been getting this for every mod I install this is just one of the plugins that wont work
I have checked the raq and havnt seen anything about this I dont believe and nobody else seems to have this problem in the threads sorry I am new to modding

Solution:Jump to solution
Make sure you updated the game before launching SMM. If your game is up to date, you have both U8 and 1.0 installed in the same folder at once, and SMM is detecting the U8 version.
To fix this, uninstall the game, delete the game install dir if it still exists (this is NOT the AppData folder, but the location where you installed the game), then reinstall the game, and reopen SMM.
If reinstalling the game takes too long for you, a quicker fix is to delete the
<game install dir>\Engine\Binaries\Win64\FactoryGame-Win64-Shipping.version
file, though this is not meant to be a permanent solution, as having the game installed twice in the same directory can cause issues later....62 Replies
that mod has not been updated for 1.0 yet, you should uninstall any mods that the mod manager says are "broken"
>mod Counter Limiter
Fred Mod Search™
Throughput Counter and Limiter
Belt attachment that displays the actual item throughput per minute. Can optionally limit the IPM.
EA: :no_entry_sign:
Note: Broken by 1.0
EXP: :no_entry_sign:
Note: Broken by 1.0
Last Updated <t:1708444546:R>
Created by SirDigby
If this isn't the mod you were looking for, try a different spelling.
oh ok thanks for letting me know
it had a grey name tag so I believed it to be updated thank you for clarifying
can you send a screenshot of it being grey?
I am not sure which portion of the UI you are talking about since it should have been red
well the counter limiter came with this mod I believe

it said it required it to work
it shouldn't have because it's an optional mod and SMM is supposed to ignore those
i also have this problem but the mod dosnt show up in the manager?
if you had that mod in the past it did require it but the most recent one doesn't
oh ok
do you have the exact same message as here or different
same message different mod

differnet issue then, please send a debug log in a new post
We need more information to help you. Before launching the game again, open the Mod Manager and use the "Generate debug info" option, then send the zip file produced in this channel.
If you need to access older log files, see
this is how you make a debug log
does SMM allow you to uninstall counter limiter now?
this is my installed page no counter limiter

but I still get the same message when I boot the game up
can you change filtering mode to Enabled?
how do I do that?

oh thanks

it appears to be linked somehow
oh and yes the counter is red
the name is covered up sorry
interesting, what happens if you uninstall the mk7 mod then install it again?
I will try that
the extact same thing it seems when I download the m7 convyor it forces the thoughput counter to download as well
and I cant uninstall the counter because the mod loader wont let me
because its a dependable of the m7
interesting, I will push a version that doesn't need it, but there is a mod manager bug causing this
thanks for your help
hmm, when I install it myself it correctly skips counter limiter

can you try making a new profile with just belt mk7?
I think my satisfactory mod loader is out of date because it keeps giving me this when I try any mod now

not sure how to fix this
but I think its on my end not yours
We need more information to help you. Before launching the game again, open the Mod Manager and use the "Generate debug info" option, then send the zip file produced in this channel.
If you need to access older log files, see
Most likely you've installed an incompatible mod, which is forcing SML to be on the wrong version
that's why I suggested making a totally new profile in the mod manager

ok gotcha I will do that
made a new profile but it still keeps downloading the mods as dependency

We need more information to help you. Before launching the game again, open the Mod Manager and use the "Generate debug info" option, then send the zip file produced in this channel.
If you need to access older log files, see
sorry give me a minute I will get the debug info to you
this the thing you need?
Automated responses for nernman444 (556647963280015361)
Key Details for
Incompatible mods found!
Throughput Counter and Limiter: Broken by 1.0
Please attempt to remove/disable these mods so that they no longer force the old SML to be used (this is why your mods don't load).
Outdated mods found!
Conveyor Belt Mk7* can be updated to
Satisfactory Mod Loader can be updated to 3.8.0
Update these mods, there may be fixes for your issue in doing so.ah I figured but how do i update the mod loader?
Your detected game version is wrong
The bot should have reacted to it, but
Make sure you updated the game before launching SMM. If your game is up to date, you have both U8 and 1.0 installed in the same folder at once, and SMM is detecting the U8 version.
To fix this, uninstall the game, delete the game install dir if it still exists (this is NOT the AppData folder, but the location where you installed the game), then reinstall the game, and reopen SMM.
If reinstalling the game takes too long for you, a quicker fix is to delete the
<game install dir>\Engine\Binaries\Win64\FactoryGame-Win64-Shipping.version
file, though this is not meant to be a permanent solution, as having the game installed twice in the same directory can cause issues later.ok so I should uninstall and reinstall is that what I should do
And fully delete the game install dir, yes, because steam will only remove the files it knows about
ok gotcha
And turns out that this is also the reason why the Counter and Limiter mod gets installed, because of the game version an older version of belt Mk7 is installed, which required Counter and Limiter
ah I see
I think I understand it must have something to do with how I got the old version of the game running on my pc when mods didnt work
Yeah, we didn't expect this to happen
not an issue thanks for the help tho
Or pause. In the event of them being updated, you just update and unpause
good point, I think paused mods might still affect profiles though, not sure
It also removes unused dependencies, AFAIK
I myself don't do that, I just mark the ones I want as favorite, and check wich art ok to install or not