Build Effect making Decal Material DefaultMaterial

Problem Building effect appears on the main material index [0] but not the decals [1] or subsequent Indexes
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3 Replies
Robb3w ago
does the same problem happen to the counter building that the docs teach how to make? I'm not sure offhand, but I know it uses the decal layer
AngryBeaver3w ago
Maybe you just need to reorganize the material spots on your mesh. Is the Factory Array/Baked in the first slot?
PhenakistOP3w ago
Hey thanks for the answers, sorry busy week this week! No it doesn't with the counter building. The weird thing is it has and hasn't done it with my previous versions but is seemingly random at when it will happen. I had a working version of this at one point, then it just stopped. One example I can give is that I had once packaged using alfakit, which booted into the game. it did the default material bug. I closed the game, re opened it, the bug was no longer there; without repackaging or changing the project. it's a possible fix, currently I have the main material as index 0 and decals as 1
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