"2 installs found"

is it on my side? registry edit time? path difference seem to be case sensitivity didnt find case difference in registry when searching for full path log says game isnt at the path but it is
creating post cause answer overflow says "messages not public" obviously i have joined the server since i'm posting this in the server
uninstall smm2 first from add/remove programs or the uninstaller, then download smm3 and install
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9 Replies
FICSIT-Fred5mo ago
This is an issue with versions of SMM that weren't updated for 1.0. Please update SMM, and it will work again! -# Responding to smmsteam1.0 triggered by @Pro3Display
Pro3DisplayOP5mo ago
ok then how to update if the error doesnt allow for interaction with smm? literally cant press update button cause the error is in the way
Robb5mo ago
it should have auto updated itself when you opened it, but clearly something is going wrong https://smm.ficsit.app ^ this will download the latest installer
Pro3DisplayOP5mo ago
i dont remember but is there an option to disable automatic update? maybe that can be a blocker?
Robb5mo ago
possibly, not sure, smm2 codebase is very old now and I haven't worked on it
Lynkfox5mo ago
uninstall smm2 first from add/remove programs or the uninstaller, then download smm3 and install
Pro3DisplayOP5mo ago
huh, thats weird after the update i opened smm at least half a dozen times and nothing happened but this time when i closed it v3 opened only difference being is that i had it opened for like 10-15 minutes i have 100mbit up down so it shouldnt be a download speed issue
Lynkfox5mo ago
Mircea5mo ago
Download the latest version from https://smm.ficsit.app Ok wtf discord It's the second time when I open a thread and messages only load after I send a message

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