Crashing within a couple minutes of playing

Mod Name Mod Reference Version Advanced HUD AdvancedHUD 1.0.11 Better Geothermal Generators BetterGeothermal 1.0.3 Collectibles Indicator CollectiblesIndicator 1.0.9 Early and Cheap Portals EarlyAndCheapPortals 1.0.1 EquipmentMk2 EquipmentMk2 1.0.6 Extra Milestones FicsitProductionChains 1.0.10 Five More Hand Slots NewHandSlot 1.0.1 Fluid AWESOME Sink Redux FluidResourceSinkRedux 1.0.6 Hyper Boosters HyperBoosters 3.1.0 Infinite Splines InfiniteSpline 1.4.0 Infinite Zoop InfiniteZoop 1.8.15 Instant Craft Bench - CL InstantCraftBench 1.0.6 Stats Graph Timeline StatsGraph 1.0.3 Swift Swimming Th3SwiftSwim 1.1.0 Taj's Graphical Overhaul TajsGraph 1.0.3 Tap All Nodes Challenge TapAllNodesChallenge 1.0.1 Throughput Counter and Limiter CounterLimiter 1.2.14
No description
Infinite Splines Installed
AFGConveyorChainActor in Crash
= You probably have a conveyor somewhere that's too long and is breaking things...
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7 Replies
AngryBeaver5mo ago
Infinite Splines Installed
AFGConveyorChainActor in Crash
= You probably have a conveyor somewhere that's too long and is breaking things
RachyRedOP5mo ago
Anyway to hunt that down which it could be?
AngryBeaver5mo ago
Delete half your map and see if it crashes? repeat with smaller halves or swapping sides till you find it
RachyRedOP5mo ago
Could it be a Pipe as well, I don't think i recently built any long conveyors, but did build some long pipes like 15-20 minutes before the issue started
AngryBeaver5mo ago
Not with the Conveyor class in the crash log. Pipes use an entirely different set of classes
RachyRedOP5mo ago
ok, cool, i'll go hunting for it thanks
RachyRedOP5mo ago
It turned out it was a conveyor in a blueprint, related to this patch item apparently, it crashed any time the conveyor got used, connected or dismantled "Fixed crashes related to dismantling some parts of a Blueprint, mostly affecting Conveyor Belts, Pipelines and Railways"

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