Animation Help

So I made this entire crucible building in blender. After a bunch of research and animating this thing three different ways five different times... I finally got it into UE. I landed on, one armature, with 11 bones. 1 for the sliding car, 1 for the vertical motion, one for the crucible. 2 for the front and 2 for the back chains. 2 for a bezle curve for the front chain and 2 for a bezle curve for the back chain. The chains themselves are made with array modifiers which change the length based on the length of the curve, which has its endpoints hooked to two bones. Works fine in blender... but apparently that modifier doesn't count as part of the fbx. So... my question is... how on earth can I clip/shorten these chains as the crucible rises?
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2 Replies
MrWolfOP4mo ago
For the moment, I've broken the chain down into 6 vector groups, and 6 bones, as each bone sticks up through the top, I squish it... which... works... I guess. But there must be a better way. Hope someone more experienced has some insight
Robb4mo ago
I am not an animator, but if you can't change the length of the chains, it really sounds like squishing it or folding it inside the model out of view is the way to go. does the animator allow hiding bones? you could use it to hide portions of the chain once they go out of view? I'll end it at that because this is not something I know the right way to do

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