The Mod Manager is not working and refuses to even boot up

I don't know how to explain it. I downloaded it last night and it was working just fine, and now it refuses to even launch. This is the pop-up i get when i click on it, and what the files look like:
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Yeah, delete that file
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21 Replies
NafariquesOP4w ago
also, i uninstalled it and reinstalled it, checking my wifi, restarted my computer, all of that before making this post, im simply out of ideas
McCovican4w ago
Unexpected EoF perhaps suggests that your profile has become corrupt. If it's still new and you don't have much set up in SMM yet, it might be worth trying to just "delete" (to Recycle Bin, or another safe location, just in case) %appdata%\ficsit & %appdata%\SatisfactoryModManager. Then try reinstalling SMM. Even if you need to keep your SMM profiles, should you have many mods, this at least serves as a test to narrow down where the issue is coming from.
NafariquesOP4w ago
ok, i will do that real quick and let you know how it goes im still having the same issues
Robb4w ago
seems the bot was not able to parse the text out of the image for some reason failed to unmarshal profiles: unexpected end of JSON input
FICSIT-Fred4w ago
Something has caused your profile file to become corrupted. Please send the files you have in your Mod Manager profiles folder here so we can try to find out what went wrong. It may be possible to recover your profiles, but if not, you will have to delete them. You can try to find out what mods the profile used to have in a few ways: - Your save file keeps track of the mods you were using. Loading it while missing mods will produce a warning message and messages in the game's log files. - Mod manager log files may mention the names of mods you were downloading -# Rule logic: -# Responding to failedtoinitializeprofiles triggered by @Robb (Busy)
Robb4w ago
please send the log files since it sounds like you're still encountering the problem after deleting profiles
NafariquesOP4w ago
sorry it took so long to reply, got side tracked. I will send the files now
NafariquesOP4w ago
not sure if this is the problem, but when i deleted the manager the first time, i kept the mods. Perhaps the fact that i kept the mods is the problem? i also cant figure out how to remove my mods, i no longer have the manager, but i still have the mods maybe i just figured it out. I just went scouring through my satisfactory files trying to find the mods. I found the mods burried in there, but with the mods i also found the file name "default-lock.json" i deleted the mods, and moved the file over to the mod manager file. It did not do anything. Im stuck again lol
McCovican4w ago
Log files, not the SMM exe itself. Normally you get them from within SMM, but that is obviously not an option here. So you'll have to grab them manually: %localappdata%\SatisfactoryModManager\logs\SatisfactoryModManager.log. Probably also best to upload your profile data from the two folders I asked you to temporarily remove earlier too. And, for good measure, %localappdata%\FactoryGame\Saved\Logs\FactoryGame.log
NafariquesOP4w ago
I can’t do it right now because I’m at school, but I’ll do it when I get home. The files that I removed I ended up deleting, along with the manager. I would have to reinstall it
NafariquesOP4w ago
this is the second one you asked for
NafariquesOP4w ago
and then this is the first
FICSIT-Fred4w ago
Something has caused your profile file to become corrupted. Please send the files you have in your Mod Manager profiles folder here so we can try to find out what went wrong. It may be possible to recover your profiles, but if not, you will have to delete them. You can try to find out what mods the profile used to have in a few ways: - Your save file keeps track of the mods you were using. Loading it while missing mods will produce a warning message and messages in the game's log files. - Mod manager log files may mention the names of mods you were downloading -# Rule logic: -# Responding to failedtoinitializeprofiles triggered by @Nafariques
NafariquesOP4w ago
sorry it took so long to reply, i was busy with work and homework i didnt have time
McCovican4w ago
No rush. However, those logs aren't showing us anything new unfortunately. Could you send %appdata%\ficsit\profiles.json as well please, per the bot's message.
NafariquesOP3w ago
when i open it through notes there nothing there nothing typed out onto the note pad
NafariquesOP3w ago
No description
Mircea3w ago
Yeah, delete that file
NafariquesOP3w ago
it would seem that was the issue im not sure how it ended up like that, but now the mod manager works perfectly fine thank you everyone for your help!
McCovican3w ago
Was... was that not the first thing I asked you to try?

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