Equipment MK2 ammo in the ticket shop.

@Mastrmyrtr9 (Compact Machines) Can you add the ammo to the ticket shop, please?
3 Replies
Mastrmyrtr95mo ago
I could, however I think the strength of the ammo warrants them to only be automated, and not bought with coupons, as I find coupons too strong in the vanilla game as is.
MyNamaJeffOP5mo ago
You can just buy the turbo ammo, and the heat sinks with tickets and shove those into the assembler with a 250% overclock and soomersloop. It's just a waste of my time to have to do that, IMO. It would be faster to buy them directly with tickets since I want to take that path.
Mastrmyrtr95mo ago
That's a workaround, sure. I'm not going to make it easier though, sorry. That's my take

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