Extra Millestones or FPC_dependency hidding the shortcut menu + Another bug found
Hey there ! First time installing mods on satisfactory. I'm planning to play with few friends a little modpack made of 34 mods.
I found out after a few tests that the mod Extra Millestones or FPC dependency from @Andre Aquila <Aquila Industrial> is hidding the shortcut menu (Bottom right of the screen). I just can't manage to make it appear again :(
EDIT: Deleted my last post since I found another bug avoiding 2 posts on the same mod within 30 minutes.
Testing some mods features on a fresh save (mulitplayer allowed)- Cheat activated to test features.
I found out that Scanner is not able to ping ores from Extra Millestones (Titanium & Nickel)
Edit 2: My friend joining my game with the exact same mods have the shortcut menu BUT Whenever he uses the Scanner he get's a strange graphic bug (will post picture in comments)
Edit 3: Scanner bug Fixed: Was due to "High' Post-Treatment quality (If value of post-treatment is bellow "Ultra", the bug will occur)
Hope someone have a fix !
Wishing you all a great day ! Thank you for answers already.
3 Replies
- Mod List:
Mod Name Mod Reference Version
Advanced Personal Storage AdvancedPersonalStorage 1.0.8
AntiRadiation Box forTransport BoxedUranium 2.0.7
Big Storage Tank and MegaPump BigStorageTank 2.0.9
Cartograph Cartograph 0.7.3
Conveyor Wall Hole WallHoleConveyor 2.0.10
DI More Glass and Stuff (QOL) DI_MoreGlassAndWalls 3.9.9
Digital Storage DigitalStorage 1.2.9
Doggo Notifications DoggoNotification 1.0.0
Doggo Transportation DoggoTransportation 1.0.3
Extra Milestones FicsitProductionChains 1.0.13
Ficsit Farming FicsitFarming 4.2.29
FICSIT World Radar FicsitWorldRadar 1.0.0
Fluid AWESOME Sink Redux FluidResourceSinkRedux 1.0.8
GameTime GameTime 1.0.13
Gateways Extension GatewaysExtension 1.3.1
Infinite Zoop InfiniteZoop 1.8.18
MkPlus MkPlusIso 1.0.7
Modular Load Balancers LoadBalancers 1.14.0
Refined Power RefinedPower 4.0.32
Small Awesome Sink SmallAwesomeSink 1.0.11
Twitch Integration StreamRoller 1.0.5
Vanilla Green House VanillaGreenHouse 1.4.7
Weapon Upgrades WeaponUpgrades 1.6.2
X3-Roads x3_roads 1.4.1
X3-Signs V2 x3_signs 2.0.17
Scanner Graphic bug ( Last only few seconds )
this is a base game graphics driver bug