Stackable machines bug

Infinite machine building bug... - get the materials for free without destroying the machine You can see it on the video
5 Replies
ToustCZOP5mo ago
@Andre Aquila <Aquila Industrial>
AndreAquila5mo ago
OMG!! It should dismantle machine too!! Thanks for reporting Toust!! I will fix it asap!
ToustCZOP5mo ago
Also when it comes to Logistical hubs... Is there a way for the hubs to send/recieve more than 1 item and is there a way to change the recieved item without dismantling and rebuilding the machine?
ToustCZOP5mo ago
@Andre Aquila <Aquila Industrial>
SlayerQc5mo ago
While looking at Stackable Machine mod, could you make it easier to target the machine itself (as it shift between the stacking pole and the machine, very quickly) and also fix Flow direction indicator arrows not showing up when placing?

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