MPSync not syncing between Players

Hi @Mattigins, me and two friends wanted to try your awesome Mod to be able to continue on the Save if the normal Host isn't Online. But it doesn't Work. As Far as we can tell it saves and uploads correctly into the Cloud (showing in the Hosts Game Client and Dashboard) but it does'nt enable the Acces for the other Players. Do we need to do anything else to Sync? The Main Host uses Steam, my second friend uses Steam too and im using Epic. It doesnt show up for either me or my friend on Steam. I also tried Hosting a different Save a few minutes ago with my second friend joining, but he can't see that Save on his Game client either. Thanks for your help in advance and also thank you for creating that Mod.
I've just implemented a change server side which should fix an issue with associating steam accounts with epic friend ids. I manually input your data in to the new system and can confirm it fixes your issue.
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37 Replies
Mattigins5mo ago
Can you usually join this friends game without the mod? Sounds like maybe mpsync isn't seeing them on your friends list. Could you please go to the mpsync menu, exit the game and send me the log from SMM? >debug
FICSIT-Fred5mo ago
We need more information to help you. Before launching the game again, open the Mod Manager and use the "Generate debug info" option, then send the zip file produced in #help-using-mods. This ensures that your help request won't get buried and forgotten in other, non-help channels! If you need to access older log files, see
MerlinGrisuOP5mo ago
Yeah we can Join without problem via the Game both ways.
FICSIT-Fred5mo ago
SMM Version: 3.0.3
SML Version: 3.8.0
Installed Mods: 2
Game: WindowsClient CL 372858 from Epic Games
Path: `g:\Epic Games\Satisfactory`
Command Line: cmd /C start com.epicgames.launcher://apps/CrabEA?action=launch&silent=true -epicapp=CrabEA -epicenv=Prod -EpicPortal -epicusername=MerlinGrisu -epicuserid=712aea66c9964e5f8a8b3061350a5499 -epiclocale=de -epicsandboxid=crab
SMM Version: 3.0.3
SML Version: 3.8.0
Installed Mods: 2
Game: WindowsClient CL 372858 from Epic Games
Path: `g:\Epic Games\Satisfactory`
Command Line: cmd /C start com.epicgames.launcher://apps/CrabEA?action=launch&silent=true -epicapp=CrabEA -epicenv=Prod -EpicPortal -epicusername=MerlinGrisu -epicuserid=712aea66c9964e5f8a8b3061350a5499 -epiclocale=de -epicsandboxid=crab
-# Responding to Key Details for triggered by @MerlinGrisu
Mattigins5mo ago
I only see epic friends on that list
MerlinGrisuOP5mo ago
That maybe, because my friends logged into Epic inside the Game. I think that was necessary to be able to join each other cross platform.
Mattigins5mo ago
What is your friends epic account name?
MerlinGrisuOP5mo ago
Friend 1 (Host): Téssera Friend 2: FXRacer33
Mattigins5mo ago
ah yes i see them both on your games list I don't see any MPSync account linked to Téssera
MerlinGrisuOP5mo ago
Hmm okay, so he should create a username and password on the web interface then ?
Mattigins5mo ago
It should auto make an account when the mod runs. it's just i can't find that epic id from your friends list linked to any account
MerlinGrisuOP5mo ago
Weird, because the ingame notifications about syncing where coming in when we played. (while he hosted) He could try to uninstall and install the mod again.
Mattigins5mo ago
I suspect there is an account. just not linked to that epic account for some reason what was the world called that you were playing on? Ah i don't think it'd link the epic ID to an account unless they went to the MPSync menu. I think that might be what happened. No problem. if i can find their world i will manually link it
MerlinGrisuOP5mo ago
I don't know the Name of our main world, i will ask him. Could take a while though because he is working. But when i tested hosting myself with the second friend yesterday it was called "Fabian Test" and wasn't synced either.
Mattigins5mo ago
I saw that in your logs. looks like it shows up for you?
MerlinGrisuOP5mo ago
Yes it does. But not for my friend.
Mattigins5mo ago
MerlinGrisuOP5mo ago
Mattigins5mo ago
I've linked your steam ID to your account so it should show up for him now. Not sure why his friend list is only Steam friends. Does he have epic linked?
MerlinGrisuOP5mo ago
Thank you. Yeah he is logged in ingame and in Epic itself it also shows his Steam account.
Mattigins5mo ago
I'd need to see his logs to figure that one out. but it should work for you 2 now I think i found the world from your other friend there's no account associated with it. Tell them to visit the MPSync menu first and then it should make the account etc. I'll fix that bug
MerlinGrisuOP5mo ago
Okay thank you verry much. I will tell him and then we try again. I will also send you both their logs for good measure. But i cant promise that i "see" them on discord today, so it may take a while.
Mattigins5mo ago
No problem. Hopefully everything works for you
MerlinGrisuOP5mo ago
Thank you, have a great day!
Mattigins5mo ago
You too
MerlinGrisuOP5mo ago
So my Friend Tessera has gone to MPSync in the Game and launched a Game from there. Now he should have an Account, but i still cant see the save. It should just be namend something like "name". Also here is his Log:
FICSIT-Fred5mo ago
SMM Version: 3.0.3
SML Version: 3.8.0
Installed Mods: 2
Game: WindowsClient CL 372858 from steam
Path: `e:\Spiele\Steam\steamapps\common\Satisfactory`
Command Line: cmd /C start steam://rungameid/526870-NO_EOS_OVERLAY
SMM Version: 3.0.3
SML Version: 3.8.0
Installed Mods: 2
Game: WindowsClient CL 372858 from steam
Path: `e:\Spiele\Steam\steamapps\common\Satisfactory`
Command Line: cmd /C start steam://rungameid/526870-NO_EOS_OVERLAY
-# Responding to Key Details for triggered by @MerlinGrisu
Mattigins5mo ago
He does indeed have an account now and i can see the "Name" save. Nothing is jumping out at me in the log. and everything looks like it should be working. I will keep looking
Mattigins5mo ago
I've just implemented a change server side which should fix an issue with associating steam accounts with epic friend ids. I manually input your data in to the new system and can confirm it fixes your issue.
Mattigins5mo ago
fingers crossed i didn't break it for other people 😬
MerlinGrisuOP5mo ago
Just checked and i now can see and start the Save. Thank you verry much for your time and Help. And i also hope its not broken for other people now😅
Mattigins5mo ago
That is great news! Please let me know if you or your friends have any more issues
MerlinGrisuOP5mo ago
Will do!
Mattigins5mo ago
I just had a look. All the database is gone. Seems it was hacked. 😢
MerlinGrisuOP5mo ago
Oh no :/ Just saw that my account was gone. Why would anyone do that
Mattigins5mo ago
Usually just to prove they can. I'll have it restored soon but I promised my daughter I'd watch a movie with her so can't do it right now
MerlinGrisuOP5mo ago
No worries! Go get some quality time with your family :)

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