of texture Mip Gen Settings, Compression Settings, Mip Gen Settings
Beginner modding FModel.
Alternate Recipe dependency requirements
Adding content (not in docs?)
Gamepad Analog Inputs
Best method to override existing FGMessages (ADA/Alien Lines) ?
Returning Aspiring Modder, no clue where to get started.
check if the main menu is open
Wwise does not show correct version
github desktop is failing to clone the branch
making a custom character
Wwise not being able to load mod soundbank
Sound Effects
How to detect when the player is in a hypertube and overlay a blacking-out effect on the camera
Change M Power Production
OnlineIntegration not initializing on launch
Custom Recipe Help
Satisfactory's blueprints
Production of items without conveyor output
Replicated variable from Actor Component
Saving per-player data on a dedicated server
Input Action events
Help with FOV scaling for custom model
Issues with AccessTransformer.ini. Cannot access protected member declared in class
Can't build FactoryGame in VS
Shapez Code Ideas
Changing language causes widget to disappear
Mod doesn't load after adding localization
Trains not triggering overlaps
Is it possible to override the properties of buildings, or can you only make new buildings?
What do y'all think about this Conveyor Item Mesh Material
M Power info is not blueprint visible
Anyone know when ItemDesc Blueprints are loaded?
Starter Project Error
Error Opening Project
Error Compiling Project
How to place a cube without hanging on the sides of the foundations?
C++ Pass by reference
How do I display the inventory in the Widget_Window_DarkMode?
Referencing assets in other mods
Difference between UFGRecipe* and TSubclassOf< class UFGRecipe > as implemented by BuildableManufact
Performance Impact Question
Buildable Nodes Redux + Resource Roulette
Referencing blueprint widget elements that aren't variables
various default includes missing (alphakit)
Project no longer builds
Getting error while packaging mod
Making a fleshed out, custom map
I can't get the default satisfactory assets
Build Effect making Decal Material DefaultMaterial
Moving Meshes at Runtime
Anybody has UE5 or UE4 Pioneer sk mesh to make animated buildables
Randomization Logic
Widget recipe selection.
Struct not serializing to savefile
Multicast function didn't actually update the property on the client side
Terminal for drones
Animation Help
Wwise installation issues?
Unexpected crash after mod deletion
Override dismantle event
Change resource node behavior (or miner?)
Instant replication
New Building with ContentLib
Adding grass to Custom Levels
Material for generated icon doesn't show
Space elevator parts MOD
packagestore.manifest missing/not generating
How can I save the Static Mesh transform of an FGBuildable?
BP_VolumeGas not properly removing all gas pillars
Help with adding custom fuel item to drone port
Ocean Material
Fixing Train behavior ?
Map textures for custom levels
How to determine which side of a buildable a line trace hit
How to filter items from BP_Config_Property_Class?
How do I get the building descriptor of a building that's not unlocked yet?
How to use the Production Indicator ?
Trying to export 3D models from Unreal to Blender
Give and Take away schematic based on session option
Is it possible for my custom buildable to use an existing vanilla UI? Like the constructor UI?
Help with Connect to Revision Control
Help with Actor Representation not updating on Mini Map
AppendString offset
How would I go about adding new icons to the game
Can't get the tutorial Item Counter Machine to work.
Custom Player Movement/Changing Sprint speed
How do I import my homemade model into my game
Can't adjust Truck Camera relative location
Error compiling mod with AlpaKit
Cannot Bypass 240 Items Per Minute Upload Speed For New MAM Research Mod
Access Violations
Nuget package problems with setup
Help with GameWorld vs GameInstance
Missing String - Dedi
Client side code only works for host in MP
Train skeletal mesh replacement breaks derailment and coupling
How do i make an equippable weapon?
Adding Helmet To Customization Menu
Error Generating Visual Studio Files With CMD Or PowerShell
Wwise Issue on First Build
Train skeleton exporting incorrectly
Default foundation swatch not applying immediately
Model animation gets choppy from small distance
Model not showing up ingame or in buildable.
Dedicated Server Commands
How do I update the toolkit?
Help with exception when cycling Player Character Equipment
Access Transformers problems
Custom Unreal Engine Failing to Install
Override base game static mesh
Having issues with quick switch groups
Asset Dumper problem
Creating Blueprints input/return nodes
Which branch should we clone
Linux mod development?
Lost! How do I make a "simple patch" mod?
Troubleshooting client "module could not be loaded" when the mod compiles fine
Not sure what I've done wrong.
No plugins folder in the content browser in UE
ResearchTree doesn't unlock
Is there a way to make a recipe unlock when a existing research node is completed
Schematic in Awesome Shop doesn't appear
Error opening starter project
Change the way the Fuel Generator works
Error trying to package mod with alpakit
Starter Project Unreal Message
Using the UE ModelingToolsEditorMode plugin
Mesh have no physics
Texture Issue
Research Tree always lock after finish the tree
Issue building starter project
GUI does not work correctly
Alpakit not packing on mod that was just created
Hook crashing on save load in unexpected manner
Any help? im trying to build FactoryGame
Make the voice of ADA and the aliens
Alpakit not packing on freshly created mod
Alpakit wont pak, Android.Automation.dll not found
Steam cannot load due to missing dlls, EGS fires up just fine.
How do i get accsess to the satisfactorymodding repo?
error code when trying to set up
my previous mods are not in the launcher
WWise Issues on First Build
Hey, does anyone have any clue why sometimes the widget material is not applying?
974 Errors when building project for the first time
Position of Resource Ores/Nodes
How do I test my 1.0 mod on Windows dedicated server?
Buildings with no Cost never finish their build animation
How can I change the color parameters on the pioneer materials?
GitHub Desktop cloned the wrong branch
How to properly close a widget
Defining ADA Messages
powershell-startup-script doesn't load the latest save (1.0)
Get location in front of player
Character customizer mod idea
Changing Space Elevator Phases
Index Was Outside the Bounds of the Array - FModel Mesh Extraction
How can I save the Static Mesh property of an FGBuildable component?
Abstract Instance fails to load and crashes Unreal Engine while not showing up on the screen.
Can't run Alpakit with latest SML (for 1.0) and Unreal 5.3.2-CSS
New Consumable
Unlocked Parts for Awesome Shop Not Showing Up on Dedicated
ExampleMod menu slug not showing up
ExampleMod trinket not showing up in the closet
Creating easily selectable parts from dumped game assets
Powerpoint Icon Template
Migrating an UE Enumerator to C++
Blender -> UE5 rig tool
ModProfile Profiling Lib
Helpful UE5 Plugins
Deantendo's icon template.
TObjectIterators the speedy-er way
Draw Abstract Instances in Editor
How to make your own Factory Tick ish group
StreamDeck Actions for Devs
ModLog Logging Library
Resource Node Related Knowledge (Vanilla and Modded)
debug box
Run UE console commands on dedicated server start
Quixel megascans for free
Retrieve the name of an input and keep it when it get changed
PasteBin for Unreal Engine Blueprints
Better Dedicated Server API Documentation
[WIP] Blueprint disassembler
How to replace in-editor UE icon to CSS icon
Lore guidelines ["???" spoilers]
Be sure to check out the archived Resources channel too!
Satisfactory Mod Loader (SML) Version Check